Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cutest Kitten Ever

I've been told I need to post, so post I shall!

First off, something that's been on my mind that I'd like to get out of the way: I'm super glad that I don't wear bucket loads of make-up. I loathe it oh-so-much. Even just a little bit makes my face feel 5 pounds heavier and I feel sooo self conscious. It's ok on special occasions, but every day? No thanks.

Another thing I've been thinking a lot about is my friends. They mean so much more to me as of late than they will ever know. Something about being 18-almost-19 and trying to get a move on with my adulthood makes days spent with close friends that much more important and special.

I'm currently undergoing some EXTREME leg pain right now. It feels a lot like growing pains, so maybe I'm going to get a bit taller? That would be pretty awesome...

I just thought of a topic for my next blog post.

So I joined the band wagon a few years late and got myself a Tumblr. Tried it and failed at it. Apparently I'm getting too old for all this new age stuff. Speaking of which, who all uses or has heard of Google+?

And now, I will leave you with this super cute video of the world's most adorable kitten.

Oh my goodness. I seriously started crying over how freakin' adorable that kitten was. I just love his little waddle and tubby little legs and the ending!!! *dies*


  1. Definitely agreeing with you about both the make-up thing and the time spent with friends. Over the summer I stopped wearing make-up (I never wore a lot, but I thought I looked gross and manly without mascara), and now I feel gross wearing it . . . I think I look better without it now (not sure how that happened, but I like it! :P). And the friends thing....oh my goodness! It's just really true.

    Okay. That's all. haha

  2. P.s. Just so I'm being completely honest, I do wear make-up for special occasions and such still.
