Friday, January 13, 2012

A Dream From Yours Truly

(a warning: contains a bit of mild-ish language.)

They were trapped.

A dozen kids, all appearing to be in their early teens, were sitting on the green carpeted floor of a white room. Only one doorway, a white door with no handle, was the only hint that escape was possible. The teens were silent, staring off into space, barely moving except for the occasional deep inhalation of breath.

"Where am I?"

A sudden thought, seemingly voiced only inside of my head, turned out to be verbal. As soon as the sound of voice hit the walls, the teens looked up, fully alert. I stared at them, and they stared back. And then, as though triggered by a silent gunshot, there was commotion. The dozens of quazi-zombies sprang up, and the air was quickly thick with the feeling of panic.

The teens began to pace, rushing from one wall to the other, banging their fists on the walls and each other, looking for some sort of exit. All at once they were curious as to how they came to be in their current predicament, and the need to escape was suddenly extremely urgent. As I watched from my safe, calm corner of the strange room, I noticed one particular boy reaching out for the handeless door. Why had no one else reached for the door?, I wondered. No sooner had the thought tickled my mind when the door burst open from the other side.

The door was opened so quickly, that the boy was knocked on his rear, his expression turned stormy in a matter of milliseconds. I lifted my eyes to see what had caused such a change of moods, and seen a most peculiar sight.

Standing inside the room was 3 new characters. 2 of them were men, obvious by their build and posture. They were clothed in protection suits of some sort, and their masks completely hid any features of their faces to the curious public. The 3rd person of the interesting trio was a young woman who was completely drowned in black. Black long sleeve shirt, black slacks, black glasses, black pin straight hair; The woman was a shadow in a room of color.

Without speaking to one another, the 2 men reached down and grabbed the fallen boy by his arms, lifting him up to his feet. The woman looked at the boy for a second, her face expressionless, then produced a needle out of thin air. The needle was filled with a glowing pink substance, a bizarre contrast to the woman's all black attire.

The boy began to struggle, his eyes glaring at the injection. The woman simply laughed and progressed forward. As she lifted the needle to the light, I heard myself speak.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

Words such as though rarely come from my own mouth, so I had to hide my surprise at myself so as not to appear foolish to these strange new people.

The woman whipped her head to me. Her now apparent cruel mouth turned into a most unpleasant smile, and before I knew what was happening, I was being grabbed by the two men in suits. I struggled to get free from their grips, but it was useless; These were full grown men, and I simply wasn't strong enough. Or was I?

I fell slack for a moment, awaiting the loosening of the villains' grips, before I sprang into action. I was suddenly more agile than I had ever been in my life. With a quick chop to the neck, a kick to the groin, and a well placed knee to a nose, I was free of the masked goonies and now only stood before the woman in black.

The woman growled, and made to stab me with her mysterious needle. I crouch rolled to the side and ended up right next to the strange boy. His youthful face was filled with confusion, but his eyes held strength. With a tug, I pulled us both up to our feet, and started running out of the now open white door.

Outside of that hectic room was a totally different environment. An extravagant mansion, a spiraling staircase, a huge wooden door leading to the unknown; It was so difficult to keep up. As we made out way out of the mansion and into the dark, rainy street, I began to search for an available car.

After a bout of rushed searching, we finally found a decent getaway car, and with me behind the wheel and the boy in the back seat, we took off.

"Who are you?" I asked the boy, while searching my pockets to see if I had a phone on me.

The boy stared at me in the rear view mirror without speaking.

"How old are you?"

"...19." was the quiet response. His voice was deep, quite unlike what I had expected, given his youthful appearance.

I was shocked. I was 19, and yet I didn't look so young as he did. Didn't guys usually always look older than girls? I nodded my acceptance of his answer via mirror, and proceeded to find a cell phone stashed away in my coat pocket.

"I need Ryan..." I mumbled, as I searched through the contacts. I found his name towards the bottom of the list, and went to hit the call button. Something was wrong with my hands, though. Every time I tried to hit the correct button, my thumb would jump and hit a different button, always making me exit out of everything I was attempting to do. I growled my intense frustration, and then suddenly I hit the correct button. The phone rang and rang, never reaching a person or a voicemail, until I eventually had no choice but to hang up. I hissed through my teeth as an attempt to keep my temper in check.

"Damn it!"

The boy(though hard to call him such knowing his true age) said nothing from the back seat this entire time. He only continued to stare at me with an intense gaze.

"I think I know where he's at. We're almost there." I spoke, mostly to reassure myself.

(It was at this point that I awoke, and my dream was discontinued. Anticlimactic? I think yes.)

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