Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Promises = Truth

Something that means a lot to me: Promises.

Maybe I'm just old fashioned for thinking that one word actually means something quite important, but oh well. To me, promises are a big deal. That's the one word that can guarantee to me that you mean what you say. "I promise" is a lot like the signature on an important contract. Once you say it, you are making a commitment to keep your word. I never use the word carelessly. If I don't think I can follow through with or fully mean what I said, I won't say it. It's just that simple.

That's why it bothers me so much whenever people say they promise something, then completely throw that away. They act like it's nothing! And maybe it IS nothing. Maybe I'm taking it too seriously. I really don't think I am though.

I'd rather hear the promiser say that they can't or won't do or say something. That's better than trusting them, then them going around doing the complete OPPOSITE of what they promised. It really, really bites.

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