Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Random Bee Log.

I had such a weird dream last night, that I woke up feeling really jealous and even somewhat peeved at the people in the dream. Weird much?

Speaking of last night, my mom made some AMAZING bbq chicken and garden rotini with Italian dressing, tomatoes, and green peppers. Whoa, did you hear that? My stomach just growled. Felt like an earthquake....

I really prefer decorated pencils to plain ones. Plain yellow pencils are so boring. I think the patterns on decorated pencils help my writing skillz to flow better.

I feel the need. The need....for SPEED! Not really. I'd rather not speed. Unless I'm racing someone, then I pour on the Go-Fast without a second thought.

I look like a cat, run like an ostrich, laugh like a horse, and sometimes make faces that remind people of a frog. Call me the Walking Zoo.

Don't you hate that tingle you get in your nose when it feels like you're about to sneeze, but nothing ever comes?

Sometimes when I'm super hungry and if I sneeze, my stomach growls really loud. Yeah, that was random...

As of yesterday, I got full permission to hang posters on my bedroom walls after I rearranged my room. THCORE!

The above was me sounding nerdy. I'm not a nerd! I'm not!

I just lied. I am a nerd. Forgive me.

When I was young, I tried to fight the nerdiness. Now I welcome it with open arms.

I'm currently working on writing a short story!

Good gravy, look at all the "I"s above! That's it. I'm changing this.

If you're reading this, YOU are awesome.

YOU need to eat cornbread, even if YOU aren't a fan. It's good for your soul.

YOU should know that some people find Johnny Depp lame.

YOU should also know that those people are sadly mistaken.

That is all.

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