Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 11: A song from your favorite band

My favorite bands are:

1. All American Rejects

2. Green Day

3. Weezer

4. Beatles

5. Nevershoutnever

Random fact that has nothing to do with this super great song.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 10: A song that makes you fall asleep

Oh my goodness. This song is AMAZING.

It's got such a nice rhythm to it. It just feels so romantic and sweet. It makes me want to slow dance with a Buddy Holly-type guy at the school dance, you know?

Also, it makes for a great lullaby. ♥

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 9: A song that you can dance to

I really love 50s music. Pretty much every song from that time makes me want to get up and jive.

Wonder where I can get a poodle skirt. . .

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 8: A song that you know all the words to

Love. This. Song.

Me and the fam(minus one very young Sam-bo) went to a Weird Al concert once upon a time, and he sang this song. That night was also the night we went to Steak-&-Shake for the first time ever, got to explore a beautiful part of Knoxville, and discovered the true talent that is Weird Al Yankovic.

Yup. Definitely one of my favorite memories.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Everyday, it's a gettin' closer. . .

As some of you may have seen, I have a new poll up. Question of the week?

"Is the Buddy Holly look hot or not?"

Already, there's someone who doesn't know who Buddy Holly is, and to that person, I say "tsk!" Buddy Holly is probably the coolest cat of the 50s. His better known songs would have to be Everyday, It's So Easy, and Maybe Baby.

So now that we know his music was great, let's talk about his style. Let's take a gander, shall we?

Mhmm. Glasses.

Know what's crazy, though? Buddy Holly looks a LOT like someone I know...

What? Who's that? Oh right! It's Ryan! =D

But ignore that last part. I want to know what YOU guys think of the Buddy Holly look. Are the thick dark glasses a hit or a miss? Vote now!

Day 7: A song that reminds you of a certain event

This song reminds me of being on the Gravitron with my youth group a few years ago.

We were strapped on, spinning mercilessly, and the guy who ran the ride(who got to stand in the center while we spun around him) started dancing to and singing Poker Face.

I might have maybe tried to join in, until I realize Poker Face could very easily turn into Puker Face.


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 6: A song that reminds you of somewhere

I can remember laying on a bed in a condo in Destin, Florida, listening to this song over and over and over again.

That was the first year we had ever went to Destin, and it was also the year I discovered one of my favorite bands.

I can practically smell the ocean breeze now. . .

Day 5: A song that reminds you of someone

This song reminds me of my best friends, Tonya and Kirstin.

Sitting in the McDonald's parking lot, hot Summer day, singing this song with the sunroof open. Great times. ^_^

P.S. Notice that I have a new doobly doo(yes, i just quoted wheezy waiter) on the side of my page. Use it to ask me any question at all. Please, no creeps, scary people, or freaky weirdos.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 4: A song that makes you sad

Yup. This is sad. I've definitely had my moments where I could relate to these lyrics.

Poor creepy guy. =(

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 3: A song that makes you happy

Hello! It's a song about life being like lemonade, which is the bestest non-carbonated drink out there!

Mmm. Lemonade. ♥

Day 2: Your least favorite song

Um...if it's my least favorite, why would I post the video?

You really want to know my absolute MOST hated song ever? Click on the word "hate" to listen.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 1: Your favorite song

Picking an absolute favorite song out of millions is hard for everyone. Everyone, that is, except for me.

Wake Me Up When September Ends has been my absolute favorite song ever since I first heard it many years ago. The whole thing(music, video, lyrics) is sad, but I think that's part of why I like it so much. I could listen to it over and over and over again and not get sick of it. In fact, it's the first song I like to jump to and put on repeat whenever I have American Idiot in my car.


I believe the correct word would be "huzzah"

Yesssss ♥

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Girl Power!

So basically, I love good, strong female leads in books and movies. I love it when someone creates the Anti-Princess Peach; A female who can take care of herself if need be, yet still able to be ladylike and dignified.

This blog shall be a memorial of sorts to some of my favorite fictional female characters. Starting off the list of super kick butt gals? Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Katara is epic. She's gorgeous, she's a leader, she's smart, and she knows how to hold her own in a battle against the Fire Nation. Katara is basically everything I want to see in a female lead. I love how she knows how to balance being a lover and a fighter perfectly. She's protective of her loved ones, she knows what she believes in, and yet she's very caring and sensitive to those in need.

Another perfectly marvelous character is Toph Bei Fong, the blind Earth Bender.

Out of all the characters on Avatar, Toph is my number one favorite(with Zuko following behind in a close second). I absolutely LOVE everything there is about her! I love how she's handicapped, but doesn't let it stop her. She's witty, determined, tough as nails, and yet she lets her soft side shine through when she thinks it appropriate and helpful. Toph definitely has some qualities that I wish I could obtain, simply because I think she's a great role model, even if she's nothing but a mere cartoon. . .

While the two above are just fine and dandy, one simply cannot forget the epic awesomeness of Mara Jade Skywalker.

My absolute, without a doubt, single most favorite female character EVER. She's a chick with a sketchy past, one that she overcame in the name of love. She's super hardcore, knows her weapons, can easily take care of herself, yet she also understands the importance of teamwork and unity. She soon becomes a mother, and even then, she's still so super in tune with her surroundings and with herself. She's a go-getter with a fierce determination, and I really admire that about her.

There's so many great fictional role models out there(Jo March, Sally, Elizabeth Swann, Anne Shirley, Stargirl, etc)! So many great role models, and yet most girls these days don't want to be like these great heros. No, they'd rather be more like Bella Swan. . .

"Oh, I'm so dramatic but still so cool! Look at me and my permanently pouty facial expressions that would look more realistic on a rock. Oh, I'm just so pitiful and misunderstood, I just need someone, anyone, who will love me. I like to act like I know how to take care of myself, when really I'm just seeking attention and want someone to pity me then give me pity love. I'm just soo great, and yes, I have marvelous style. Ratty converse with a prom dress? Yes, please! Oh, worship me, youth of America, because you know you love my drama filled sap fests of vampire/werewolf love." -- Bella Swan

Psht, puh-leez.


I'm such a failure.

Here I am, a so called "artist", and I haven't taken any really good pictures or made any interesting videos in at LEAST a month. How pathetic is that?!

Seeing as my work load as decreased greatly as of late, I have decided that I will spend my newly found free time getting back into what I love, which is creating the unique.

Also, I plan on writing a lot more. Partly because I hate having a blog and not using it, and partly because I really do miss sharing my thoughts with random readers.

I currently have 2 videos and a few photo shoot ideas in my head that are simply going to have to come out soon or else I will explode. Simple as that.

Encouragement to turn back into the old Puma would be awesome, if you don't mind.

Peace and Love!