Thursday, November 11, 2010


Lately, the world has REALLY been getting on my nerves.

I know that probably sounds a bit melodramatic, but it's so true! All the corruption and evil is just terrible! There are two things that have been on my mind the most, and I will talk a bit about them both in this post.

The gay population is really getting out of hand. In all honesty, I have never before really minded gay people. I knew that their mindset was wrong, but as long as they didn't flaunt their sexuality, I didn't care. As of recently though, I've started to care quite a bit. Before, hearing that someone you went to school with or a popular actor/actress that you had had a crush on as a child was gay was totally rare. People would have their suspicions, but they usually never found out for certain.

Now, that's ALL you hear about. Being gay is the "cool" thing to do these days. It's all in movies, books, tv shows, songs, everywhere! It's disgusting. Nothing is wholesome anymore. Nothing is pure, nothing is innocent, nothing is simply just good. All forms of entertainment feel they must either make an innuendo about gays, or else they just fully throw it out there, going so far as to make the gay leads in movies/tv shows have "partners" and having close(and sometimes intimate) relationships with each other.

How sick is that?! How wrong can you possibly get?! Gay rights, gay parades, gay movies, gay fanclubs, gay's all sickening.

Cyber Bullying/Public Schools
I don't even know how to begin with this one. Public schools aren't anything like what they show you on tv and movies. If the stuff you've watched was about the kid getting picked on at school, the jerky jock, and the group of mean girls, or even if you've watched How To Save A Life, then hear this; Public school is STILL 10 times worse than that.

I have some friends who were raised home schooled and have just recently started going to public school. The stories they tell are just absolutely terrible. Girls doing whatever, guys showing themselves to the girls during p.e., drugs, cursing, bullying, cliques, etc. The list goes on and on. The school is basically a safari of sorts; It's filled with all these crazed animals, and you've got the small handful of people who are just trying to make it out alive.

Bullying in person is bad enough, but cyber bullying is truly horrible. These people, kids nonetheless, get on the Internet and just slam a person in the worst possible ways. They call them every name under the sun, they tell them to go kill their selves, they threaten to kill the person FOR them, they tell the world that they wish that person was dead and how no one would miss them, and they just go on and on and on.

I can't imagine being either of those people. I'd hate to be the one going through that, and I'd hate to be the one wishing death upon a person. What's worse is that these kids commit suicide all the time, and no one even cares. They just pick another victim and go right back at it.

I just wish I knew who these people think they are. Who are they to be treating others so poorly? Who are they to think they're any better than anyone else? They. Are. NOBODY. They are nobody if they're just going to act like that for the rest of their lives. I pray that God will open their eyes and let them see how horrible their actions really are.


  1. I've been hearing a lot about bullying too. It's very upsetting. Just last night at church one of the guys was asking prayer for his nephew who is seven (seven!!) and was almost suffocated by the other kids recently!! It's really insane and the people in charge of the schools refuse to acknowledge that something is terribly amiss.

    In my English 1010 class at school we are writing research papers. One of our five options is about bullying--so it's interesting to me that you just wrote this about it.

  2. That's terrible! I don't know what's up with the teachers nowadays. That's part of their job; Be there for the students. If they aren't going to acknowledge the problems, then who will? Parents can only go so far, really. This is why homeschooling is SUCH a better choice.

    Hmm..that is interesting!
