Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My Thoughts On Friends

So there's this certain type of person. These people are the kinds of people who makes you go crazy trying to understand them. You think that maybe you're just not paying attention, but they're really making it a lot more difficult for you because they almost appear to be bipolar. One minute they're your best friend; caring, sweet, easy to talk to, deep. They act like this for a few days, and then they suddenly turn into another person, this one being the bug bite in a very uncomfortable place. They become rude, self-centered, moody, & big headed. You hate it when they're like this, wanting them to just leave you alone. You try to ignore them, but eventually, they turn back on the charm. Why? Because they want something. Either they want to talk(because everyone knows that you can only talk to them when they feel like talking), they need you to do something, or they want you to listen to their drama and for you to back them up. They keep the charm up for a few days, and in those few days, you begin to feel like maybe THIS time, they will have really changed for the better. But no, they go right back to their old habits.

My question is do they realize how truly MADDENING their behavior is? That everyone HATES their multiple personalities and fake exterior? Because not only do they have personality issues, but they also act different in front of other people that they don't know very well. They act friendly, funny, buddy-buddy with new faces, but as soon as the people get to really know them, they bring out their true selves. Nobody likes friends who are only friends when they feel like it. Friends are supposed to be the people you can ALWAYS count on to care about you and what's going on in your life. TRUE friends don't talk to you just because they're bored and want someone to entertain them. Friends are supposed to have each other's back; they're the people you can have fun with any time you're together, the ones who remember important events. If they can't do any of those things all the time, instead of whenever they feel like it, maybe they aren't worth the trouble.

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