Monday, June 21, 2010


Roller Derby, play a difficult song on piano, ballroom dancing, fencing, travel to at least one different country, meet one of my favorite celebrities, see a popular play, ride a scary roller coaster, go to Orlando Florida, ride an elephant, make an ad that will be in a magazine, take wedding pictures, go to New York, do something that everyone will remember, pet a penguin, write a script, go rock climbing.....All of these I want to do. =]

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Camp Rock Clock? Tick Tock.

What are you supposed to do when you try your best to be nicer to someone that you normally don't like, and they do their best to completely ignore(and continue on not liking you)? I'm thinking I stop trying. Oddly enough, that idea doesn't bother me in the least.

Anyone here listened to Catch Me by Demi Lovato? At first listen, it sounds really sweet. Second time around though, the lyrics sound sort of creepy. I'm contemplating on whether or not I should make a literal video to that song. Hmm...

First Things I'm Saving Up For After I Get A Job: An electric piano, a pair of roller blades, Green Day Rock Band, 21st Century Breakdown, a better camera, some studio lights, and possibly a video camera.


Chinese food. It's what's for breakfast. (i wish...)

I've just realized that there might be Potluck tonight at church. People of America, I just got REALLY excited.

Hot Hot Heat is now not only a band, but also the literal weather report for Tennessee. 108 degrees yesterday in the Walmart parking lot. Bleh...

I now own 4 Sillybandz! Nothing says "cool" like wearing an ostrich, a monkey, a dinosaur, and an elephant/sad penguin on your wrist.

You know, I sort of wish dragons were real. Seriously.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Vee Bee Ess

So, this past week my church had Vacation Bible School for children of all ages. I was able to take part in it, both as a helper for the younger kids(mostly first graders and a bit younger) and as a youth. It was an absolute BLAST. I learned so much, tried lots of new things, and was reminded again how great our God really is.

Not only did I grow closer to my friends, but I think I also grew closer with Jesus. The teacher for our teenage class was a huge help to me. She reminded me of how important it is that we honor Him and appreciate Him. He gave His life for us, so we need to live more for Him and less for us.

Yes, this is a very short blog, but I'm tired. Don't judge. =P

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Campfire Song Song!

Camp is coming up, and I must say that I'm getting pretty darn excited. I can't help but have a few worries too, though. Not only have I never been to camp before, but I've also never been away from home so long, nor have I hung around my friends for such a long period of time.

I'm REALLY hoping that no major fights will happen. What with 10 or so gals hanging around each other literally every second of every day for 5 whole days, a fight is pretty much inevitable. As long as it doesn't result in some serious drama, I'm good. Not that I'm planning on a fight, because I'm not. That's the last thing I want. I'm just trying to prepare myself for if a fight does occur. But hopefully it won't.

It's not just girls going either. There's also going to be a large amount of guys at this camp. Yet another thing I'm hoping for: No. Boy. Drama. I plan on going to camp so I can have fun with my friends and have some new experiences. If I happen to see a cute guy or two while I'm there, then cool, but I will NOT spend the week giggling and embarrassing myself over said boy(s).

I really need to stop sounding so harsh about all of this. Camp is going to be GREAT. Epic, even. Fantasticular, if you will. We're all going to have a great time together. We'll meet new people, try new things, and go home with some awesome memories. 21 more days! =D

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Maybe yes, maybe no...

Relationships. It's so dumb to think that you're the only person in the world who's having boy(or girl) problems. Every single person has had troubles with getting the person they like to like them back. What's mostly been on my mind though is why does it matter so much to us?

Why must we want affection so badly? Why do we feel as though we're not complete without someone to love? Why do we think we need a companion to make us happy? I'm not saying I'm different from the others, because I'm not. I'd love to be loved, whether it be now or later on in life. Sometimes though, it would be nice to not care.

Can you imagine what it would be like to be able to go just one whole week without thinking about a certain someone? To be free from the butterflies you get when you think of said certain someone? Psht, me neither.

I've tried to not care. Really, I have. But it seems as though I'm always going back to the way I was. Maybe I shouldn't fight it. To love(or in my case, really like) is normal, right? Perhaps I need to just go with the flow on this one. I've tried to stop liking a person; It doesn't work. Not unless they flat out tell you that they hate you and you know that there's not a chance on Earth that you can be together.

Next time though.....well, I'm thinking there could be a chance. Maybe. ;]