Monday, August 10, 2009

I have decided that I'm through with boyfriends until I'm an old 17, possibly even 18. Boys right now are....

Not worth the trouble.

Not all guys are like this, but most of the ones that I know are. There's simply too much drama involved in a relationship. You can't just like someone. If they find out you like them, then you are asked out on a "date". Dates aren't really dates anymore though. Now when a guy asks you to date them, you're his girlfriend automatically. Let me just say that that is NOT what a date is. A date(to me) is supposed to be an outing with a guy that you have some interest in. You go do something fun, whether it be the movies, the park, or a trip to Wally World. Then you go out to eat, and then you go home. You're supposed to get to know each other, and if you both had a good time, you make plans to go out again. If not, well, at least you tried.

Another thing that seems to be wrong with dating now is that you have to please EVERYONE. You can't just be happy to be together, no sir. You have to make sure that everyone is pleased that you and such-and-such is together. That sounds ridiculous to me.

Another problem is that lots of people want to move on too fast. I'm perfectly content with taking things nice and slow. I'm not a cuddly person. In fact, I hate physical contact with people that I don't know very well. People now like to hold hands on first dates, kiss as soon as possible, talk about getting married, and throw around the word "love" like it's no big deal. They do all that, and then usually the person they were with breaks up with them a week later, and they move onto new prey. Practically all teenagers out there are "used goods". Does that make anyone else feel kind of sick? Say you FINALLY find a person that you really really REALLY like(while you are still in your teen years). You tell them that you love them, and they say back the same. Now think: How many OTHER girls has that guy said those same words too? Does he really mean it, or is he just telling you what you want to hear? How about this example. You have your first kiss ever with your boyfriend. It made you feel all giddy and shy, while your boyfriend tells you that that was the best kiss he's had yet. Maybe he means it's because it was his first kiss too, but I highly doubt it. You kissed lips with a guy who has kissed goodness knows how many other lips! Doesn't feel so special now, does it?

I know I sound like a real killjoy, but this is what's been on my mind. I really think that it's worth waiting a few years until the right guy shows up. It may be years before he does, but I'm willing to wait. The guy who is for me will understand that I don't like to rush into things, and hopefully we'll be great friends first before we are anything more. He won't get mad if I say that I want to wait till my wedding day to have my first kiss. He'll also love me for me and won't try to tell me to change. If I don't ever meet that special someone, then it's no big deal. I've already decided that I will still be happy if I never get married. Sure, I'd prefer to be married, but it's really not a necessity for me. I can still live my life. I'm single and happy, and it's going to take a pretty amazing guy to make me change that status. ;]


  1. I guess I'm a stupid dumb jerk who is really cocky and cheap and not worth the trouble?

  2. You're not stupid or dumb, and you bought me ice cream before so you're not cheap. Are you worth the trouble? I don't know...
