Sunday, May 30, 2010


Has anyone else ever wondered if bugs can have deformities?

Yeah, I totally voiced that thought out loud to my mom today. Just a random thought.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Some things are best left unsaid, and by "some things", I mean "little white lies".

I actually have no idea why I'm writing this. It just popped into my head. I felt like writing about something that bothers me, so here it is.

Do not, for the love of all that is great in this world, go with the flow on Every. Little. Thing. I am dead serious. There are some people in this world who will agree with ANYTHING you say, just to make them look better or to help them gain your friendship. Let me show you what I mean.

There are two people to our story, and they are Honest Abe and Kiss Up. Honest Abe tries to always be honest in his opinions on things. Kiss Up likes to go with whatever seems to be the right thing to say.

H.A.: You know, I think I really like that cup.
K.U.: Oh, me too! I love it! I wish I had it!

(two days later)

H.A.: Man, I don't know what I ever saw in that cup.
K.U.: Oh my goodness, I HATE that cup! I'd throw it away if I were you. I've always thought it was ugly.

Having your own opinion of something isn't a bad thing. If anything, it would be a great thing if you didn't go with the flow, just so you and the other person could have something to discuss. I don't know. This is just me thinking while I'm half asleep. Forgive.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Peeanner.

"You are the moonlight of my life..." I can't get those song lyrics out of my head! They sound so sweet and romantic. Wow. Anyways, moving on to what I was meaning to write about.

PIANO RECITAL! Anyone remember me talking about that? If so, good for you! If not, boo on you. Just kidding. I don't care either way. This was a test, people! Phew, I'm having some major ADHD issues right now. Ok, FOCUS! Not you focus. Me focus. Gah! I blame my low attention span on this wonderful new Green Day song I've discovered. Alright, it's over. Let's try this again, shall we?

Piano recital. It was everything I thought it would be and more(in a good way, thank goodness). You know, I thought I was doing really well, because I had went almost the whole day without even thinking about me possibly failing horribly. That is, until around 6:40-ish. That's when the nerves kicked in. It didn't help that all the other piano students were nervous as well. Whenever our piano teacher came downstairs and had us all say a little prayer before going upstairs to preform, I calmed down a little bit, but not much. I mostly just felt assured that it wouldn't be the end of the world if I were to mess up. Still didn't want to, but if it happened, no big deal.

As we walked up the stairs to the sanctuary, I asked my friend(who just so happened to be playing a duet with me) how many times she'd been at the recital. Her reply was something like, "3 times, and every single time I get sooo nervous." Well, it was nice to hear that such a talented pianist as herself could still get nervous. We turned the corner, and that's when I saw the crowd.

The church was packed. From my quick glance, I didn't see not one seat available. Thank God that piano wasn't facing towards the crowd, or else I think I seriously might have had a heart attack. There was so much going on, and so many people watching and recording. Even our teacher was nervous, though she wasn't as forthcoming about it.

After she gave an introduction, her students began to play. One by one, a student would walk up to the piano and play a song. Some were small, some were lengthy. Some students went through the song with only a few missed notes, while others missed more than they should have. As my turn approached faster and faster, I couldn't hardly think straight. My sight was getting fuzzy, I felt my face getting hot, my foot was tapping, and I couldn't keep my hands still. All in all, those were the most torturous 30 minutes of my life.

When it was finally my turn to play, I got up, hoping that I wouldn't trip over someones feet(mainly my own). I set my books up, took a deep breath, reminded myself to keep my timing, and started to play my solo. The song was just a short piece, but I played it without any mistakes at all, and my timing wasn't too shabby either. My victory was short lived though, because as soon as I completed that song, I had to play mine and Ellen's duet.

Our duet had been giving us some minor problems, the main one being that we just never had that much time to practice our parts together. We played the song downstairs before the recital, and we declared it "passing". I don't think either of us expected it to go super well. That's why it was such a surprise when we were both up there, in front of goodness knows how many people, and we nailed it! Neither of us missed a beat, our timing was fantastic, and we both remember to play them with different touches(me playing harder and louder, Ellen playing softer). When we each hit our last notes, we both got very giddy and excited, just because it was such a relief to have done so much better than expected.

I went to sit back down, and I was able to watch Ellen's solo and her duet with our piano teacher without any worries. She did a magnificent job! I'd love to be able to play like her some day. She's really great at it.

And that's how my experience of recital went! Good job to all the other piano students and thanks to Mrs Reba, our teacher!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pretty Much A Fantastical Evening

So today started out quite blah-ish. I was in the sort of mood where I try my best to act normal but I can't, and everything was bothering me and not working out. Gah, I hate that! Anyways, I got in a better mood once I ate some Peeps and went downstairs to watch a movie with my mom and brother.

After the movie, I got on IM and started talking to my 2 best friends. Not only did Kirstin make me laugh(so hard that I almost choked on the hot dog I was eating at one point), but Ryan started my very own Facebook status chain. My name is now in about 18 statuses. To all of those who don't know me very well, I'm easily pleased, and starting something like that was DEFINATELY my cup of tea. Ryan, you rock. Majorly. As does everyone else who put my name in their status!

Once I bid my friends farewell and finished off the rest of my cake and ice cream(ICE CREAM!), I went downstairs again to watch Little Shop of Horrors, an episode of Lie To Me, and an episode of My Name Is Earl with Mom!

Ending with a good sized glass of Sunny D and a little night time reading, this day turned out to be "da bomb diggity". Thanks everyone! =]

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Some Handy Life Tips

It is impossible to get anything accomplished when you have a super cute distraction following you around("super cute distraction" being a kitten). You might as well give in and cuddle with the distraction.

Never underestimate the power of sleeping 5 more minutes.

Sometimes you'll find mysterious bruises on your arms and/or legs. Don't even try to wonder how you got them. You'll waste away trying to figure it out.

Never say, "Life is like a box of chocolates" because it isn't. Life isn't made from cocoa beans, it doesn't have a creamy filling, and it isn't something that can be eaten.

Always listen to Michael Scott. Always.

When planning a trip to India, be sure to pack toilet paper.

Don't ever try to change your looks in order to impress someone of the opposite gender. You'll only end up getting a) embarrassed. b) insulted. c) totally unnoticed. or d) all of the above.

Chuck Norris jokes are so last week. The new cool thing is to insert your own name in Chuck Norris's spot. "(insert name) is so fast, she can run around the world and smack herself on the back of her head."

Never insult a charging rhinoceros.

If the Sonic waitress asks how you're doing today, tell them the truth and go into detail if it's been a bad day. Finish by thanking them for bringing it up. The expression on their face will make it all better.

Don't pull a "Julian Smith" and make fun of someone until you are ABSOLUTELY SURE THEY ARE STILL ALIVE.

There's no need to act like being a stalker is a bad thing. If you signed up for Facebook, you signed up to be a pro stalker.

When you're at an "all you can eat" buffet, eat all the soft serve ice cream you can.

If you follow any of this advice, you are an awesome person.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Stupidman/Fatman Vs The Bestest Heroes

There's nothing quite like a superhero with a sense of humor. Really, it confuses me as to why people would even consider thinking Superman and Batman are so great when you have funny guys like Spiderman and Ironman(which, by the way, what's up with their totally obvious and terribly un-unique names?). If we were to put them in a battle against each other, I could guarantee SM and IM would win. Don't believe me? I'll prove it.


Though these two heroes have much in common(secret identities, they're huge nerds, both in love with girls who don't notice them until they decide to save the girls, etc.), compared to Spiderman, Superman is super lame. I mean really, let's be logical here. Superman has x ray vision, which I'm sure comes in handy almost never. He has a cape, which is so old school. He's much too nice for his own good, and don't even get me started on that stupid trademark curl of his. Spiderman has got so much more going for him than Superman does! He's much more realistic, proven by his normal human desires towards the dark Spiderman suit. Peter Parker is a much more lovable nerd than Clark Kent ever was. His spidey sense are basically amazing, and the guy's jumpsuit is a lot more practical, plus it doesn't look as though he's wearing underwear over top of his tights.


This is such a no-brainer. It's Ironman, people! Whereas Batman is moody and dramatic beyond belief, Ironman is witty and totally carefree. While Batman sits in his cave, thinking every little thing through, Ironman is out on the crime scene, making things up as he goes along. Some may call that impulsive, but I call it resourceful. Even though they're both loaded with cash, Bruce Wayne tends to spend his money on dark and gloomy things, further proving his emo-ness to the world. Tony Starks, on the other hand, seems to buy things according to his needs at the moment. And what does he usually need? Fun! We'll not even discuss their choice of costumes, though let me say this: Bat ears? Really?
Case closed.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lights, Camera, ACTION!

Sometimes I think that I was made for the movie-making life. Sometimes while I'm listening to a song, I'll come up with a complete movie scene that would be perfect for the song to go with. I'll see the people, the situation, the drama, the feeling, everything! It's pretty sweet, really.

Then other times, I'll be laying in my bed, when I'll come up with a whole movie idea. I'll have the plot all planned out, my characters described, and the location set. All I need next is the cast, crew, and equipment. There are even some moments when I'll go through a complete dialog with myself in my head. I wonder, does that count as crazy, or simply imaginative?

It's awesome what all goes into making a film! All the jobs, all the dates, all the's just amazing! I think most people take movie magic for granted. I've always thought it was incredibly interesting. Call me a nerd, but I try to watch all of the special features on DVDs that I can, no matter how good the movie was. I just love watching what all goes on behind the scenes. People give so much credit to the actors and sometimes the directors, but what about everyone else who spent months, sometimes years, working on the film? Each and every one of them had something to do with making it, and that's why I actually enjoy reading the credits. I figure that if I were doing their job, I'd want someone to take notice.

My absolute favorite part of movies? The make-up and costumes. I really and truly can't get enough of it. If I watch a movie that had some really neat looking costumes or prosthetics, I HAVE to watch how they made it. If I think I'd be good at it, I'd love to go into that sort of thing.

Just thought I'd share that. =]

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"You are 17, going on 18" O_O

While Mother and I were fixing watching a movie last night, Mom said something about me being old. It wasn't until I replied something like, "18 is almost 20." that I fully realized how old I actually am.

I'll be 18 this year. That's an adult. As in, no longer a kid. Who thought up 18 being the legal age, anyways? Why not 20? It makes more sense to me to let the coming of a new decade be the coming of your new status. AGE 19: Me the teen. AGE 20: Me the adult. Yep, I like that much better.

Turning 18 is really going to suck in some aspects. There's quite a bit that I won't be able to do once I turn 18! For starters, I won't be able to play anymore soccer. At least, not on a rec league team. I won't feel quite as special watching a rated R movie because I'll know that I'm legally allowed to without a parent(though I wouldn't without mom. Just throwing that in there). I'll never again be able to wonder what it'd be like to be 18. I'll watch 17 Again in a whole new light. Yep, it could get to be very upsetting.

But then, think of all the good things! I'll be an adult. I'll feel older, even if I won't act like it. I'll be a senior. Me and my other newly 18 year old friends will be able to gloat about making it to adulthood. I can possibly use my age to make my brothers listen to me("I'm the adult! Do as I say!"). I could vote, were there any elections going on. I'm sure there's plenty of other things, I just can't think of any right this moment.

I shall enjoy this last year of childhood as much as I possibly can! I need to do all sorts of reckless things while I still can! Kidding, people. Just kidding. ;]

I now know what it would be like if I were to play soccer in Wonderland

Last night at practice, me and another girl rammed into each other head on. She fell right on her butt, and I was wiped out flat on my back, my glasses thrown from my face. As I lay there, trying to get my wits about me, the other girl pulls my glasses from out of nowhere and hands them to me. I'll admit, I rolled my eyes when I seen them. They were just so ridiculous looking! The only way I could have been able to wear them is if my left ear were up 4 inches higher than my right. To make matters worse? We were scrimmaging. I declared the mangled glasses useless, ran them over to my dad, then headed back out to the field.

Big mistake number 1: I ran back out to the field.

Big mistake number 2: I thought I could see well enough to do so.

Really, unless you have poor eyesight and glasses such as myself, you can't really imagine how it looked and felt without glasses. The ground seemed to be higher up, everything was hazy, I couldn't tell who was who, I was getting more and more dizzy and pukey by the second, and I had one girl laughing at me, not to mention another guy telling me what to do like I was a noob. Little tidbit of advice; Don't get onto me when I'm feeling handicapped, and sure as heck don't laugh. Doing so will ruin my mood further and probably make me mad at you.

After practice and a car ride home, I showed Mom my glasses. Mom, being the totally awesome mom that she is, bent them almost back to where they needed to be, and I was able to wear them again. She rocks!

And so, here I sit, my glasses sitting crookedly upon my nose, my eyelashes brushing one lens because it's still in a funny angle. I'm going to the optometrist today so they can straighten out my glasses fully, and so my mom can make me an appointment for CONTACTS. Whoa.

(and yes, I wrote this because I felt like complaining just a little bit.)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Mwah's thoughts on.....mwah.

I think that I've recently underwent a personality change. Nothing major, just a few of my previous habits have changed. For instance, I don't mind being in pictures so much now, as long as I'm not the only one in the picture and I approve of it.

Another thing would be that I'm no longer hiding "something". I mean, I was never hiding it before, but if the right person were to ask the right question, I would answer in complete honesty. Which I always do. But hopefully you get what I'm saying. If not, I'm afraid I can't explain it any better than that!

I think I act weirder than I used to. I'll let you be the judge of whether or not that's a good thing.

I've started wondering if some people think I'm mean. I'm not really. Or at least, I try not to be. Really. I may be a bit rough around the edges perhaps, and I might appear to be standoffish at times, but I really and truly don't mean to be. I try to be nice to everyone.

It's my personal opinion that I believe I have become more creative. I think I get ideas much easier than I used to. This is good!

I am NOT a self-absorbed person, but when I talk to certain people(cough cough Rhino...), I feel like I am. It's always me me me. Ugh. I don't like talking about me. I'm boring. I never know what to say about myself. Thus creating random blab attacks about really odd things.

Anyways, those were some thoughts I've been thinking as of late. Enjoy! Or don't. I don't care. ;P

Random Thoughts Regarding A Few Of My Hobbies

So, my photography lately has been going amazingly! I've gotten loads of requests to take senior pictures, I recently did a prom photo shoot for some friends, and I'm currently in the process of putting together ideas for a pregnancy photo shoot. Oh, and I might have maybe gotten a job offer from a photographer. ;]

Next project in photography that I'd like to try: Take some neat shots of people in motion, such as people flipping, jumping, diving, running, etc. Maybe try to do some silhouettes of those, also.

I have a random video of me and a friend hanging out at her house, talking and being dumb, when I suddenly faze out, then say I have a video idea. It's interesting, because I now know what I look like when I get an idea. Kind of funny, actually.