Sunday, July 5, 2009

A Contract For Members Of My Posse

My mom asked me a question today that really got me to thinking. She asked me if all of my friends were scared of me yet since I've proven to them that I'll post pictures and videos of them on Facebook without a second thought. It got me to thinking that maybe I should provide some sort of warning. Maybe a contract sort of thing with some wonderful little fine print at the bottom and all that jazz. Maybe it could look a little something like this...

I, _______________________, aged ___ years and ___ days, hereby grant Amanda D. full permission to post whatever retarded/stupid/crazy material she wishes. I understand that it's my own fault for doing funny things, and I also understand that Amanda can't help it that she has amazing timing with her camera. I am in full awareness that if I am to say that I'm going to do something totally crazy, that Amanda will instantly whip out her Flipcam and record every single second of it. I do, however, hold the right to delete whichever pictures I want; IF I can get the camera away from Amanda, who is allowed to fight back if need be. Signed, ______________

Sentence 4 applies to pictures only. Videos are not included in this statement, nor are recordings. Amanda is not responsible for any comments that may appear on said pictures and/or videos and holds the right to sue the subject in the picture/video at any time.

Sounds good, right?? Yep, I thought so too.

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