Thursday, September 30, 2010

I'm Dreamin' Through The Mornin'

It's 11:11am! Hold on, making a wish....

Totally just made 2 wishes, but I'm not going to say what they were. Too bad for you!

So as of late, I've been tired ALL DAY LONG. I would like for that to change. It's ruining my picture taking abilities and it makes me very un-fun to talk to, I'm sure.

My hair is too. Freakin'. Long.

I have never cut myself with scissors before.

I bet if I were to have hands made from such a device, I would cut myself quite regularly.

I am currently hoping and praying and maybe even w------(not going to say the word, for superstitious reasons) that I can go to my friend's volleyball game tonight.

Want to hear my whiny reason as to why I should go? *ahem* "All of my friends are going to be there! And Ryan! Ryan's going to be there! I need to go!"

Chyea...I need some cheese to go with that whine.

My cat is outside my door chirping...

I'm going to try something new with this sentence and bold every other letter.

The above took forever to do.

I'm such a time waster....

"Eeny meeny miney mow, catch a tiger by it's toe. If he hollers, let him go. My momma told me to pick the very best one and you...are....IT!"

This is such pointless writing...

Lemon bars....yeah.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Dear Monday, I hate you.

I think I've got a case of the Mondays right now. Want to know how come I think this? Here's my clues.

● I've so far tried to write 2 other blogs and both of them turned out to be way too emo and unhappy for public eyes.

● I can't concentrate on hardly anything! Even this I have to keep rereading over and over to make sure I'm not just speaking gibberish.

● I didn't want to wake up this morning because I could feel how cold it was outside of my warm sheets.

● There's no sunshine, so therefore I am getting a very blah vibe from the weather, which is not helping me at all.

● The only thing that's keeping me awake is the fact that I'm too cold and hungry to go to bed.

I really, really, REALLY dislike this Monday. They're usually not too bad, but today is particularly blah and gray and ick. I need some color! I need some laughter! I need for today to go by as quickly as possible so that I can move on to Tuesday, which is when I'll have soccer practice and friends!

Random Thoughts...

Man, I feel so talkative right now! I don't know why, though. I've sort of been talking all day long. Maybe it's a new me? I hope not. I just got used to the old me. Anyways...

Life is so amazing right now! I mean, besides the obvious of having a super terrific boyfriend/best friend, there's been so many little things that have made the past few months really great. One instance is that soccer is a BLAST. I love it! I also recently went to a community college a few towns away to ask about nursing classes. Turns out I can start taking them this next September if I want to. Awesome! There's also the matter of getting more serious about growing up, which is scary and a bit sad, but it's also exciting, so therefore good. I'm also really glad that I'll have friends going through all the same things I will. It makes it a lot easier to deal with.

Other than life, not much is new. I'm getting closer and closer to turning 18. Yikes and yay at the same time. I've had a good time this month. I think it's been my favorite month of this year so far. The night at Sonic with my youth group was one of the best nights of my life. I loved it. I may have mentioned this before, but my friends are pretty wonderful.

Church has been really good as well. We're studying spiritual gifts and finding out what each of ours is. I'm really curious as to what mine could be. Anyone have any thoughts on what mine could be?

I think I need to be more focused on God, since He's the reason anything is happening to me. I've been getting a bit sidetracked lately, but I'm going to get myself back in the saddle and pay more attention to Him!

I need to learn how to cook. I've got all these other weird and slightly useless things that I want to learn, but cooking is something I should probably try to figure out. My brother can cook better than me, and that's just not right. Though it's true I'd rather eat the food than make it, I still need to learn. What kind of wife and mom will I be if all I can fix is PB&J and cereal?!

When I move out, I plan on having NO animals except for my cat Percy. That's IT. That was just something I wanted to state. If any of my friends or family see me starting to weaken and lean towards the idea of getting a puppy or another cat, I give them full permission to slap me and make me come to my senses.

I guess that about wraps up everything that's on my mind at the moment. Hasta luego!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

How's THIS For Lame?

Here's something new...a survey in a blog post. Late night boredom? Oh yes.


What's your name: Wouldn't YOU like to know! =P

How tall are you: 5' 7". I think.

What color are your eyes: Blueish grayish, I guess.

What color is your hair: Strawberry blonde. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!

Are you Male or Female: I am of the female species

What is your best feature (physically): You be the judge, because I have no idea.

What's your shoe size: 8 1/2

Glasses, yes or no: Yes.

Did you ever have braces: Yep. I'm forever grateful for them, but good Lord, was I awkward looking!

On a typical day you are wearing: Clothes. You know, something original like that.

When you go to bed you're wearing: Nothing. I sleep in the nude. KIDDING! I wear a t-shirt and pj bottoms.

Work out/exercise about how often: I don't really "work out" per say. I play soccer and do stuff around the house.


Name five of your favorite bands: All American Rejects, The Beatles, Weezer, Nevershoutnever, and Green Day.

Name five of your favorite singers: Taylor Swift, Drake Bell, Weird Al, Jason Mraz, and my boyfriend. ;]

Name three songs you are currently playing nonstop: Somethin' Stupid by Robbie Williams and Nicole Kidman, Lovesick by Nevershoutnever, and Total Eclipse of the Heart by the Glee Cast

Name one song (give lyrics) that best describes your life right now: "This is the time of your life..." Time of Your Life by Green Day.

Name one song (give lyrics) that best describes your life one year ago: "Why can't you see you belong with me?" You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift

6. When you're driving, what are the preset stations on your radio: I don't drive so there are none. Burn.

What's the last CD you bought: I haven't got a clue!

Was the last CD you burned an actual CD or a mix: An actual CD.

Name one song/band/singer you're embarrassed to like but do: I'm not embarrassed by any of my musical choices, so there!

10. If you could only attend one concert ever again, it would be: Oh man. A Beatles concert. That's right; I'd travel into the past and attend an ACTUAL Beatles concert.

Name one band/singer you absolutely can't stand: Ke$ha! Oh my goodness.

Name a group you used to like but feel you've grown out of: I don't really know...maybe Spice Girls?


Name your favorite actor: Johnny Depp!

Name your favorite actress: It's a tie between Anne Hathaway and Nicole Kidman

Name your favorite television show right now: The Office, all the way.

Name five really cool movies you've recently seen: You know, nothing is really sticking out in my mind. I haven't watched a really good movie in awhile.

Your favorite canceled television show: Even Stevens. Love love love Louis!

Name one movie you wish you hadn't wasted time/money on recently: Beverly Hills Chihuahua. Stupidest. Movie. Ever.

You would never watch a movie with: Content wise, extremely rated r things. If you mean "with" as in person, I would never watch a movie with a freaky clown and his pet demon monkey. That would be so uncomfortable.

Favorite candy/food to watch movies with: Butterfinger is the best candy bar to eat while watching a movie.

Three favorite tv channels: No idea. I don't watch tv.

Favorite reality show: Reality shows are stupid.

Favorite character on a reality show: ...


(Write the first word/thing/person that comes into your head when you read this word:)

coffee: Gag.

dog: Yuck.

candy: Cane.

pole: Pole.

ocean: Scary.

brave: Gryffindor.

loving: Ryan.

cookie: Yum.

death: Death.

life: Death.

child: kid


(bold the one you prefer)

Ten guilty men go free OR One innocent man goes to jail for life.

Eaten by a lion OR Eaten by thousands of small insects

A life of contentment without love OR A life with love and heartache

Skydiving from a plane OR Bungee jumping off a bridge

No television OR No music

No more pizza, ever OR No more chocolate, ever

A trip to Europe OR a trip to Hawaii

An hour with your future soul mate OR An hour with a lost loved one

No longer being able to cry OR No longer being able to feel the need to cry

Loving someone who doesn't love you OR being loved by someone you don't love


Are you currently in a relationship: Yes, I am. =]

Are you currently looking/interested in someone: Oh, I'm very interested in someone. He's an interesting guy. ;]

Are you a virgin: Yes.

If yes, how long do you plan to be one: Until I'm married.

How many times have you been "in love": Only once.

Looking back, how do you feel about that person(s) now: Looking back like, 5 seconds ago, I'd say I feel pretty happy.

Name three things (physically) you look for in someone: Great smile, friendly eyes, and tall.

Name three things (mentally/emotionally) you look for in someone: Christian, morals, and good personality.

Biggest turn offs include: Rudeness, hatefulness, lying, having no ambition in life, cussing...pretty much overall jerkiness.

Your ideal date would be: I'm not picky in the least. I think the best date would just be going somewhere with your date. Doesn't matter in the least where it is, as long as I'm with the person I like.

You want to get married, where, when, how: At the beach-when we're both ready-by law?

Does anyone have feelings for you right now that you don't return: No idea, and don't really care, in all honesty.


(of your friends, who would you say is:)

The one you immediately go to with a problem: Ryan.

The most rational: Rational? Probably Kirstin.

The funniest: All of my friends have their own little quirks that makes them funny.

The one you spend the most time on the phone with: Ryan. He's the only one who calls me...

The craziest (but in a good way): Tuna! Hands down. Haha. =]

The most honest: Ryan and Kirstin are both really honest.

The purest: Tonya

The smartest: Chelsea. She's like, a supposed genius or something.

The most athletic: All of my friends are pretty athletic.

The most compassionate: =] Rhino

The one most likely to get thrown in jail and why: Owch. Not answering.

The last one that said "I love you": ;]

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Topics, yo.

So, there's a few things that I'd like to talk about!

1. I have a new blog. No, it will not be replacing this one(because i know that so many of you were worried about that. =p). The new blog is called Nerd's The Word and it's going to be JUST about my photography. If it has to do with photoshopping, taking pictures, cameras, animations, etc, it will be on that blog. At first, I didn't think I'd have that much to post, but apparently I was wrong! So yeah. Go check it out, follow it, and let me know what you think!

2. Piano is getting hard! When I first started it, I was moving fast. I got the basics down and was playing simple pieces very quickly. Now that I'm in Year Two of piano, it's gotten so much more difficult! It's still fun as ever, and I really do enjoy playing, it's just that the shock of how hard the songs got all of a sudden is amazing. My left hand has a major curling problem that's not really making my playing any easier, but oh well! I'm still loving the piano and loving that I actually have a musical talent!

3. My boyfriend is..not music. My Boyfriend Is Music is a song my Skye Sweetnam. It's sort of strange sounding, but it's catchy! But anyways! He's awesome, sweet, funny, cute, nice, charming, caring, and yeah! Just sayin'...=]

4. Video idea! Yeah, I totally have a video idea, but I need friends and patience in order to make it. It's sort of based on one of Nevershoutnever's newer music videos, but with some differences.

And there you go! Just some things I've been wanting to say. Later!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bada Bing, Bada Boom

Wow. So tonight was basically an excellent night. I can't even think properly, because my mind keeps replaying all the best parts of the night. Good gravy, I love my friends so much! Each of them are just so super unique and they all have something special about them that makes them really stand out. Gah, I feel so mushy right now...

Anyways, to any of my friends who read this, YOU ARE FANFREAKINTASTIC! =D

Monday, September 13, 2010

Top O' The Mornin' To Ya

Today, I woke up smiling.

It could have been because I felt sunshine on my face. Another possible reason could be because the house was absolutely silent; No dogs barking, no cats scratching, no brothers talking, nothing. Maybe it was because I was super comfortable? There's really only one more possible answer as to why I woke up smiling...

I think it was probably because I was thinking about my boyfriend and how great he is. Yup, that's probably it. ;]

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Soccer practice tonight was ok(even though most of my team played poorly.). The hanging out before and after was great!

I actually talked on the phone tonight and ENJOYED it. Alert the media!

I just took a toy away from my kitty. I feel like such a bad mommy... =(

So I normally try not to base my happiness on any one person....but I just can't help it; I'm at my happiest when I'm with this one certain person. =]

Tomorrow: Possibly park, piano, and church!

Thusday: Nothingness.

Friday: PARTY!

Saturday: Soccer pre-tournament! Yay!

Today my glasses broke 10 minutes before I had to leave for soccer practice. Grrrrrrreeeeaaaat.

I've realized that I get way too annoyed at myself when I can't figure out a song on the piano.

"Run Joey, run, Joey run, Joey run, Joey RUUUUN!"

I currently have one sock on and one sock off. This shows how lazy I really am.

I finished Mockingjay earlier today! It was pretty much awesome.

I just pulled my hair down to see how long it is. It reached to my lower back. Good gravy. O_O

Have you ever really thought about how neat people's personalities are? It's amazing how different everyone is, and how everyone has their own little quirks to define them by!

If April showers bring May flowers, what does September rain bring?

"Close your eyes and I'll kiss you, tomorrow I'll miss you..." <-- Awesome song!