Monday, September 27, 2010

Random Thoughts...

Man, I feel so talkative right now! I don't know why, though. I've sort of been talking all day long. Maybe it's a new me? I hope not. I just got used to the old me. Anyways...

Life is so amazing right now! I mean, besides the obvious of having a super terrific boyfriend/best friend, there's been so many little things that have made the past few months really great. One instance is that soccer is a BLAST. I love it! I also recently went to a community college a few towns away to ask about nursing classes. Turns out I can start taking them this next September if I want to. Awesome! There's also the matter of getting more serious about growing up, which is scary and a bit sad, but it's also exciting, so therefore good. I'm also really glad that I'll have friends going through all the same things I will. It makes it a lot easier to deal with.

Other than life, not much is new. I'm getting closer and closer to turning 18. Yikes and yay at the same time. I've had a good time this month. I think it's been my favorite month of this year so far. The night at Sonic with my youth group was one of the best nights of my life. I loved it. I may have mentioned this before, but my friends are pretty wonderful.

Church has been really good as well. We're studying spiritual gifts and finding out what each of ours is. I'm really curious as to what mine could be. Anyone have any thoughts on what mine could be?

I think I need to be more focused on God, since He's the reason anything is happening to me. I've been getting a bit sidetracked lately, but I'm going to get myself back in the saddle and pay more attention to Him!

I need to learn how to cook. I've got all these other weird and slightly useless things that I want to learn, but cooking is something I should probably try to figure out. My brother can cook better than me, and that's just not right. Though it's true I'd rather eat the food than make it, I still need to learn. What kind of wife and mom will I be if all I can fix is PB&J and cereal?!

When I move out, I plan on having NO animals except for my cat Percy. That's IT. That was just something I wanted to state. If any of my friends or family see me starting to weaken and lean towards the idea of getting a puppy or another cat, I give them full permission to slap me and make me come to my senses.

I guess that about wraps up everything that's on my mind at the moment. Hasta luego!

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