Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Short Star Wars Story That I Wrote

Aba Fedd crouched down at the top of an old tree house in the middle of Kashyyyk. She was on a mission. A mission, unlike any she had had in the past. She was to take down one of the more feared Sith Lords, the dark Lord Riethan. Just a little bit longer... thought Aba. She had been hiding in this abandoned tree house for nearly 5 hours, waiting for the person closest to the Sith Lord to appear. Bounty hunters were trained to wait any amount of time. The credits were usually worth the wait, in the end. So Aba waited, sweat starting to bead on her forehead. Suddenly, there was movement in the woods. Aba stiffened, ready to pounce on her target. Her eyes narrowed, trying to make out who , or what, was coming. A man appeared out of the woods, looking over his shoulder as if he was being followed. Aba allowed herself a small grin. It was time to take action. As the man walked under the tree house, Aba jumped down, using great agility, as if she herself were a Jedi. The man had sensed her coming though, and already had his blood red lightsaber out by the time she was on the ground. "Well well well. Look who it is." said the man to Aba. "I was beginning to wonder when I'd see your face." Aba smiled with no humour. "It's always nice to know that one is expected, but let's get right to the nitty gritty, shall we?" Aba whipped her gun out, about to shoot, but Denjaloleb was too quick for her. He knocked the gun out of her hand, sending it flying into the woods behind him. "Did you really think you could kill me with a mere blaster?" Aba's eyes got large and a look of shock came over her face. Denjaloleb snarled. "What are you gawking at??" He turned around to where Aba was staring and there, right behind him was his master: Lord Riethan. Lord Riethan looked down at his apprentice, a cold look in his unhuman eyes. Denjaloleb got to his knees. "Lord Riethan, what are you doing...." "I've come to finish you off, apprentice." said Riethan, cutting his apprentice off. "It appears to me that you have taken much too long to kill the enemy." Denjaloleb looked up, fear on his face. "B-b-but Master, I've only jus...." "Enough." Lord Riethan ignited his light saber and drove it into Denjaloleb's back before the once upon a time apprentice could finish his last sentence. "Now," said Riethan calmly, looking at Aba. "It's time we got this over with." Aba did the only thing she could think of. She went straight up in the air with her jet pack. Suddenly, she heard a scream from below. Aba knew she couldn't fly very well, but the sight she saw made her proud of her poor flying skills. Lord Riethan, the dark Sith Lord, was quickly burning to death. Aba had took off at an unusual angle, making the jets hit Riethan's cloak, starting the burning process. As the fire climbed to Riethan's hair, the screaming worsened, and so did Riethan's threats. "CURSE YOU, ABA!! YOU SHALL NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS!!" As Riethan talked, he used a Force jump to jump up to Aba, where he grabbed her, and wouldn't let go. Aba tried to shake him off, but it was no use. She was quickly engulfed in flames too. As the fire got to Aba's back, she was, by that time, dead, as well as Lord Riethan. They sped back down to the ground, where their bones broke into a hundred pieces, and they lay next to the body of Denjaloleb.

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