Friday, September 25, 2009

Wouldn't it be great if you could tell someone something private and then sew their mouth shut so they couldn't go repeating it? Just a thought I had.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Ok ok, so I know it's much too early to be posting about Christmas, but I just wanted to show everyone something.

PROOF! That I am indeed a nerd!

Let us start by looking at my Christmas list for last year.

Harry Potter Edition Clue
The Force Unleashed
Apples To Apples
The Tales Of Beedle The Bard
Last Word

Notice anything? The first isn't just a board game(which that in it's self is nerdy because it's not a video game). It's a board game based on a book series. The 2nd is a Star Wars book, the next is a word game, another book, and yet another word game. Are these things a "cool" kid would ask for? No. Are these things a nerd would ask for? HECK YEAH!

So what is on my Christmas list for this year? Let me show you.

Any Margaret Haddix book that I don't yet own
Last Word
A bigger bookshelf
A tin of those delightful vanilla luxury wafers

One Hundred And Seventy-Two

I just got done counting how many books I own that are in my room, and I came up with 172. Is that it?

Just kidding. I had no idea I had so many! I mean, I knew that I was starting to triple stack my bookshelf, I have a basket full of Anime comic books, and I have piles of books scattered all around my room, but I had no idea it would so quickly total up to 172 books! Goodness gracious!

And those are just my normal everyday reading books. My have-fun-while-reading-them books. I didn't even bother to count my old school books, notebooks, diaries, magazines, and game guides. If I were to count those, I'd have around 250, I'm sure. And if I were to count the books that are in my room that aren't mine but I plan on reading, then we'd hit 350. And if we were to count every single book in the house, upstairs and downstairs, we would go past 1000. Of this, I am absolutely positive.

My room alone is my own personal library. I stock it with books I get from Goodwill. Goodwill probably has no idea how much I LOVE them. They have so many books, and I usually get at least 4 books per trip, per Goodwill store. Sometimes I'll find 10 or more books in one Goodwill that I MUST own. Whether it's something I think looks interesting or something I've read a million times before, I get it. Hey, can't beat $1.99.

So even though I have 172 books, I shall continue to collect more. Life is too short, so read as much as you can!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cryng For More

I am all sniffly. Why? Because I was crying. Not because I stubbed my toe on a corner of something or because I heard some bad news. Nope, I'm all sniffly because I just got done crying over a book. Mhmm, a book. Is that nerdy of me?

I am not the crying type. It takes quite a bit to make me cry. So when I read a book, I don't expect to start bawling. Sometimes it happens though. The first time I ever cried while reading a book was during my 1st read of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Chapter 35, page 805. I'll not say what it is that makes me cry every single time I read it, but that was the first time I came to realize that J. K. Rowling is a truly amazing writer. Her amazing writing skills made me tear up once more during Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, chapter 34 page 698(and as I was looking through my HP book just now to that page, I started to get teary eyed!). To possess such a great talent, one that enables the reader to get so emotionally attached to the plot and to the characters of the story, is just AWESOME! If only I could obtain such an ability!

It's been awhile since I've read a book like that, one that I feel like I must read. I recently finished The Vampire Diaries series, and let me tell you, L. J. Smith knows how to write a true page turner. I read the entire series in 4 days. That is to say, I read and completed a book a day. It wasn't until I got to the 3rd book that I started crying. I'd felt other things, such as fright, anger, anticipation, and joy, but when I got to towards the end of the 3rd book, I felt sad! All of the twists and turns in the series didn't prepare me for the ending of that book. It was great! I continued on to the 4th and last book in the series, and I cried. And I cried. And I cried! I couldn't help myself! I was so into the story, so hooked on the very idea that the events were even happening, that I felt like I was watching a movie. It was that well written. Every word played out like a movie in my head, and I was able to see every character, every place, every description of anything that was wrote.

All I can do is praise authors like J. K. Rowling and L. J. Smith for writing such great stuff. Thank you, thank you, thank you!