Monday, June 22, 2009

A Blog In Which I Complain

I have decided to write something about myself.

I'm 16 going on 17.
My birthday is almost at the very very very end of the year. It is always cold.
Never, in all of my 16-almost-17-years have I had a pool party on my birthday. I tend to think of this as a crime, an injustice, a horrible misfortune, cruelty at it's get the picture.

If I were to have a pool party on my birthday, everyone would freeze and most likely die. I'm not even being morbid. It's the dead truth. We would start out in my house, sitting around the heater, and then I would say something like, "Hey, let's go swimming!" Since the people I call my friends each have a good dose of common sense, they would most likely say something back like, "Um, no way José!" Well, since it's my house, my party, and my birthday, I would throw out something like, "Oh yeah? Well it's MY birthday! I'M the birthday girl, so you have to do what I say!" As we all know, your birthday is the only day of the year when you have complete control over life. And since I would probably say that, everyone would probably shrug, and then we'd all take our turns in the bathroom, then we'd walk outside and into the snow. As we would start to shiver, I would walk up onto the frozen pool deck and take a step onto the ice. "Wowie!" I would probably exclaim. "This is going to be SOME pool party!" I would then most likely take 2 steps before I fell flat on my buttocks and scrape up my elbows. Everyone would then start laughing where as I would be trying not to cry. Not because I'd be embarrassed, but because if I were to start bawling, my tears would probably freeze right to my face.

Now you see why having a pool party would be such a pain. If my birthday were celebrated on my half birthday, I'd be in good shape. June 30th is usually hot, muggy, and very sunny. December 30th is always cold, snowy, and very uninviting. I suppose I'll just settle for a heater party instead.

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