Monday, December 26, 2011

An Idea

So I was wrong about getting my great idea out later that day.

Anyways, my great idea started with a very fed up attitude that was directed towards the media. I was sitting at work one day last week, watching TV with one of my clients while I washed the dishes. My client switched the channel to TLC's "Millionaire Match up", a show in which one stuck up woman finds girlfriends/boyfriends for these random millionaires, most of them cocky jerkholes. Already I was quite disgusted with the whole idea of the show(I'm against any form of assisted dating, whether it's TV shows or online dating), but it wasn't until the hostess started attacking this one guy that I got REALLY mad.

This particular millionaire was a computer guru who owned and operated his own computer software company. He was nice enough, seemed polite, but according to the hostess, he was "unfortunate enough to be a legit nerd."'. The guy had light red hair, glasses, and mostly wore casual dinner jackets, but that so called match maker made him to it to be a total loser. After mercilessly bashing his every feature, she concluded her judgement with, "No one wants to date red heads, and certainly not nerds. That's just how it is!"


Maybe I took it too personally(being known myself as a nerd AND a "strawberry blonde"), but that little snippet of a stupid "reality" TV show made me much more angry than I care to admit. I've already been so sick of stars, celebrities, and related topics, but that was just the last straw.

I'm tired of no one ever being "good enough". I'm tired of hearing about our so called flaws, how we need to be improved in order to make it, and shown what "perfect" really is. I'm normally pretty good with ignoring opinions of others, but recently it's all really started getting to me and it's started effecting me WAY more than it needs to. That is why I present you with this...


I want to start my own site where people can be themselves and enjoy it! I plan on posting motivational posts, uplifting quotes, fun challenges, and more. My goal is to get people of both genders and all ages to feel good about themselves again. I don't want the Hollywood way of life to prevail; I want us to start a new trend and be happy being us!

If ya'll could follow, suggest ideas, and help me out, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

3 Things

1. The previous post was obviously a hack.

2. I have a fantastic idea.

3. Said idea shall have light shed upon it later in the day.

That is all.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I am one beautiful woman, and I am not afraid to say so! I have a beautiful face and gorgeous hair! Don't think so? Tough!

I also love my amazing fiance Ryan.

Monday, December 5, 2011

A Story for a Rainy Day


That's all I could smell as Mrs Pump hugged me. Every inch of her 4' 9" self was covered in the scent, "overpowering" not even beginning to describe the strength of the aroma.

I knew from the second that I walked through the door that she had eaten the whole bag. I had always assumed that there was no way on earth that a human could eat so many round mints at one time, one or two being a natural maximum limit, but I was wrong.

The house reeked of the smell of peppermint. The living room, the kitchen, even the bathroom was filled to the ceiling with the scent. It was so strong it made my eyes burn. It was as if the peppermints were in the air, hanging around like some kind of quasi-air freshener.

Not only was it in the air, but the peppermints had also left their mark physically. The living room floor was covered in candy wrappers, all marked with the same brand and design of the peppermint company in which they were from. There was not a step you could take without hearing the crunch of a wrapper beneath your feet. But alas! It got worse.

The absolute worst part of it all was Mrs Pump herself. The poor woman, not normally a very hygienic person, was reclined in her chair, covered in wrappers and not yet eaten candies. She herself had eaten so many peppermints that she oozed of their scent. It was as if she were sweating peppermint from her pores, the smell was so strong.

I believe now would be a good time to explain why this bothered me so. It was once upon a time in a time not so far away that I tried my first ever bowl of chocolate chip mint ice cream. I had never tried it before, and being an avid ice cream fan, I was quite excited to finally experience what was sure to be a great bowl of dessert.

It started out with one bowl. I loved it. I loved it so much, that I had another serving. After that one, I decided that one more serving couldn't hurt anything. It wasn't until I had finished that last serving that I started to feel funny. My head started pounding, my throat felt swollen, my stomach weak. I was just starting to break into a sweat when I puked all the servings of ice cream all over the floor.

Did you know that puke can be pale green?

Since that lovely experience, I haven't been able to stand the sight or smell of peppermint the same way. Though able to down the occasional candy or York patty every so often, I simply cannot stand the sight of chocolate chip mint ice cream or even a minor scent of peppermint without feeling instantly nauseous. You can imagine how I felt being in this minty house; What you can't imagine is how I felt when Mrs Pump gave me a bear hug.

I was sitting in the kitchen, filling out paperwork, when Mrs Pump comes in telling me she was going out to run a few errands. Since she didn't know if I'd be gone by the time she returned, she signed her paper and then pulled me into a big minty hug.

My head had already been hurting from the putrid stench of too much peppermint, but it began to pound upon being engulfed in Mrs Pump's new perfume. Eyes watering, head throbbing, and throat closing, my gag reflexes were on the go, trying not to upchuck breakfast all over dear Mrs Peppermint...I mean Pump.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Mrs Pump released me and I was able to breath again. Was I alive? Had I really survived such an attack? Had I really managed to hold my breath for so long? She bid her farewell and walked away, the trail of mint floating along behind her.

That night, after I had took a shower and washed away all traces of my near death experience, I vowed to seek revenge on the person who gave Mrs Pump the bag of peppermints, and once I found them, I would make them eat buckets of chocolate chip mint ice cream, York patties, and peppermint candies.

The end.