Saturday, July 25, 2009

About The Puma(otherwise known as Amanda)

I'm writing this at 11:40pm because I'm bored, and when I'm bored I seem to get an ever flowing supply of words come to my head. I decided that I should probably write a little bit about myself, seeing as my profile isn't very informative. Where to yes, how about the basics.

I'm 16-going-on-17, my birthday being in the month of FREEZING COLD(aka December). Most of my close friends are younger than me, either by a few months or by a few years. I don't know if it's because I'm immature or if it's because I'm just so gosh darn cool, but I'm betting it's the 1st choice. Little kids seem to really like me. Either they stare at me, randomly come up to me and start talking, or they just grab my hand and let me walk them around. It's sort of like I'm Santa Claus(except for the fact that I'm not fat, a man, old, rosy cheeked, married, etc.). People like to tell me that I don't look like I'm 16. I'd just like them to know that hearing that said right to my face does NOT make me feel happy in any way. Tell me I look younger than I am when I'm 40, not 16.

I've been cursed(but some would say blessed. I disagree openly with these people.) with curly hair. Though not as curly as it used to be, it's still a problem that I hate fooling with. Thus I always always always pull it back. I hate it and it hates me. I will say that it does have it's good days(those are the days I take pictures in fields and with my brothers and such), but I almost NEVER wear it down in public because I have a terrible fear that someone will comment on it. Everyone who has straight hair lustfully say how they'd just love to have a few curls. Everyone with curly hair tells the Straighties that they're insane.

I am what most people would call a "nerd". I love to read, I love computers, I'm a Star Wars junkie, tragic deaths in history interest me, and I play Scrabble at least once a week. Oh, and I wear glasses. Can't forget about that.

I don't believe in the term "best friend(s)". Partly because I really don't think there's such a thing as a BEST friend, and partly because it seems kind of mean to the other people you call your friends. Maybe it's because I'm just weird, but I had to give up on picking a best friend because my best friend seemed to change all the time. I have CLOSE friends, and I love them to death, but I don't have BEST friends. Unless you count my brother Jesse.

I have 3 loves in this world, and they are Charlie, my camera, & soccer. Charlie is my wonderfully weird kitty(his blog is quite weird too. You should read it). My camera is like an extension of my arm. I ALWAYS have it with me. I take pictures just about every day, and I try to post them on Facebook as fast as I can. Soccer is pretty much amazing. If it weren't for soccer, I wouldn't know a large amount of my close friends, and we all know how big of shame that would be!

I love love love photoshopping! I'd love to go into Photo Journalism and maybe work on magazine ads for a living. I just love how anything you can imagine, someone can make it. I don't like to toot my own horn, but I think I do pretty ok for a n00b. ;]

I have 5 favorite colors. Blue, purple, green, yellow, & orange. In that order.

And I believe that's enough about me, at least for one night.

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