Monday, March 28, 2011


I sort of miss my friends.

I hate how things change. How one thing happens, and then suddenly your friends are different.

I haven't had anything even slightly resembling a deep conversation with a gal pal in I don't know how long.

The sad truth is, I don't think they even care.

I can't talk about future plans involving marital stuff because they get "grossed out" and won't listen.

If I say anything at all nice about Ryan, I get attitude or mock revolt which I think is actually only partially meant in a teasing way.

No one outside of Ryan or my family knows about anything going on in my life.

No one outside of them knows what I'm thinking or what I'm feeling, really.

They don't know about any of my future plans or about anything going on at work.

They don't know what all I've been doing to grow myself up a bit.

They don't know anything about me anymore.

Maybe this is part of growing up?

If so, it sucks.


  1. Well, minus the ever so wonderful eb_fourside. She knows quite a bit. =]

  2. i think a lot of times when people get into relationships their friends feel left behind. it's very important to make sure that you're still making time for your girl friends, ya know? putting a lot of effort into it to make sure they know they haven't been forgotten or replaced.

    i hope that doesn't sound harsh. i've just seen it happen so many times. it's something i'm trying pretty hard to be careful about myself.

    hope things work out! i'll be praying for you--that sounds tough!

  3. Oh, I have. Most assuredly I have. That's one of my problems; I'm trying so hard to fit back into the group and make sure that I DON'T ignore my girls, that I end up not paying attention to my boyfriend.

    Thanks for the prayers, though. I could use them. =]

  4. hmmm =\ it's so hard to balance the two!! it's especially hard when people aren't understanding. sigh. i'm sorry =(

  5. Sweet dear. I love to talk, And I really love to talk about relationships. SO, we should skype or SOMETHING very soon. Because I enjoy talking too(:

  6. Hey!I'm here whenever you need me!!! I care i really do! sorry for ignoring you so much D: I love you!!(like a sister if course :P)and you talking about Ryan Is perfectly fine with me I would love to talk to you more!!Anyway,I'm here if you need anyone to talk to :)

  7. Thanks, Harlee. =] You're sweet.

  8. you're welcome :) You are too ;)
