Monday, October 18, 2010


Wow. Last night was such an eye(and heart) opener!

Ok, so here's the thing; Last night, I was sitting in my room. I wasn't really doing anything other than just sitting there. I wasn't thinking of much, I wasn't reading, I was just sitting. Nothing was happening, then all of a sudden, I started thinking about God.

When I say "thinking", I mean downright deep-as-a-well pondering. I was suddenly in such great awe of Him and how great He really is! I started to feel guilty, too. Here I am, a seemingly useless and definitely unworthy creation that God loves unconditionally and blesses so immensely, and I don't do anywhere NEAR what I could be doing to worship and to show my appreciation for Him. He gave His only Son for me(a Son, I'm proud to say, that saved me years ago) and I can't even do something so simple as to have a quiet time with Him everyday. What kind of child am I if I don't show my Father how thankful I am for His kindness?!

So here's what I'm thinking. I'm thinking that I'm going to get more focused on Him. I want to be able to hear God if He speaks to me. I want to be the person that people will watch and listen to and KNOW from my actions and words that I'm a Christian. I want to do my part in spreading the Love of Jesus!

I'll definitely continue praying about growing closer to Him, and I hope that you can spare a few minutes to say a little prayer for me also. This is just something that I felt I should share. Who knows? Maybe this blog post will be my first small step in ministering, in a way. Either way, God is truly amazing. =]

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