Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Peak Inside

Ok, so this blog is just going to be a mess of unorganized thoughts and facts.

Long fingernails are sooo not worth the trouble. They effect your typing, piano playing, eating, scratching, cleaning, EVERYTHING. The only thing they're good for is making your fingers appear to be longer, but really, when you have fingers like mine, that's the last thing you want.

I can play Polovetzian Dance No. 17 on piano! Well, the right hand part, anyways. It's quite a sad tune, really. It's kind of slow and mysterious sounding.

When your nose is stopped up, you can't breathe. Just saying.

Typing out the word "breathe" reminded me of the wonderful Taylor Swift song by the same name. It's amazing, though the piano version of Forever and Always is better(if that's even possible).

I just coughed. I hate coughing. At least it's almost gone.

I miss my friends!

I absolutely positively cannot WAIT for soccer to start back up!

And there you are. I've wrote some of what's on my mind, and now you are no doubt drooling with boredom. Sorry!

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