Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Dream I Had Last Night

...for some reason, my mother & I decide to go for a cruise. We are just driving, not really going anywhere, when my mother suddenly takes a turn. We drive for a little ways more, when all of a sudden, we're surrounded by movie sets! There are cameras every 10 feet and props scattered about. There are tons of sets; some bedrooms, some kitchens, and some that are yet to be decided about. I am suddenly out of the car, walking around in a state of awe. I've always wanted to see a movie in the making, so I'm pretty stoked. I look at the props and sets a bit, and then decide to walk down this old dirt road. It's hard to tell if things are real or props here. It's very dusty, and clouds keep puffing up with every step. I cough a little bit, and continue walking. I'm fixing to walk up a small hill that appears in the road, when I see a limo coming to a stop at the top. I stop walking, squinting my eyes so that I may see through the dust. I see lots of people gathering around the limo, getting ready with their cameras, recorders, and microphones. A chauffeur gets out of the driver's seat and comes around to open the door for what must be a very important person. The dust is starting to settle by now, and I'm able to make out a human figure. It's nothing more then that at the time, nothing but a mere shadow in the dust cloud. I can hear the cameras starting to click and I can see flashes aimed towards the figure. I take a few steps more, desperately wanting to know who the famous figure is. I take no more than 4 steps when all of the sudden the dust is gone, leaving me to stare at Jackson Rathbone. Jackson looks as though he just came from an oasis, his skin cool and clean, his hair perfectly set, and his clothes perfectly pressed. He has on his clothes that he wore in Twilight, appearing as though he just came off the set of New Moon. He has a smirk on his face that only he can get away with with no one calling him arrogant. He waves to the paparazzi, and walks down the hill, coming straight towards me. I reach around to my side, where I find my camera fully charged and ready to go. I take it out and start taking as many pictures as the cursed paparazzi, snapping it at him, knowing that one crummy picture is better than no picture at all. I find it hard to get a good, clear picture because he keeps laughing at something. On my camera, his face is just a blur each time I take a shot. He finally gets to where I'm standing, and he doesn't say anything. He just smiles at me. I hold my camera, asking him without words if I can take a picture with him. He apparently understands, as he stands next to me and smiles at the camera. I take a picture, sure that this time it will be a good picture, it has to be. I'm so excited to be standing next to him that my hand keeps shaking, making all the pictures blurry. I grumble a little bit, then motion to him to follow me. Jackson does follow, all the way to the outside of a kitchen movie set. My mom is standing there, and she instantly grabs my camera away from me and starts taking pictures without me being ready. I beg her to wait a second, then stand next to Jackson. I seem to remember him being much taller than me not 15 minutes ago, but now he is the same height as me. I shrug it off, and smile at the camera. My mother continues to take more and more pictures, but with each shot, Jackson seems to be getting shorter and shorter! When he is finally a little below my shoulder, my mother frowns, seeing that there is a problem. She suddenly laughs and shakes her head, because she thinks she knows what the problem is. She takes us into the dark kitchen set, thinking the lighting is making Jackson look short. My mother is just making us sit on the counter, when Jackson's manager starts calling for him. Jackson, now back at his normal height, leaves without a word, still smiling and laughing at nothing in particular. As he and his shadow turn the corner, I wake up, realizing that it was all just a dream...

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