Monday, January 4, 2010


I need a job! Instead of sitting around on my butt all day, I could be working and getting paid and meeting all sorts of new people. My friend Tonya has the right idea. She's had a job for almost a year now and she's loaded, has her own car, and isn't ever wrapped up in any stupid drama. That's pretty awesome, I think! Oh, how I love money and working. I really do enjoy working. I love the feeling of accomplishment! It makes me feel like I've done something worth while. This sounds kind of greedy for a kid who wants a job really bad BUT....I wish I could get a job taking pictures for someone. Maybe for a newspaper or helping someone with their advertisement. Maybe I could get a job taking pictures for people once I get my own car and license, but in order to get a car, I have to have a job. It's not like I haven't tried to get a job, because I have! I've applied to quite a few places, actually. It's just that no one is hiring or they pick the adults over the kids. Bah, I just need to try harder, I suppose.

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