Friday, November 20, 2009


Today I woke up happy, and then I went completely blah. I can't think of anything to take pictures of, I don't feel like cleaning, I can't focus on reading when I try to read, and one of my best friends(you know, the only one who ever texts me) is going to be away, so they'll be too busy to text. It's probably for the best though, because I'm guessing that I'm not much fun to talk to right now. I feel so monotone. I'm actually thinking of taking a nap, so that maybe I can get a do-over of sorts, you know? Try waking up happy and staying that way. That would be great. Geez, even smileys on the computer are bugging me. If I type out this... =] It feels all wrong. I can't go around all day posting =/ though(even though it's far more accurate to how I'm feeling right this moment). I think the thing that bothers me most is that I'm so used to being happy and cheerful all the time, and then I get into THIS sort of mood, and it bugs me to death! I can't stand feeling like this! I hate it! Ugh. Well, writing this made me feel a little bit better, I guess because it's helping me to think again. I don't know. I'll write again when I'm feeling a bit more sunshine-y.

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