Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 30- Your Reflection In The Mirror

Dear Me,

Today's my birthday! I'm finally, FINALLY 18. If I were to look in the mirror, I'd see a very tired, very pleased adult(yep, that's right. ADULT). I have sooo much to be thankful for. I've been so blessed to have had such a wonderful childhood. I'm so grateful for everyone in my life and for everything they've done for me. I mean really, how awesome is it that 3 of my best friends waited until midnight to sing me "happy birthday" on Skype? That's pretty darn awesome.

I'm also super glad that my first ever date will be with the one I love, on my birthday, all day long. In case you're an emotionless rock, I'll just tell you this; That's epic.

Anyways, I need to go to sleep so that I can fully enjoy my first ever day as an adult. I COULD go buy some cigarettes, vote in a poll, order online from Japan, go to jail, or sign a contract, but instead, I think I'll go enjoy the day with my amazing boyfriend and maybe watch a G rated movie. ;]

Much love, A.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 29- The Person That You Want To Tell Everything To, But You're Too Afraid To

Dear Non-Existent Person,

Um....yeah. There's a small handful of people in my life that I feel like I can tell anything. The other people in my life I don't trust as much, and therefore I don't want to tell them everything.

This is the most boring letter ever.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 28- Someone That Changed Your Life

Dear JP,

So, you've helped me to change my life for the absolute better. You were the only one who, at a church hayride, talked to me and Tonya, and you were also the one who helped me to become a Christian.

It's thanks to you that I'm where I am today spiritually. Though I didn't fully understand what all being saved meant then, I was able to learn over time, and I'm SO glad that you were nice enough to care and to help me to begin my walk with Christ.

You're an awesome friend, JP. You're always there for people, you make sure no one gets left out, and you know how to make someone feel better about themselves. I'm so glad that I was given a 2nd chance to get to know you again. You're a good influence and a role model.

Keep it groovy, Juice Box! ;]

Your friend, A.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 27- The Friendliest Person You Knew For Only One Day

Dear Random Dude At Camp,

For some reason, we were super nicey nice to each other for only a few hours of one day out of an entire week of being around each other. You turned out to be really nice, funny, and talkative. We made jokes, we stuck up for each other, and then....nothing. It was still fun being your friend for those few short hours, though!

Your random friend, A.

Day 26- The Last Person You Made A Pinky Promise To

Dear Rhino,'re the only person I've ever made pinky promises with. I remember it like it was yesterday...

You, Kirstin, Jesse, and myself were all hanging out at my house, talking. I said something, and you just leaned over, looked me in the eyes and said, "pinky promise?", and then held out your pinky. I just looked at you, so you said it again. I smiled, then hooked pinkies and said, "pinky promise".

Since then, I think we've done maybe 5 other pinky promises? I don't know. I just know it hasn't been many, and I've never ever had anyone else do those with me. You should feel special, dear. You were the first and only. =]

Love you so much!


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day 25- The Person You Know That Is Going Through The Worst Of Times

Dear Anyone Who's Lost Someone Recently,

I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I can't help to ease your pain in some way. I'm sorry that people we love have to die, I'm sorry that we have to grieve, and I'm sorry for any ill turns of behavior that may occur. I can't imagine how it must feel to lose someone you love. It's hurtful enough just having a dear pet die, so to think about losing someone so close and loved is just so beyond my comprehension. I know it's always said, but it really is true that if God is willing, you will see your beloved again someday. I can't imagine how hard it must be to go through the motions for the first time once your loved one passes away. Christmas, anniversaries, birthdays, anything like that must be absolute torture. Even though I can't help to ease the pain, I know that God can and will. I'll be honest; I don't think the memories will ever stop hurting. I believe that in due time, the pain will lessen a bit, but I don't think it will ever truly go away. And really, who would have it disappear in the long run? Feelings are a way of helping us to stay human and sane. I know that this isn't any help at all, but I still wanted to write it.

Stay strong.

Love, A.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Day 24- The Person That Gave You Your Favorite Memory

(seeing as i have so many favorite moments, i'll just write down the ones i had with certain people)

Dear People In My Life,

Mom: MOMMY! I love you! So, pretty much any time me and you are out doing something by ourselves is a good memory with you. Every moment with you is super special, because you're my mom and you're awesome! I remember such funny things, like the first spelling bee practice and me telling you about a certain something happening, us walking around a Walmart and me accidentally saying a cuss word in front of some old lady and you telling me quietly what I'd said, us getting a milk shake after I had my shots at the doctor's, me and you and Jep doing school outside, the watermelon fight with the pool, all the talks we've ever had about boys, staying up late watching music videos while waiting for Sam to go to sleep, and so many more! I love you SO MUCH, Mom!

Dad: Daddeh! Gosh, you're such a funny guy! I think some of my favorite memories with you is being little and us coloring and reading comic strips together, everything soccer, you carrying me off the field when I was hurt, being little and sick and you having to keep changing my sheets all night long, us going on a "date" one night to McDonald's, having talks together when I was upset...and those are just a few! I love you, Daddy! Thank you for keeping things goofy!

Rhino: Oh man...where to begin?! Every single moment with you has stayed in my mind, though not all of them have been good times. It'd be so hard to name a favorite moment, though! Some that come to mind instantly is first meeting you, you sitting super close to me on the picnic table at my grandparent's house, you falling in the creek and chasing your hat, telling you that I liked you and having you actually like me back, our first cheek kiss, the randomness videos, walking around the Opry Hotel with you last year, the first time you held my hand(and in front of people), the last time I was at your house, spending the ENTIRE day with you on your birthday and then again for the Youth Group outing, and sooo many more! I can't wait to make many more memories with you! I love you!

Tonya: Tuna Baboona! We have had some awesome times together! Some of the best memories of you are as follows: Our first meeting and how I sounded like a loser, us playing with Legos while eating ice cream cones, whenever you first asked my mom if I could come over, making Christmas cookies, my mom scaring you with the pig mask, shopping with you in Rivergate, and last Summer. I love my Tuna! ^_^

Jo: Wait, not Jo. Madeline! No, I mean Koiston. UGH, you know who you are! Haha Just kidding! You know I love you and your many names. Every time we're together, I have a BLAST. You're so fun to be around! A single best memory is not possible to have. I mean, think about it; Remember the time at Walmart when we talked about nightgowns? How about running you know who's ring back to them? Laughing over nothing while me and Tonya looked on? Seeing if Ryan would go back to get my camera bag at the drive in this past Summer? The Wheaties video? Putting up with my weirdness and eating at my table during Internationals? Girl, we have so many!! I love you, Kirstin!

Jep: Jesse......we are awesome. Seriously. We complete each other. I am the nerd and you are the cool in our relationship. We have so many memories, it should almost be illegal. Remember when I knocked you off your bike then made you promise not to tell? Or whenever I scared the crap out of you in Destin? How about us telling each other "secrets" in the bed when we were little? Or pretending to be lizards? "Get up you Scottish loser!"? Get Out Of My Tiny Kitchen? How about you helping me to pack baby (doll) clothes whenever Mom told us she was pregnant? Gosh, we're so epic it almost makes me sick! I wuv you, Jepoopoo!

Sam: Buddy, we really need to make more memories together. I do have some favorites with you, though! I remember seeing you for the first time in the hospital. I remember feeling so proud whenever I got to help take care of you. I remember the first time you tried to learn how to ride a bike. I remember thinking how cute you were whenever you and Daddy would fall asleep together. I remember teaching you how to play Scattergories, then regretting it after seeing how good you were. You're a pretty cool little dude, Samalamadingdong, and I love you!

Love to you all(and more), A.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day 23- The Person You Last Kissed

Dear Chapstick,

I love you. I love how you help my lips to stay hydrated. I love how you keep me from looking like a dead, dry fish. Thank you, Chapstick. Thank you for always being there for me whenever I need you the most. I hope we can continue to be this close for the rest of your life(which will only be like, 3 more months. sorry...)

Love, A.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 22- Someone You Want To Give A Second Chance To

Dear Someone,

I'm always willing to give second chances to people. All the person has to do is prove that they've changed or admit they were wrong, and the second chance will be given. Actually, sometimes I wonder if I give TOO many chances to some people. Either way, I'm all for forgiveness and redemption. Sorry this wasn't more interesting!


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 21- Someone You Judged By Their First Impression

Dear Kirstin,

Madeline! We have the best first impression story EVER. Whenever I had my first ever encounter with you, I thought you were super quiet and hated me. We didn't talk AT ALL around each other. Whenever Tonya would leave the room, it was sooo awkward! Here's an example of the awkwardness...

*Tonya leaves the room*

ME: .......
KIRSTIN: .......
ME: .....So. Tonya's silly.
KIRSTIN: ......yeah.
*silence until Tonya returned*

WEIRD! Anyways, I'm SO glad that we were given more opportunities to know each other better. We've both changed a lot since those days and now you're one of my best friends. I love everything about you; Your humor, your faces, our inside jokes, your personality, your sweetness, how you stick up for me, how you help me whenever I need it, your bravery, your patience with me, how you trust me, and so much more. I love you, Kirstin! I hope I can be half the friend to you that you are to me.

Signed with much love and appreciation, A.

Monday, December 20, 2010

To All The Girls...

Isn't it crazy how quickly we can fall for someone?

Don't you find it odd how we over think every little detail of a conversation with our interest?

Do you ever think of yourself as stalkerish whenever you start trying to learn all you can about them?

Isn't it weird how we deny we like someone?

Doesn't it feel terrible whenever there's a love triangle going on?

Doesn't it suck to cry over a guy?

Can you help but get a little bit hopeful whenever he tells you that he doesn't like such and such anymore?

Don't you hate trying to guess his true feelings about you?

Isn't it insane how much courage you have to have to make the first move?

Isn't it totally worth every tear, thought, lonely day, fight, and heartbreak whenever you find out that he likes you too?

Doesn't life get that much brighter when you know that there's someone out there who loves you for you?

Yeah....I thought so.


Hi. I've got a new poll. Vote on it please?

Day 20- The One That Broke Your Heart Hardest

Dear ____,

I don't know if I should even be writing this. I think what I went through at one point last year was heart break, but really; Does it even matter now? No, it does not. It was merely a period in a section of my life that wasn't so great, but it's over now. Things have worked out, and now I couldn't be happier!

Signed, A.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 19- Someone That Pesters Your Mind- Good Or Bad

Dear Love,

Person whom I love, you are on my mind 24/7. You are the first person I think about when I wake up, and the last when I fall asleep. I love to imagine what you would say or do if you were around whenever something interesting happens in my life. I love to imagine your super hansom self, and how absolutely amazing you look when you smile that one certain way. If I'm sad or down, I love to pretend that you're holding me. I'm so thankful that we get to talk over the computer, but I'm not going to lie; You're more fun in person(not to mention i can hug and kiss you that way...). I love you!

♥, A

Dear OTHER Person,

You're usually on my mind, but in a totally different way. You have a way of getting into my head and making me doubt every little thing anyone says or does, and even of making me doubt myself in every way possible. Whereas the above makes me feel important and loved and amazing, you make me feel the absolute opposite. You crush, you diss, and you claw. It's like you try your very hardest to make me miserable or ruin any good thing I've got. Why would you do that? You call me your best friend; Is that how you treat a friend? No, it's not. I can't stand it when you do that. It used to make me upset. Now it just makes me mad. Call me what you like, think what you will, and do what you want; I couldn't care less about your crap anymore. I'm happy, I'm loved, and I'm me. If you don't like it, tough.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 18: Someone You Wish You Could Be

(i'm writing this a day early because there's no way on earth i'll be awake enough to write it tomorrow)

Dear Changed Me,

I wish I could be more sure of myself. I wish I had a bit more confidence in some of the things that I do, I wish I didn't have such drastic mood swings, I wish I were a mathematician genius, and I wish I could be a great public speaker. I'm in luck though, because I can make almost all of these things happen! I'm glad to be me, don't get me wrong. I just think some things could be improved, as most people do.

Signed, A.

Day 17- Someone From Your Childhood

Dear Barney & Co.,

When I was but a wee lass, I loved you and your dinosaur friends. You were big, you were purple, and you were friendly. Baby Bop(or as i called her when i was young, "baby wipe") was the best, unless being able to see her involved meeting her in person at Toys R Us, in which case it was quite traumatizing. But that's a different story! Barney, I even sang in a contest for you. Yes, it's true; I sang in a Barney theme song contest all in the hopes that I would be on your show. I practiced for days and days, making sure I had the song memorized. Needless to say, I never got on the show(now that i think about it, i can probably thank selena gomez for that...).

As much as I loved you then, it's now very apparent to me how creepy you really are. I mean, you're a huge purple dinosaur who loves to hug and kiss(aka "taste") little kids. You're like IT the Clown disguised as a less frightening felt reptile. How did I ever find comfort in your creepy little theme song?!

I love you
You love me
We're a great big family
With a great big kiss
And a hug from me to you
Won't you say you love me too!

No Barney, I will NOT say I love you.

A very scared teen, A.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 16- Someone That's Not In Your State/Country

Dear Johnny Depp,

Why hello there, Mr Depp! Has anyone ever told you how awesome you are? They have? Every day? Really? Well then, you won't mind if another person tells you!

Johnny Depp....I love you. Not in a creepy fangirl sort of way, or in an obsessed fan sort of way, but in, who am I kidding?! I love you in BOTH those types of ways! I think you're an amazing actor who has a wonderfully quirky personality. I've always loved quirky people. Edward Scissorhands? Amazing. You should feel special; Your performance is the ONLY one that has made me cry. I love how you seem to stay really humble and modest, even though you're so insanely popular. I love that you've had a solid relationship for so long, and that you seem to care so much about your kids. You seem to me a genuinely good person, and I would LOVE to meet you some day.

With much love and respect, A.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 15- The person you miss most

Dear Ryan,

I MISS YOU! It's been 4 days since I've gotten to see you. Sure, we Skyped yesterday, but that's not the same. I need to be around you in order to get the full effect of how awesome and fun you are. I'll see you tomorrow though, so that's good! Wow...I've just realized that the last time I ever got to see your 17 year old self was on Saturday. Whoa...Anyways, I love you and miss you and can't wait to see you.

♥, A.


I'm slowly going mad without my friends. I would very much enjoy getting to be around any(if not all) of you. Saturday was the last day before TOTAL ISOLATION. Ok, so I'm being totally dramatic, but it WAS the last day before all this snow and ice crap started up. I hate it. I need my friends like a monkey needs a banana; A whole heck of a lot! I'll get to see most of you tomorrow though, and maybe all of you on Saturday! HUZZAH! Please, don't forget who I am, since it's been so long.

Love, A.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 14- Someone You've Drifted Away From

Dear Jessica,

Yeah, we've drifted apart. We were best friends Once Upon A Time, right up until you left town. Even then, I still considered us to be friends. Then you stopped calling or writing for about half a year, and I was sad. One day though, I got a phone call, and it was you. You were in a totally different state with totally different people and a totally new life, but you were still you(though a little more rough around the edges), and we talked as though nothing had changed. We called each other every single day, all the way until you came back to town for a few hours. I was SO happy to see you then! Though it was only for 10 minutes, I loved every second. When the time came for you to leave, you asked for my cell phone number, and said you would call me the minute you were free.

I never got that phone call.

I went for forever without any sign of your existence. No emails, no phone calls, no Facebook, nothing. I was on my way to moving on, when you suddenly got in touch with me by sending a little tiny message containing 7 small words. I wrote back, and that was the last I ever heard of you.

I'm ready to move on. What we had in the past was amazing and my first true blue friendship, and I thank you for that. But as times go on and you make no effort to stay in contact with me, I realize what's done is done. People change, and so does life.

I still miss you sometimes, but I've moved on.

Signed, A.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 13- Someone You Wish Could Forgive You

Dear Person Whom I've Apparently Wronged,

I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Whatever I did, I didn't mean for it to upset you in any way. Friends?

Love, A.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 12- The Person You Hate Most/Caused You A Lot of Pain This is a toughie.

I don't hate anyone. I'm trying to work on not even strongly disliking people. I want to either like or dislike someone. No strong feelings of dislike, because it gets in the way. Emotions can get out of whack, actions can be rash, feelings can be hurt, etc. I want to put any and all past pain or seemingly wrong doings towards me behind me, never to be drug out and used as ammunition for ill thoughts again. That's not to say that I'm going to totally forget when someone did something not so nice, but I'm not going to dwell on it. I think I'll make my own motto. Something like, "Forgive and move on."

So....yeah! This is one letter that can't be wrote.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Dick Van Dyke Show

Oh World, please tell me that there's someone out there who thinks the same as I.

I have acquired a minor(ok, it's a little more than minor) crush on someone who is 89 years old. Ok, so that sounds really wrong. Let me explain myself.

Dick Van Dyke is amazing. My crush though isn't on his present self, but on his 30 year old self on the infamous Dick Van Dyke Show. Oh em gee, was he ever charming! His smile, his laugh, his personality, his overall cheeriness; He was just so cute! As an added bonus, the show is from the 50s, meaning that all the men wore suits or dress coats all the time. As any one who knows me well knows...I'm a sucker for a man in formal.

It is now my new goal in life to watch Mary Poppins and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, two Disney movies I have yet to see. Dyke as a chimney sweep? Yes please! I think it's safe to say that thanks to Mr Van Dyke, girls everywhere have thought of chimney sweeps as slightly attractive, in a weird sort of way.

Even at his current age, he's still got that undeniable charm about him. Though instead of attractive, it's just grandfatherly. He still has that great smile and chipper laugh that fans love oh so much. You know, it's just occurred to me that Zachary Levi may be the present day Dick Van Dyke. Hmm....I'll have to test out this theory on my friend Kirstin(who's had a major soft spot for Levi ever since I told her about his singing voice).

My, isn't it interesting how the female teenage mind works?

Day 11- A Deceased Person You Wish You Could Talk To

Dear Roald Dahl,

I love(and i do mean LOVE) your books! I'm a huge huge huge fan of your work. I love how quirky and dark you are in your books. You make the perfect combination of comedy and shock. I must say, out of all of the childrens books that I've read of yours, Fantastic Mr. Fox and Danny, Champion of the World are my absolute favorites. Not only are your books amazing reads, but they make for some truly fantastic films as well! Take James and the Giant Peach and the newest Charlie and the Chocolate Factory remake for example. Both are AMAZING movies which I love! I was very disappointed when I learned that you passed away 2 years before I was born. Only two years! It's terrible. Anyways, I would have LOVED to meet you and discover what type of person you were.

Your faithful fan, A.

Day 10- Someone You Don't Talk to As Much As You'd Like To

Dear Elizabeth,

Lizzy! I miss you. Gosh, we almost never talk anymore, and I really do miss it! You're an awesome gal with a good head on her shoulders. I'm glad that you've moved on from MAC to the great guy you have now. I'm REALLY hoping that you come to town tomorrow so I can visit with you. You know what I miss most about you? Your awesome smile and contagious laugh! You definitely brighten up a room with your wonderful personality. Miss and love you, Lizzy Beth!

Love, A.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 9: Someone You Wish You Could Meet

Dear Jesus,

I don't have to wish on this one, because I KNOW I'm going to meet you when the time is right. I can't wait to be even more humbled than I already am. I can't wait to ask so many questions. I can't wait to FINALLY meet the hero who sacrificed Himself for every person on Earth. We're going to have a blast, Jesus. Just sayin'...

Yours, A.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 8: Your Favorite Internet Friend

Dear eb,

You. Are. AWESOME! Seriously, you're so great! I'm really thankful that we've gotten to know each other so well. You make me laugh with your great sense of humor, you take amazing pictures, I like that we can talk about such random things and it not be weird, I LOVE Gilbert, you like good musicals, and yeah! I can't wait until the day that we can finally meet in person. Unless you're one of those "ew-don't-touch-me!" people, you will be getting a huge friendly hug from mwah.

Later, cyber best fraaaaan! ;]

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I've got a new might want to check it out. Or you might not. Whatever floats your boat, yo.

Here's the link --> LINK

Mhmm...mhmm....comments and thoughts much appreciated!

Day 7: Your Dreams

I'm supposed to write a letter to my dreams? Really? Awkward....

Dear Dreams,

Hi. Well, you can be pretty crazy sometimes, eh? You're usually super colorful, always bizarre, almost never nice, and you usually manage to squeeze in at least one animal of some sort. Loved the ones where I was constantly getting attacked and/or eaten. Really, that was great....*

From now on, how about we be a little nicer? How about I dream something totally innocent and sweet, like a trip to Disney World with the family and nothing goes wrong? Sure, you let me dream about a cute little kitten last night, but let's not forget that it hated me and wouldn't stop hissing.

Anyways, hope we can come to an understanding one of these days. I'm thinking my motto should be "nice dreams or none at all". Catchy, right?

Later, A.


Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 6: A Stranger

Howdy Stranger!

So, we've never met. That's sort of awesome. The cool thing about strangers is that once you introduce yourself to each other, you're not longer strangers but acquaintances, which is one step away from being friends!

I wonder who you are. I wonder what you're thinking as you read this letter. I wonder if you like Taylor Swift. You really should just introduce yourself so I can stop wondering so much about you.

Signed by your new acquaintance, A.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 5: Your Future Spouse

Dear Future Spouse,

If I'm lucky enough to get married in my future, then huzzah and praise the Lord! Really though, getting married is a big deal. Once you marry someone, that person becomes part of you in a totally new way. I hope I'm correct in saying that I know who my future spouse will be, but if I'm not...well, I guess I'll just pretend this it to someone else(even though that's sort of awkward...). Anyways, back to the letter!

Future Spouse, I hope that we live a long and happy life together. I hope that we get along as well as we do now once we're married. I will do my best to be a good wife. I hope we continue listening to each other. If we have an argument, I want us to resolve it the same day; No going to bed angry or upset. I want us to be there for each other through tough times, new experiences, and the wonderful memories. I want to be the one to encourage you when you're down, comfort you when you're sad, and be the first person to make you smile in the morning. I want to be a wife you can be proud of. Not a trophy wife, of course, but someone whom you respect and love. I promise to always be there for you and to always be one of your best friends, if you'll have me.

Love, A.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 4: Your Sibling(or closest relative)

Dear Jep and Sam-a-lam-a-ding-dong,

You two are pretty darn special, in case you didn't know that.

Jesse, you were my first best friend. I'm glad we're close in age, because it makes it easier to talk to you about stuff. Thank you for being stupid with me in our first videos. Thank you for letting me take pictures of you so often. Thank you for eating any leftovers I may have. Those small things really do make life that much easier. Haha. Really though, you're a cool dude(even IF you care way too much about your hair). Even though we're both sort of moody sometimes, I still always enjoy being silly with you. My favorite hobby is trying to make you laugh, you know. I can agree with the rest of the female population when I say that you aren't so bad looking, either. I love you, Jeppy!

Sam! Hi. So, I know for a fact that you won't read this, because you don't read my blog. Anyways, that's not important! You're a VERY unique little guy. You get on my nerves, you can be super annoying, you've got a weird way of thinking, and we fight way more than I like, but that's about all. You are SUPER funny. You've got some great wit, my friend. You enjoy being in my videos, which is awesome. You're good about following through with what you say. You can be pretty darn adorable, too! I loooove you, Sam!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 3: Your Parents

Dear Momma and Daddy,

I love you two SO FLIPPIN' MUCH! Mom, you're the best mom ever. You're awesome at advice, you do so much for all of us, you cook GREAT food, you're super funny, I love how we can read each other's minds, and you're an awesome role model. I hope I can be half as cool as you are when I'm a mom. I love you!!

Dad, you're AWESOME. Thank you for working so hard for our family. Thank you for the time you spend making sure we have a good time with sports. Thank you for all the nicknames you've given me and the silly songs you sing. Thank you for teaching us kids a lot about just about everything. I love you!

Love, A.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 2: Your Crush

Dear Crush,

I love you. I find myself thinking about how awesome you are quite often. I eagerly await any day that I know I'll see you, because I just can't get enough "You time". I love that we have such great times together. I love that you don't get mad at me whenever I purposely ruin any pictures you try to take with me. I love that you're so gosh darn cute. I love YOU.

Sincerely, A.

Day 1: Your Best Friend

Dear small group of people whom I call "best friends",

You guys are AWESOME. Let's see...I have 3 non-family best friends. Guess I could write each of them a letter?

Tuna: I LOVE YOU! Gosh, you've been my best friend for the longest. I've never had a friendship last so long without having any major issues. You're such an awesome person! You're sweet, innocent, funny, silly, cute, talented, and so much more. I know we don't talk as much as we used to, but when we do, it's still just as fun and special to me. Can't wait for the next get-together!

Jo: Kirstin, you're THE best. I'm so glad that I can call you one of my best friends, because you are a seriously wonderful gal. You're so funny! You listen to and help with other people's drama if you must, but without getting sucked into it or losing your cool. You give the best hugs which ALWAYS brighten my day that much more, you have a super smile, I love making faces with you, and I just love you!

Rhino: I could fill a book talking about you and that STILL not be enough. You're the best friend I have ever had. We've stuck with each other through most everything. I think that we are the ideal image of true friendship, but that's just my opinion. You're super sweet, very cute, a great listener, wonderful at making me feel better, always fun to be around, and everything else that can be used to describe someone that is 110% great! I love you!

Love, A.

So...this could be fun. =]

Day 1- Your best friend

Day 2- Your crush

Day 3- Your parents

Day 4- Your sibling (or closest relative)

Day 5- Your Future Spouse

Day 6- A stranger

Day 7- Your dreams

Day 8- Your favorite internet friend

Day 9- Someone you wish you could meet

Day 10- Someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like to

Day 11- A deceased person you wish you could talk to

Day 12- The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain

Day 13- Someone you wish could forgive you

Day 14- Someone you've drifted away from

Day 15- The person you miss most

Day 16- Someone that's not in your state/country

Day 17- Someone from your childhood

Day 18- The person that you wish you could be

Day 19- Someone that pesters your mind-good or bad

Day 20- The one that broke your heart hardest

Day 21- Someone you judged by their first impression

Day 22- Someone you want to give a second chance to

Day 23- The person you last kissed

Day 24- The person that gave you your favorite memory

Day 25- The person you know that is going through the worst of times

Day 26- The last person you made a pinky promise to

Day 27- The friendliest person you knew for only one day

Day 28- Someone that changed your life

Day 29- The person that you want to tell everything to, but too afraid to

Day 30- Your reflection in the mirror

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


In just a few minutes, it will officially be Thanksgiving Day. Man, have I got a lot to be thankful for this year!

First off, I'm thankful for my family. Especially my close family. They have helped to shape me into who I am today, and I love each of them so very much. They're always there to cheer me up, they advise me, they support me, and they love me. I'm proud to be a part of such an awesome family!

I'm also thankful for my friends. I have some terrific friends, and I'm not just saying that. The people I consider to be good friends are truly wonderful. It's great to have a handful of people that I know will always have my back. They definitely bring out the best in me, and I love them all.

Someone else I'm super thankful for is my wonderful boyfriend. He. Is. AMAZING. He's my absolute best friend. I'm so thankful that I've been lucky enough to know him and for our relationship to grow into more than just friendship. We've been through a lot and we have tons of memories together. I love him way more than he'll ever know.

God has truly blessed me with more than I rightfully deserve and for that, I am also thankful. He has given me so much my entire life, and this year is I'm almost overwhelmed with happiness!

Anyways, be sure to count your blessings everyone, and remember; You can be thankful everyday of the year, not just on Thanksgiving.

Happy Turkey Day! =D

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Lately, the world has REALLY been getting on my nerves.

I know that probably sounds a bit melodramatic, but it's so true! All the corruption and evil is just terrible! There are two things that have been on my mind the most, and I will talk a bit about them both in this post.

The gay population is really getting out of hand. In all honesty, I have never before really minded gay people. I knew that their mindset was wrong, but as long as they didn't flaunt their sexuality, I didn't care. As of recently though, I've started to care quite a bit. Before, hearing that someone you went to school with or a popular actor/actress that you had had a crush on as a child was gay was totally rare. People would have their suspicions, but they usually never found out for certain.

Now, that's ALL you hear about. Being gay is the "cool" thing to do these days. It's all in movies, books, tv shows, songs, everywhere! It's disgusting. Nothing is wholesome anymore. Nothing is pure, nothing is innocent, nothing is simply just good. All forms of entertainment feel they must either make an innuendo about gays, or else they just fully throw it out there, going so far as to make the gay leads in movies/tv shows have "partners" and having close(and sometimes intimate) relationships with each other.

How sick is that?! How wrong can you possibly get?! Gay rights, gay parades, gay movies, gay fanclubs, gay's all sickening.

Cyber Bullying/Public Schools
I don't even know how to begin with this one. Public schools aren't anything like what they show you on tv and movies. If the stuff you've watched was about the kid getting picked on at school, the jerky jock, and the group of mean girls, or even if you've watched How To Save A Life, then hear this; Public school is STILL 10 times worse than that.

I have some friends who were raised home schooled and have just recently started going to public school. The stories they tell are just absolutely terrible. Girls doing whatever, guys showing themselves to the girls during p.e., drugs, cursing, bullying, cliques, etc. The list goes on and on. The school is basically a safari of sorts; It's filled with all these crazed animals, and you've got the small handful of people who are just trying to make it out alive.

Bullying in person is bad enough, but cyber bullying is truly horrible. These people, kids nonetheless, get on the Internet and just slam a person in the worst possible ways. They call them every name under the sun, they tell them to go kill their selves, they threaten to kill the person FOR them, they tell the world that they wish that person was dead and how no one would miss them, and they just go on and on and on.

I can't imagine being either of those people. I'd hate to be the one going through that, and I'd hate to be the one wishing death upon a person. What's worse is that these kids commit suicide all the time, and no one even cares. They just pick another victim and go right back at it.

I just wish I knew who these people think they are. Who are they to be treating others so poorly? Who are they to think they're any better than anyone else? They. Are. NOBODY. They are nobody if they're just going to act like that for the rest of their lives. I pray that God will open their eyes and let them see how horrible their actions really are.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Wow. Last night was such an eye(and heart) opener!

Ok, so here's the thing; Last night, I was sitting in my room. I wasn't really doing anything other than just sitting there. I wasn't thinking of much, I wasn't reading, I was just sitting. Nothing was happening, then all of a sudden, I started thinking about God.

When I say "thinking", I mean downright deep-as-a-well pondering. I was suddenly in such great awe of Him and how great He really is! I started to feel guilty, too. Here I am, a seemingly useless and definitely unworthy creation that God loves unconditionally and blesses so immensely, and I don't do anywhere NEAR what I could be doing to worship and to show my appreciation for Him. He gave His only Son for me(a Son, I'm proud to say, that saved me years ago) and I can't even do something so simple as to have a quiet time with Him everyday. What kind of child am I if I don't show my Father how thankful I am for His kindness?!

So here's what I'm thinking. I'm thinking that I'm going to get more focused on Him. I want to be able to hear God if He speaks to me. I want to be the person that people will watch and listen to and KNOW from my actions and words that I'm a Christian. I want to do my part in spreading the Love of Jesus!

I'll definitely continue praying about growing closer to Him, and I hope that you can spare a few minutes to say a little prayer for me also. This is just something that I felt I should share. Who knows? Maybe this blog post will be my first small step in ministering, in a way. Either way, God is truly amazing. =]

Thursday, October 14, 2010


"You're wonderful
You're good at everything you do
Everyone is equal
But not as equal as you" -- Perfectionist by Landon Pigg

"Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart" -- Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler

"The sun is up
The sky is blue
It's beautiful
And so are you" -- Dear Prudence by The Beatles

"Tonight I'm tangled in my blanket of clouds
Dreamin' allowed" -- Walkin' After You by The Foo Fighters

"Angel you were born to fly
And if you get to high,
I'll catch you when you fall" -- When You Come Back Down by Nickle Creek

"I'ma do the things that I wanna do
I ain't gotta thing to prove to you
I eat my candy with the pork and beans
Excuse my manners if I make a scene.
I ain't gonna wear the clothes that you'll like
I'm fine and dandy with the me inside
One look in the miror and I'm tickled pink
I don't give a hoot about what you think" -- Pork and Beans by Weezer

"And I breathe cause it's necessary
And I sigh when I see the moon
I dream to make sleep less boring
Until there was you" -- Unhearted by Automatic Loveletter

"You are the moonlight of my life every night" -- Last Night On Earth by Green Day

"Close your eyes and I'll kiss you
Tomorrow I'll miss you
Remember I'll always be true
And then while I'm away
I'll write home everyday
And I'll send all my lovin' to you" -- All My Lovin' by The Beatles

"I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been" -- Lucky by Jason Mraz

"I wake up every evening with a big smile on my face
And it never feels out of place" -- Gives You Hell by All American Rejects

"Night time sharpens
Heightens each sensation
Darkness stirs and wakes imagination" -- Music Of The Night from The Phantom of the Opera

"There was a time
When I was so broken hearted
Love wasn't much of a friend of mine" -- Cryin' by Aerosmith

"I just can't eat
Just can't sleep
Can't do much of anything at all
Cause I'm sick and in love with you, dear" -- Lovesick by Nevershoutnever

"Play the music low
And sway to the rhythm of love" -- Rhythm Of Love by Plain White T's

These are just a few of my most favorite lyrics that always seem to give me a special fluttery feeling. =]

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wishy wishy, I'm a fishy!

You know, I really love soccer, but I think I like it a lot less than I used to. I'm so tired of getting hurt every time I play! It's no fun. But anyways, not what I wanted to talk about.

I wish I was talented enough to write a truly remarkable song or poem. I absolutely LOVE poetry, but I can never write anything really good. I'm just not that deep, I guess. =P

I also wish that I could change myself a bit. Even I know that I'm a moody person. My mood changes in a matter of seconds, and it's really annoying. When I'm down, I stay down all day. When I'm happy, I'm on top of the world! It's just something that I really need to try to work on somehow.

I wish I had better patience! Number one thing that makes me the most bothered: Not getting a song on the piano right away. I HATE not being able to play it right off the bat. I honestly can't think of anything else that bothers me so much. I really dislike failing in general. If I'm going to do something, I want to do it right the first time. That's both a good and bad thing.

I sort of wish I could record my life on video. That way, I could re-watch my favorite parts over and over again. =]

Just some random thoughts...

Oh! I almost forgot...I have a challenge for YOU. I'm really curious as to how many readers I actually have, so to find this out, I need you to do something for me; If you've read this blog, please comment on this entry and let me know! You don't have to say anything profound(a simple "hello" or "nom nom nom" will suffice), just let me know that I'm not talking to myself! ;P

I reckon that's about all....Later!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

I'm Dreamin' Through The Mornin'

It's 11:11am! Hold on, making a wish....

Totally just made 2 wishes, but I'm not going to say what they were. Too bad for you!

So as of late, I've been tired ALL DAY LONG. I would like for that to change. It's ruining my picture taking abilities and it makes me very un-fun to talk to, I'm sure.

My hair is too. Freakin'. Long.

I have never cut myself with scissors before.

I bet if I were to have hands made from such a device, I would cut myself quite regularly.

I am currently hoping and praying and maybe even w------(not going to say the word, for superstitious reasons) that I can go to my friend's volleyball game tonight.

Want to hear my whiny reason as to why I should go? *ahem* "All of my friends are going to be there! And Ryan! Ryan's going to be there! I need to go!"

Chyea...I need some cheese to go with that whine.

My cat is outside my door chirping...

I'm going to try something new with this sentence and bold every other letter.

The above took forever to do.

I'm such a time waster....

"Eeny meeny miney mow, catch a tiger by it's toe. If he hollers, let him go. My momma told me to pick the very best one and you...are....IT!"

This is such pointless writing...

Lemon bars....yeah.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Dear Monday, I hate you.

I think I've got a case of the Mondays right now. Want to know how come I think this? Here's my clues.

● I've so far tried to write 2 other blogs and both of them turned out to be way too emo and unhappy for public eyes.

● I can't concentrate on hardly anything! Even this I have to keep rereading over and over to make sure I'm not just speaking gibberish.

● I didn't want to wake up this morning because I could feel how cold it was outside of my warm sheets.

● There's no sunshine, so therefore I am getting a very blah vibe from the weather, which is not helping me at all.

● The only thing that's keeping me awake is the fact that I'm too cold and hungry to go to bed.

I really, really, REALLY dislike this Monday. They're usually not too bad, but today is particularly blah and gray and ick. I need some color! I need some laughter! I need for today to go by as quickly as possible so that I can move on to Tuesday, which is when I'll have soccer practice and friends!

Random Thoughts...

Man, I feel so talkative right now! I don't know why, though. I've sort of been talking all day long. Maybe it's a new me? I hope not. I just got used to the old me. Anyways...

Life is so amazing right now! I mean, besides the obvious of having a super terrific boyfriend/best friend, there's been so many little things that have made the past few months really great. One instance is that soccer is a BLAST. I love it! I also recently went to a community college a few towns away to ask about nursing classes. Turns out I can start taking them this next September if I want to. Awesome! There's also the matter of getting more serious about growing up, which is scary and a bit sad, but it's also exciting, so therefore good. I'm also really glad that I'll have friends going through all the same things I will. It makes it a lot easier to deal with.

Other than life, not much is new. I'm getting closer and closer to turning 18. Yikes and yay at the same time. I've had a good time this month. I think it's been my favorite month of this year so far. The night at Sonic with my youth group was one of the best nights of my life. I loved it. I may have mentioned this before, but my friends are pretty wonderful.

Church has been really good as well. We're studying spiritual gifts and finding out what each of ours is. I'm really curious as to what mine could be. Anyone have any thoughts on what mine could be?

I think I need to be more focused on God, since He's the reason anything is happening to me. I've been getting a bit sidetracked lately, but I'm going to get myself back in the saddle and pay more attention to Him!

I need to learn how to cook. I've got all these other weird and slightly useless things that I want to learn, but cooking is something I should probably try to figure out. My brother can cook better than me, and that's just not right. Though it's true I'd rather eat the food than make it, I still need to learn. What kind of wife and mom will I be if all I can fix is PB&J and cereal?!

When I move out, I plan on having NO animals except for my cat Percy. That's IT. That was just something I wanted to state. If any of my friends or family see me starting to weaken and lean towards the idea of getting a puppy or another cat, I give them full permission to slap me and make me come to my senses.

I guess that about wraps up everything that's on my mind at the moment. Hasta luego!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

How's THIS For Lame?

Here's something new...a survey in a blog post. Late night boredom? Oh yes.


What's your name: Wouldn't YOU like to know! =P

How tall are you: 5' 7". I think.

What color are your eyes: Blueish grayish, I guess.

What color is your hair: Strawberry blonde. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!

Are you Male or Female: I am of the female species

What is your best feature (physically): You be the judge, because I have no idea.

What's your shoe size: 8 1/2

Glasses, yes or no: Yes.

Did you ever have braces: Yep. I'm forever grateful for them, but good Lord, was I awkward looking!

On a typical day you are wearing: Clothes. You know, something original like that.

When you go to bed you're wearing: Nothing. I sleep in the nude. KIDDING! I wear a t-shirt and pj bottoms.

Work out/exercise about how often: I don't really "work out" per say. I play soccer and do stuff around the house.


Name five of your favorite bands: All American Rejects, The Beatles, Weezer, Nevershoutnever, and Green Day.

Name five of your favorite singers: Taylor Swift, Drake Bell, Weird Al, Jason Mraz, and my boyfriend. ;]

Name three songs you are currently playing nonstop: Somethin' Stupid by Robbie Williams and Nicole Kidman, Lovesick by Nevershoutnever, and Total Eclipse of the Heart by the Glee Cast

Name one song (give lyrics) that best describes your life right now: "This is the time of your life..." Time of Your Life by Green Day.

Name one song (give lyrics) that best describes your life one year ago: "Why can't you see you belong with me?" You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift

6. When you're driving, what are the preset stations on your radio: I don't drive so there are none. Burn.

What's the last CD you bought: I haven't got a clue!

Was the last CD you burned an actual CD or a mix: An actual CD.

Name one song/band/singer you're embarrassed to like but do: I'm not embarrassed by any of my musical choices, so there!

10. If you could only attend one concert ever again, it would be: Oh man. A Beatles concert. That's right; I'd travel into the past and attend an ACTUAL Beatles concert.

Name one band/singer you absolutely can't stand: Ke$ha! Oh my goodness.

Name a group you used to like but feel you've grown out of: I don't really know...maybe Spice Girls?


Name your favorite actor: Johnny Depp!

Name your favorite actress: It's a tie between Anne Hathaway and Nicole Kidman

Name your favorite television show right now: The Office, all the way.

Name five really cool movies you've recently seen: You know, nothing is really sticking out in my mind. I haven't watched a really good movie in awhile.

Your favorite canceled television show: Even Stevens. Love love love Louis!

Name one movie you wish you hadn't wasted time/money on recently: Beverly Hills Chihuahua. Stupidest. Movie. Ever.

You would never watch a movie with: Content wise, extremely rated r things. If you mean "with" as in person, I would never watch a movie with a freaky clown and his pet demon monkey. That would be so uncomfortable.

Favorite candy/food to watch movies with: Butterfinger is the best candy bar to eat while watching a movie.

Three favorite tv channels: No idea. I don't watch tv.

Favorite reality show: Reality shows are stupid.

Favorite character on a reality show: ...


(Write the first word/thing/person that comes into your head when you read this word:)

coffee: Gag.

dog: Yuck.

candy: Cane.

pole: Pole.

ocean: Scary.

brave: Gryffindor.

loving: Ryan.

cookie: Yum.

death: Death.

life: Death.

child: kid


(bold the one you prefer)

Ten guilty men go free OR One innocent man goes to jail for life.

Eaten by a lion OR Eaten by thousands of small insects

A life of contentment without love OR A life with love and heartache

Skydiving from a plane OR Bungee jumping off a bridge

No television OR No music

No more pizza, ever OR No more chocolate, ever

A trip to Europe OR a trip to Hawaii

An hour with your future soul mate OR An hour with a lost loved one

No longer being able to cry OR No longer being able to feel the need to cry

Loving someone who doesn't love you OR being loved by someone you don't love


Are you currently in a relationship: Yes, I am. =]

Are you currently looking/interested in someone: Oh, I'm very interested in someone. He's an interesting guy. ;]

Are you a virgin: Yes.

If yes, how long do you plan to be one: Until I'm married.

How many times have you been "in love": Only once.

Looking back, how do you feel about that person(s) now: Looking back like, 5 seconds ago, I'd say I feel pretty happy.

Name three things (physically) you look for in someone: Great smile, friendly eyes, and tall.

Name three things (mentally/emotionally) you look for in someone: Christian, morals, and good personality.

Biggest turn offs include: Rudeness, hatefulness, lying, having no ambition in life, cussing...pretty much overall jerkiness.

Your ideal date would be: I'm not picky in the least. I think the best date would just be going somewhere with your date. Doesn't matter in the least where it is, as long as I'm with the person I like.

You want to get married, where, when, how: At the beach-when we're both ready-by law?

Does anyone have feelings for you right now that you don't return: No idea, and don't really care, in all honesty.


(of your friends, who would you say is:)

The one you immediately go to with a problem: Ryan.

The most rational: Rational? Probably Kirstin.

The funniest: All of my friends have their own little quirks that makes them funny.

The one you spend the most time on the phone with: Ryan. He's the only one who calls me...

The craziest (but in a good way): Tuna! Hands down. Haha. =]

The most honest: Ryan and Kirstin are both really honest.

The purest: Tonya

The smartest: Chelsea. She's like, a supposed genius or something.

The most athletic: All of my friends are pretty athletic.

The most compassionate: =] Rhino

The one most likely to get thrown in jail and why: Owch. Not answering.

The last one that said "I love you": ;]

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Topics, yo.

So, there's a few things that I'd like to talk about!

1. I have a new blog. No, it will not be replacing this one(because i know that so many of you were worried about that. =p). The new blog is called Nerd's The Word and it's going to be JUST about my photography. If it has to do with photoshopping, taking pictures, cameras, animations, etc, it will be on that blog. At first, I didn't think I'd have that much to post, but apparently I was wrong! So yeah. Go check it out, follow it, and let me know what you think!

2. Piano is getting hard! When I first started it, I was moving fast. I got the basics down and was playing simple pieces very quickly. Now that I'm in Year Two of piano, it's gotten so much more difficult! It's still fun as ever, and I really do enjoy playing, it's just that the shock of how hard the songs got all of a sudden is amazing. My left hand has a major curling problem that's not really making my playing any easier, but oh well! I'm still loving the piano and loving that I actually have a musical talent!

3. My boyfriend is..not music. My Boyfriend Is Music is a song my Skye Sweetnam. It's sort of strange sounding, but it's catchy! But anyways! He's awesome, sweet, funny, cute, nice, charming, caring, and yeah! Just sayin'...=]

4. Video idea! Yeah, I totally have a video idea, but I need friends and patience in order to make it. It's sort of based on one of Nevershoutnever's newer music videos, but with some differences.

And there you go! Just some things I've been wanting to say. Later!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bada Bing, Bada Boom

Wow. So tonight was basically an excellent night. I can't even think properly, because my mind keeps replaying all the best parts of the night. Good gravy, I love my friends so much! Each of them are just so super unique and they all have something special about them that makes them really stand out. Gah, I feel so mushy right now...

Anyways, to any of my friends who read this, YOU ARE FANFREAKINTASTIC! =D

Monday, September 13, 2010

Top O' The Mornin' To Ya

Today, I woke up smiling.

It could have been because I felt sunshine on my face. Another possible reason could be because the house was absolutely silent; No dogs barking, no cats scratching, no brothers talking, nothing. Maybe it was because I was super comfortable? There's really only one more possible answer as to why I woke up smiling...

I think it was probably because I was thinking about my boyfriend and how great he is. Yup, that's probably it. ;]

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Soccer practice tonight was ok(even though most of my team played poorly.). The hanging out before and after was great!

I actually talked on the phone tonight and ENJOYED it. Alert the media!

I just took a toy away from my kitty. I feel like such a bad mommy... =(

So I normally try not to base my happiness on any one person....but I just can't help it; I'm at my happiest when I'm with this one certain person. =]

Tomorrow: Possibly park, piano, and church!

Thusday: Nothingness.

Friday: PARTY!

Saturday: Soccer pre-tournament! Yay!

Today my glasses broke 10 minutes before I had to leave for soccer practice. Grrrrrrreeeeaaaat.

I've realized that I get way too annoyed at myself when I can't figure out a song on the piano.

"Run Joey, run, Joey run, Joey run, Joey RUUUUN!"

I currently have one sock on and one sock off. This shows how lazy I really am.

I finished Mockingjay earlier today! It was pretty much awesome.

I just pulled my hair down to see how long it is. It reached to my lower back. Good gravy. O_O

Have you ever really thought about how neat people's personalities are? It's amazing how different everyone is, and how everyone has their own little quirks to define them by!

If April showers bring May flowers, what does September rain bring?

"Close your eyes and I'll kiss you, tomorrow I'll miss you..." <-- Awesome song!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Photographer Chicken With A Knife Trying To Pick Me Up And Drop Me In Hair...

You know, sometimes I have to wonder if I have some sort of a condition(and no, it doesn't involve pwning noobs). I think I get too weirded out over too normal of things.

For example; I can't take a simple picture with someone. I'm extra stupid when it comes to that. I can't just sit there and smile, because it feels awkward. This is why I prefer candids. I dislike posed pictures, but I especially dislike pictures that I'm in. I pretty much ruin every picture, mainly because I'm weird about them. How dumb is that?!

I have closeness issues. You have to be pretty darn special for me to let you sit super close or even hug me without me freaking out on the inside. You have to be even MORE special for me to WANT you to do either of those things. I really don't like hugs from people I don't trust or don't know. It makes me feel funny. There's only a very small handful of people that I don't mind being close to.

I hate getting picked up and/or carried. I like the idea of being carried(in some situations), but the actual being carried freaks me out. I have a pretty big fear that whoever is supposed to be carrying me will drop me or I'll be too heavy or they'll hurt themselves. I absolutely cannot do those trust games where you fall back and put your full trust in someone else that they'll catch you. I just can't. I'd rather just not fall at all.

I don't like having anything stare at me while I'm trying to sleep. All things with eyes in my room are covered or hid(unless it's posters. those don't bother me) before I get in the bed at night.

I can't stand loose hair, especially if it's wet. Oh my goodness. It's DISGUSTING. It's one of the very few things that can actually make me gag. I freak out if it's on any of my stuff or if other people try to put it on me or if I have to touch it. I hate cleaning the bathroom because of all the hair. I can't stand it! Ugh...I seriously feel sick now. Yuck.

I absolutely 100% loathe knives and blades. When watching a movie, if someone so much as grabs the knife off the counter, I freak out. I hate how they look, and I for sure hate how they cut. I can't watch people getting cut. I refuse. It makes me feel so icky and freaked out just hearing it. I hate the sound. Even if someone just accidentally cuts their palm or leg or whatever, I hate it. It's the most painful looking thing I've ever seen, no matter what size the wound is. I don't even like watching people deal with knives or blades in real life. It's too easy to slip up and slit something. Skin is too easy to cut. Ick.

I'm not even going to get started in on birds...

If all of those don't equal up to "absolutely insane", I don't know what does. I personally don't think I should let that sort of stuff bother me so greatly. Those just seem like unnatural things to get worked up over. I have issues....

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Jump Then Fall

I like the way you sound in the morning
We're on the phone and without a warning
I realize your laugh is the best sound
I have ever heard

I like the way I can't keep my focus
I watch you talk, you didn't notice
I hear the words but all I can think is
We should be together
Every time you smile, I smile
And every time you shine, I'll shine for you

Whoa oh, I'm feeling you baby
Don't be afraid to
Jump then fall
Jump then fall into me
Be there, never gonna leave you
Say that you wanna be with me too
So I'm a stay through it all
So jump then fall

I like the way your hair falls in your face
You got the keys to me
I love each freckle on your face, oh
I've never been so wrapped up, honey
I like the way you're everything I ever wanted

I had time to think it oh, over
And all I can say is come closer
Take a deep breath then jump then fall into me
Cause Every time you smile, I smile
And every time you shine, I'll shine for you

Whoa oh, I'm feeling you baby
Don't be afraid to
Jump then fall
Jump then fall into me
Be there, never gonna leave you
Say that you wanna be with me too
So I'm a stay through it all
So jump then fall

The bottom's gonna drop out from under our feet
I'll catch you, I'll catch you
And people say things that bring you to your knees
I'll catch you
The time is gonna come when you're so mad you could cry
But I'll hold you through the night until you smile

Whoa oh, I need you baby
Don't be afraid, please
Jump then fall
Jump then fall into me
Be there, never gonna leave you
Say that you wanna be with me too
So I'm a stay through it all
So jump then fall
Jump then fall baby
Jump then fall into me, into me

Every time you smile, I smile
And every time you shine, I shine
And every time you're here
Baby I'll show you, I'll show you
You can Jump then fall, jump then fall
Jump then fall into me, into me, yeah

A very special person introduced me to this song. Now I can't stop listening to it. =]

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Heart Warming Reunion

Once upon a time, my cat Percy stole and hid my very first and one of my absolute favorite Sillybandz. He hid it so well, that I went days without seeing it. I mourned the loss of my rubbery friend, and after a month and a half of not seeing it, I was forced to move on.

Today, my brother decided he wanted to play the Play Station 2, which just so happened to be in my room. The tv has a guinea pig cage in front of it(the cage in which Percy sleeps. Don't think us cruel; that cage is like a kitty condo. It's HUGE.), so my mom told my brother to move it to the other side of the room for the time being. My brother makes it halfway, before he drops the cage and spills Percy's used litter box all over MY bedroom floor. Since I had already cleaned up way more poop and puke then I wanted to that day, I made my brother clean up what he had spilled.

After he had swept up all he could and I took a picture of him cleaning up the mess, my mom started to vacuum my room. I was on the computer when my mom suddenly said my name. I turned around to face her, and there, being held between her thumb and pointer finger was my most cherished Sillyband that Percy had stolen so long ago! Sure, it was hairy and a bit dusty, but I cared not; I wiped the ick off and put it on my wrist, happy to be reunited with my rubber band once more. My mom is my hero of the day!

Funny how things work out, isn't it? =]

I need more lemonheads...

It's only 2 weeks into August, and already it's been the best month this year. =]

I'm cold. Darn the vent and it's icy chill!

I want to watch The Last Airbender before it becomes any older.


Have you prayed today? You should, if you haven't.

I am currently reading a book called The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus by L. Frank Baum. It's actually pretty good.

In 4 months, I'm going to be 18. World Of Warcraft(aka, WOW!).

I just got an idea...

My dad thought up a totally awesome stop-motion video idea today that I'm definitely going to try!

This blog is sort of like a more fun, easier-to-keep-track-of journal.

I just got my soccer jersey. Turquoise! =D

I've only got 5 Lemonhead candies left. This makes me sad.

I just typed this sentence out with my chopsticks because I'm a dork and I find it amusing.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Promises = Truth

Something that means a lot to me: Promises.

Maybe I'm just old fashioned for thinking that one word actually means something quite important, but oh well. To me, promises are a big deal. That's the one word that can guarantee to me that you mean what you say. "I promise" is a lot like the signature on an important contract. Once you say it, you are making a commitment to keep your word. I never use the word carelessly. If I don't think I can follow through with or fully mean what I said, I won't say it. It's just that simple.

That's why it bothers me so much whenever people say they promise something, then completely throw that away. They act like it's nothing! And maybe it IS nothing. Maybe I'm taking it too seriously. I really don't think I am though.

I'd rather hear the promiser say that they can't or won't do or say something. That's better than trusting them, then them going around doing the complete OPPOSITE of what they promised. It really, really bites.

Monday, August 9, 2010

I'm Very Smiley...

Tonight was one of the best nights ever. That's all. ;D

Thursday, August 5, 2010

This year at the fair, I...

Got to ride 4 rides with some of my friends.

Danced and sang openly while waiting in line.

Screamed, "I AM A BANANA!" at the top of my lungs with Tuna.

Got 2 free bags of peanuts and a free popsicle. Yum.

Watched my brothers participate in the pedal pull.

Was reminded yet again how much I dislike the fair booth people and their big mouths.

Got the sickest I've ever gotten on a ride.

Was able to hold a sweet little pug puppy!

Saw my first ever baby peacocks.

Was sad because there was no Ferris wheel.

Laughed until it hurt whenever Kirstin screamed, "And it's NOT fluffy!" while on the most painful ride EVER.

Got to smell a dead animal with my friends for about 3 minutes.

Danced in front of a funky mirror that made me look like a dwarf.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Q's without A's


According to my friends, what's one of the best things about me?

Do I get annoying when I'm hyper?

Why do people find it entertaining to write on themselves?

On a nerdy scale of 1-10, what do I rank?

Why do pop tarts have to be so darn good?

Why did I not listen to Michelle by Paul McCartney earlier in life?

Will I place at all in the youth photography at the fair?

Who decided that Chuck Norris was the IT guy?

Do bugs ever scream before they get squished?

Why am I typing all of this?

Will anyone answer me?!

I get by with a little help from my friends...

Today is Sunday, and on Sunday nights, the Youth have a separate study downstairs with a youth leader(or in this case, our church music director). Our teacher on Sundays is pretty much awesome. He's funny, he's always up for a good debate, and he really knows his stuff when it comes to the Bible. But as much as I enjoy our teacher, that's not what I wanted to talk about.

What I wanted to talk about was something that our teacher was telling us. We're currently reading a book about how to reach your full potential for God, and it's been a great book so far. I've really learned a lot. One of the things our teacher talked about was relationships, and how everyone we come in contact with is for one of two main purposes: Either that person was meant to support and help you, or that person needs you to minister to them.

The more I think about it, the more it makes pretty good sense. I mean, isn't that basically what we need to do? Don't we need to help and be helped? To me, it just seemed like a really interesting thing to think about.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I woke up, checked Facebook, walked up and down the driveway twice, went swimming, and now I'm eating a slice of cold pizza, listening to some Vitamin String Quartet, and savoring some salty cashews. Lovelovelove.

Monday, July 26, 2010


Since I obviously got very excited talking about the fair in my last blog post, I decided that I would write something more about the wonderfulness that is THE COUNTY FAIR.

The fair is one of my most favorite things EVER. I can't get enough of it. Last year, I went with some of my friends and it was a BLAST! I love just about everything about the fair! The rides, the people, the friends, the's simply amazing. Of course, I could do without the creepy dudes who run the rides, but I'll learn to get over that.

I have so many good memories from the fair last year, and I really can't wait to make more memories this year! As I said in the last post, I'm going to try to take some top-notch fair pictures. Last year's are meager compared to what I'm going to try to take this year. I want some that are magazine worthy. I want to perfectly capture the mood and feel of the fair with my friends.

I shall let you know how it turns out! =D

"I've been texting on the railroad, now I'm as dead as can be..."

So, some projects I'd like to work on pretty soon...

STOP MOTION FILM: Yeah, those are pretty much one of the most fun things to make EVER. They take for freakin' ever though. I'm thinking of making one either out of clay, my Silly Bandz, or Star Wars action figures. Maybe a combination of the three? Hmm...there's an idea.

RAIN PHOTO SHOOT: Ok, I know it's going to sound like I'm totally copying my good friend(the one who made my awesome sauce new layout) by saying I want to take a photo shoot in the rain, but I've honestly been wanting to do that for a VERY long time. Promise! So yeah. Once I get some people who don't mind water, a rain coat, some super cute umbrellas, and a good rainy day, I shall take some of my first ever people-in-water pictures! Yay!

A VERY CERTAIN VIDEO: Good gravy, one of these days, me and my friends WILL get to work on this one video. It's always too hot now, so my thinking is that Fall shall be the video season.

FAIR PICTURES: Last year, I took some pictures of my friends while we were on the rides at the fair, but nothing spectacular. This year, I want to take some really good fair pictures. Maybe get some good ones of the ride lights(doesn't sound like much, but I know what I'm talking about). I'd also like to get some more good pictures of my friends, and then some of me WITH my friends. For some reason, I feel like I need to take as many pictures with friends as I can, seeing as how we're all getting sort of old(ok, so like, 4 of us are. But still...). But yeah. The fair is this next week! OMJ! YAY!!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Newsflash: I have curly hair.

Newsflash 2: Can't help the above fact, and I'm slowly trying to learn to embrace it.

Newsflash 3: I hate whenever people constantly go on and on about how they wonder how I'd look with straight hair, or how it'd look better straight, or ask why I don't straighten it.

Newsflash 4: Quit trying to change my hair. My hair is part of who I am.

Newsflash 5: If you don't like it, tough.

What Would I Sound Like?

Last night, I watched The Holiday with my mom. If you can look past the bizarre casting of Jack Black as an actual love interest(gag. gag. gag.), it was a pretty great movie. It had so many good quotes! There was even a really good line from Black, in which he tells Iris(Kate Winslet),

"Iris, if you were a melody..."

Then he starts to play on his piano.

It got me to thinking; If people were able to have tunes they'd play whenever they introduced themselves, what would they sound like? Would there ever be tunes that sounded similar? Would some tunes be identical? Would some of the most emotionless people have only a few notes that would be played?

It's just an interesting thought. =]

Friday, July 23, 2010

C is for Cookie

I've got a new look and I like it! Hope my reader's really don't mind it...

Yes, the above was to the tune of Katy Perry's song. Why would I use such a thing? Because eb_fourside made me a new blog layout and it's AWESOME. rock. =D

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Random Bee Log.

I had such a weird dream last night, that I woke up feeling really jealous and even somewhat peeved at the people in the dream. Weird much?

Speaking of last night, my mom made some AMAZING bbq chicken and garden rotini with Italian dressing, tomatoes, and green peppers. Whoa, did you hear that? My stomach just growled. Felt like an earthquake....

I really prefer decorated pencils to plain ones. Plain yellow pencils are so boring. I think the patterns on decorated pencils help my writing skillz to flow better.

I feel the need. The need....for SPEED! Not really. I'd rather not speed. Unless I'm racing someone, then I pour on the Go-Fast without a second thought.

I look like a cat, run like an ostrich, laugh like a horse, and sometimes make faces that remind people of a frog. Call me the Walking Zoo.

Don't you hate that tingle you get in your nose when it feels like you're about to sneeze, but nothing ever comes?

Sometimes when I'm super hungry and if I sneeze, my stomach growls really loud. Yeah, that was random...

As of yesterday, I got full permission to hang posters on my bedroom walls after I rearranged my room. THCORE!

The above was me sounding nerdy. I'm not a nerd! I'm not!

I just lied. I am a nerd. Forgive me.

When I was young, I tried to fight the nerdiness. Now I welcome it with open arms.

I'm currently working on writing a short story!

Good gravy, look at all the "I"s above! That's it. I'm changing this.

If you're reading this, YOU are awesome.

YOU need to eat cornbread, even if YOU aren't a fan. It's good for your soul.

YOU should know that some people find Johnny Depp lame.

YOU should also know that those people are sadly mistaken.

That is all.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Japanese Chicken

I was once told that I should be a hand model...I can't understand why.

Anyways, that's not what I wanted to write about. What I came here to say is that I no longer give a care as to what some people say, do, or think about me or my actions.

I was getting pretty fed up with worrying about what some people might think. I was constantly questioning myself and putting myself down, all because of what some people were thinking or saying. Is that how I was raised? Is that how I tell other people to handle those type of situations? Heck no!

The other night, I decided that I was done. No more caring what they think, no more doubting myself, no more fighting. From now on, I'll tell any personal stuff to only my most trustworthy of friends. I will no longer cling to any one person. I won't be forced into doing anything or be made to feel like something is wrong about me.

I will be me, and that's all there is to it.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


So last night, I was talking to one of my friends, and she told me about how she heard that some guys find it cute when a girl burps in front of them. It got me to thinking; Do guys think we find it cute when THEY burp in front of us? I'm here to set things straight(at least according to my own opinions.). Let's start with the obvious topic at hand.

BURPING: No, it is not cute when a guy burps in front of, around, at, or on you. You are simply expelling yourself in front of the opposite sex. Unless you are a baby or the girl just has really weird taste, it's not cute.

"THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID" JOKES: Although sometimes these jokes can be a bit amusing, constantly using them in stupid or gross ways is not funny. Why is it always "she", anyways? Why not "he"? Who decided that? Actually, Michael Scott did. But does he have a girlfriend? Actually, he does. Ok, forget Michael Scott! In real life, constant "That's what she said" jokes aren't funny.

CONCEITEDNESS: Everyone has their conceited moments, but some guys are all about them. Surely I don't have to explain this one anymore than I already have. Some(not all, but some) talk way too much about themselves, and not enough about anyone or anything else. Not attractive.

ACTING: No girl, absolutely NO GIRL, likes it when a guy acts differently around you when he's with his friends. Unless you want to majorly hurt the girl's feelings, treat the girl the same way, no matter who you're around. Of course, I'm not saying to diss your friends just so the girl is happy, but don't just talk to her only when it's just the two of you.

AGREEING WITH EVERYTHING: This one is exactly what it says. Maybe some girls like being agreed with on everything, but I hate it! If a guy agrees with everything you say, how can you ever be sure that he's not just shutting you up? You simply CAN'T agree with everything. If you did, you'd have to be a clone, which you aren't(probably).

There are more things, but these few are the main pet peeves that involve guys.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Roller Derby, play a difficult song on piano, ballroom dancing, fencing, travel to at least one different country, meet one of my favorite celebrities, see a popular play, ride a scary roller coaster, go to Orlando Florida, ride an elephant, make an ad that will be in a magazine, take wedding pictures, go to New York, do something that everyone will remember, pet a penguin, write a script, go rock climbing.....All of these I want to do. =]

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Camp Rock Clock? Tick Tock.

What are you supposed to do when you try your best to be nicer to someone that you normally don't like, and they do their best to completely ignore(and continue on not liking you)? I'm thinking I stop trying. Oddly enough, that idea doesn't bother me in the least.

Anyone here listened to Catch Me by Demi Lovato? At first listen, it sounds really sweet. Second time around though, the lyrics sound sort of creepy. I'm contemplating on whether or not I should make a literal video to that song. Hmm...

First Things I'm Saving Up For After I Get A Job: An electric piano, a pair of roller blades, Green Day Rock Band, 21st Century Breakdown, a better camera, some studio lights, and possibly a video camera.


Chinese food. It's what's for breakfast. (i wish...)

I've just realized that there might be Potluck tonight at church. People of America, I just got REALLY excited.

Hot Hot Heat is now not only a band, but also the literal weather report for Tennessee. 108 degrees yesterday in the Walmart parking lot. Bleh...

I now own 4 Sillybandz! Nothing says "cool" like wearing an ostrich, a monkey, a dinosaur, and an elephant/sad penguin on your wrist.

You know, I sort of wish dragons were real. Seriously.