Monday, August 31, 2009

A Prodigal Son

Ok, so I'm supposed to be doing homework but I'm on Blogger instead. Bad, I know. ;] Anyways, I've got all my homework done except for these poems. I was flying through them, thinking "Wow, this is so easy!" when I come to a sudden stop: A Prodigal Son by Christina Rossetti. Oh boy.

Here's the poem.

Does that lamp still burn in my Father's house,
Which he kindled the night I went away?
I turned once beneath the cedar boughs,
And marked it gleam with a golden ray;
Did he think to light me a home some day?

Hungry here with the crunching swine,
Hungry harvest have I to reap;
In a dream I count my Father's kine,
I hear the tinkling of bells of his sheep,
I watch his lambs that browse and leap.

There is plenty of bread at home,
His servants have bread enough and to spare;
The purple wine-fat froths with foam,
Oil and spices make sweet the air,
While I perish hungry and bare.

Rich and blessed those servants, rather
Than I who see not my Father's face!
I will arise and go to Father:--
"Fallen from sonship, beggared of grace,
Grant me, Father, a servant's place."

WAIT A SECOND! I suddenly understand this! There is a Biblical allusion in each poem, and this one was slightly tricky for me. But I now get it, and I'm now done with this blog. Thanks for helping!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My Thoughts On Friends

So there's this certain type of person. These people are the kinds of people who makes you go crazy trying to understand them. You think that maybe you're just not paying attention, but they're really making it a lot more difficult for you because they almost appear to be bipolar. One minute they're your best friend; caring, sweet, easy to talk to, deep. They act like this for a few days, and then they suddenly turn into another person, this one being the bug bite in a very uncomfortable place. They become rude, self-centered, moody, & big headed. You hate it when they're like this, wanting them to just leave you alone. You try to ignore them, but eventually, they turn back on the charm. Why? Because they want something. Either they want to talk(because everyone knows that you can only talk to them when they feel like talking), they need you to do something, or they want you to listen to their drama and for you to back them up. They keep the charm up for a few days, and in those few days, you begin to feel like maybe THIS time, they will have really changed for the better. But no, they go right back to their old habits.

My question is do they realize how truly MADDENING their behavior is? That everyone HATES their multiple personalities and fake exterior? Because not only do they have personality issues, but they also act different in front of other people that they don't know very well. They act friendly, funny, buddy-buddy with new faces, but as soon as the people get to really know them, they bring out their true selves. Nobody likes friends who are only friends when they feel like it. Friends are supposed to be the people you can ALWAYS count on to care about you and what's going on in your life. TRUE friends don't talk to you just because they're bored and want someone to entertain them. Friends are supposed to have each other's back; they're the people you can have fun with any time you're together, the ones who remember important events. If they can't do any of those things all the time, instead of whenever they feel like it, maybe they aren't worth the trouble.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pandora's Box

There is one story in Greek mythology that really stands out to me. It's called Pandora's Box.

In the story, Titan Epimetheus grew to become very lonely(his brother, Prometheus, had just been chained for life to a rock, but that's a different story). The deities of Olympus came together to consider what they could do to make Epimetheus happy again. After much discussion, the deities decided that a companion for Epimetheus was the only solution to his unhappiness. The messenger god Hermes was sent to Earth to bring back some soft clay, which Hephaestus, the artist of the gods, formed into a beautiful figure. As Hephaestus sculpted, Zeus(the most powerful of the gods) told him ideas on how he thought the companion should look. Hephaestus finished his work, the soft clay now being a beautiful young woman with waves of soft golden hair, ivory white skin, and eyes bluer than the bluest Spring sky. The gods, seeing how truly lovely she was, each bestowed a gift to her. After the gifts had been given, they chose the name Pandora, which means "all-gifted". Pandora was brought down to Earth to be married to Epimetheus, and she was so loving and sweet, that Epimetheus grew happier and happier every day, forgetting that he had ever had sorrows to begin with.

Life would have continued on perfectly had it not been for Pandora's immense curiosity. In the house where Epimetheus and Pandora lived, there was a chest. The chest was always bound with a strong cord, and Pandora was not to touch it. Pandora begged and begged her husband to let her see inside, but Epimetheus stood strong. As time went on, Pandora became more curious, and with her curiosity never being satiated, she became depressed. At last, a day came when Epimetheus was out, and Pandora ran to the box and carefully untied the cord that fastened the lid. She opened the lid, and suddenly, an amazingly loud BUZZ and ROAR was heard. Out of the box came a swarm of little evil-looking creatures, some with stingers, some with sharp, sharp teeth. They were not at all pleasant to look at and Pandora quickly became very scared, especially when they creatures suddenly flew right of her house and into the world. As Pandora lay weeping and sobbing, Epimetheus and a group of men ran into the house. "Pandora!" Epimetheus cried. "You have let loose all of the evils and troubles into the world!" He did not stay to comfort Pandora, but ran back outside to try to stop the now constant wailing.

Pandora wept bitterly, out of fear from seeing the evil creatures, out of shame for make her husband so angry with her, and out of guilt for being so curious. As she lay there crying, she felt a soft hand touch her on the shoulder. Pandora looked around, and saw a silvery-white figure the same size as the evil creatures, except beautiful and kind. "I am still with you," said the little creature. "You can never be altogether unhappy if I stay; for my name is Hope." Hope landed on Pandora's wrist, and guided her to the window over looking the city. All the men, including Epimetheus, looked up at Pandora and seen that she was holding Hope for all to see. The wailing and quarreling stopped, and everyone went back to their homes.

The point of this story is that no matter how bad things seem, always remember that Hope is always around. This is a great moral, but I've always had one thing wrong with this story. Why is it so bad that Pandora was curious? Sure, she let all the evil into the world, but is it so wrong to wonder about things? Is it wrong to ponder? I agree with the point that too much knowledge can be a bad thing, but I really think the story was a bit harsh on Pandora. She was just thrust into a world she'd never been in before, of course she's going to question things! She is but a small child(mentally) who is awed by all the wonders of Earth.

But anyways, this is what's been on my mind.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Rain Rain, Don't Go Away

So I was on the way home from Gallatin, listening to the radio, when a country song comes on. It's some dude singing about his break up and how the tears start pouring like the rain. It got me to thinking, "How come tears are always associated with rain?"

Why is it that rain is made out to be depressing? Sure, when it rains the day gets gray outside, but it really doesn't have to be sad. I mean, rain is actually quite relaxing. When you're sitting at home, reading a nice book, all curled up inside your favorite home-made quilt, and it starts to pour rain, doesn't that just make you feel all the more warm and safe and cozy? Or how about when you get trapped out in the rain. Most people say that they go out in the rain so no one can tell that they are crying. Well, what about when you get trapped out in a nice rain with the boy you've had a huge crush on for the past 4 years and it's just the 2 of you, and while you're both laughing at how silly your mascara looks, he leans in and gives you THE perfect 1st kiss. Rain doesn't have to be sad and dreary!

Without rain, our lives would be dull and dry. Imagine a world where little kids didn't jump into puddles made from the latest Spring shower. Imagine what a loss it would be to not see the small beauty that is rain drops set upon a rose's petals. Try to think of an instance where you HAVEN'T enjoyed dancing in the rain, whether it be alone or with some of your best friends. Rain is a blessing, you just have to choose how best to enjoy it.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Owchie Wa Wa

It's Saturday evening, and I am super sore. Why? Because on Thursday, I went spent the night at my friend's house. Every time I spend the night with Kirstin, whether it be at Tonya's house, Kirstin's house, or my house, I always come back incredibly stiff and sore. Parts of me that are sore include my arms, my back, my ribs, my legs, and my feet. Maybe it's because me and Kirstin always end up wrestling? Maybe it's because (when at Kristin's house) Ryan pulls me and Tonya off of beds and we fight back as if our lives in jeopardy? Maybe it's due to the fact that I run around unknown territory with no shoes on while playing Hide & Seek? I don't know, and who am I kidding; I don't really care. All I know is that I always have a blast when I'm with my friends. You know what they say: "Love hurts", and I really do love those guys. If I didn't know them, my life wouldn't be anywhere near as entertaining. All the pointless text messages, soccer practices, retarded pictures, late night conversations, 4am's all pretty great. So yeah, go ahead and bruise me up like a banana, I don't care. At least I'm having fun with my posse. =]

Monday, August 10, 2009

I have decided that I'm through with boyfriends until I'm an old 17, possibly even 18. Boys right now are....

Not worth the trouble.

Not all guys are like this, but most of the ones that I know are. There's simply too much drama involved in a relationship. You can't just like someone. If they find out you like them, then you are asked out on a "date". Dates aren't really dates anymore though. Now when a guy asks you to date them, you're his girlfriend automatically. Let me just say that that is NOT what a date is. A date(to me) is supposed to be an outing with a guy that you have some interest in. You go do something fun, whether it be the movies, the park, or a trip to Wally World. Then you go out to eat, and then you go home. You're supposed to get to know each other, and if you both had a good time, you make plans to go out again. If not, well, at least you tried.

Another thing that seems to be wrong with dating now is that you have to please EVERYONE. You can't just be happy to be together, no sir. You have to make sure that everyone is pleased that you and such-and-such is together. That sounds ridiculous to me.

Another problem is that lots of people want to move on too fast. I'm perfectly content with taking things nice and slow. I'm not a cuddly person. In fact, I hate physical contact with people that I don't know very well. People now like to hold hands on first dates, kiss as soon as possible, talk about getting married, and throw around the word "love" like it's no big deal. They do all that, and then usually the person they were with breaks up with them a week later, and they move onto new prey. Practically all teenagers out there are "used goods". Does that make anyone else feel kind of sick? Say you FINALLY find a person that you really really REALLY like(while you are still in your teen years). You tell them that you love them, and they say back the same. Now think: How many OTHER girls has that guy said those same words too? Does he really mean it, or is he just telling you what you want to hear? How about this example. You have your first kiss ever with your boyfriend. It made you feel all giddy and shy, while your boyfriend tells you that that was the best kiss he's had yet. Maybe he means it's because it was his first kiss too, but I highly doubt it. You kissed lips with a guy who has kissed goodness knows how many other lips! Doesn't feel so special now, does it?

I know I sound like a real killjoy, but this is what's been on my mind. I really think that it's worth waiting a few years until the right guy shows up. It may be years before he does, but I'm willing to wait. The guy who is for me will understand that I don't like to rush into things, and hopefully we'll be great friends first before we are anything more. He won't get mad if I say that I want to wait till my wedding day to have my first kiss. He'll also love me for me and won't try to tell me to change. If I don't ever meet that special someone, then it's no big deal. I've already decided that I will still be happy if I never get married. Sure, I'd prefer to be married, but it's really not a necessity for me. I can still live my life. I'm single and happy, and it's going to take a pretty amazing guy to make me change that status. ;]