Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Interesting thought...

I'll tell you what; People never cease to amaze me in non too pleasant ways.

Check out this article, then come back to this post.

You have read and heard correctly; Beckham openly admitted that he was using Jesus to portray himself. Does anyone else see anything wrong with that?

This is something that I've always felt very strongly about. I get a bad feeling whenever I see anyone comparing themselves to Jesus in a way other than trying our best to live like Christ.

I wasn't even a fan of the Passion of the Christ movie, just because I don't like the idea of normal people portraying Jesus. I understand that it has to be done, and it can be used to spread the Word of Him, but I don't know...it just doesn't feel right to me.

According to Leviticus 26:1, "Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God."

To me, it just seems as though having movies where an actor plays Jesus and getting tattoos of yourself as Him is sort of like creating a false idol.

Maybe I'm just being wacky about it, but it just feels weird to me. I don't feel that way when I see plays where people are acting out the part of Christ, but anywhere else...it just feels strange.

Anyone else have any thoughts on this subject?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. Five-ish years ago at our church we went through the ten commandments and I that's the position our pastor held too. I think we can read the Bible if we want to see Christ and His actions, not watch Mel Gibson, or any other actor, for that matter, pretending to be Him. Because we don't even come close to understanding what being perfect truly is.
