Monday, August 30, 2010

Photographer Chicken With A Knife Trying To Pick Me Up And Drop Me In Hair...

You know, sometimes I have to wonder if I have some sort of a condition(and no, it doesn't involve pwning noobs). I think I get too weirded out over too normal of things.

For example; I can't take a simple picture with someone. I'm extra stupid when it comes to that. I can't just sit there and smile, because it feels awkward. This is why I prefer candids. I dislike posed pictures, but I especially dislike pictures that I'm in. I pretty much ruin every picture, mainly because I'm weird about them. How dumb is that?!

I have closeness issues. You have to be pretty darn special for me to let you sit super close or even hug me without me freaking out on the inside. You have to be even MORE special for me to WANT you to do either of those things. I really don't like hugs from people I don't trust or don't know. It makes me feel funny. There's only a very small handful of people that I don't mind being close to.

I hate getting picked up and/or carried. I like the idea of being carried(in some situations), but the actual being carried freaks me out. I have a pretty big fear that whoever is supposed to be carrying me will drop me or I'll be too heavy or they'll hurt themselves. I absolutely cannot do those trust games where you fall back and put your full trust in someone else that they'll catch you. I just can't. I'd rather just not fall at all.

I don't like having anything stare at me while I'm trying to sleep. All things with eyes in my room are covered or hid(unless it's posters. those don't bother me) before I get in the bed at night.

I can't stand loose hair, especially if it's wet. Oh my goodness. It's DISGUSTING. It's one of the very few things that can actually make me gag. I freak out if it's on any of my stuff or if other people try to put it on me or if I have to touch it. I hate cleaning the bathroom because of all the hair. I can't stand it! Ugh...I seriously feel sick now. Yuck.

I absolutely 100% loathe knives and blades. When watching a movie, if someone so much as grabs the knife off the counter, I freak out. I hate how they look, and I for sure hate how they cut. I can't watch people getting cut. I refuse. It makes me feel so icky and freaked out just hearing it. I hate the sound. Even if someone just accidentally cuts their palm or leg or whatever, I hate it. It's the most painful looking thing I've ever seen, no matter what size the wound is. I don't even like watching people deal with knives or blades in real life. It's too easy to slip up and slit something. Skin is too easy to cut. Ick.

I'm not even going to get started in on birds...

If all of those don't equal up to "absolutely insane", I don't know what does. I personally don't think I should let that sort of stuff bother me so greatly. Those just seem like unnatural things to get worked up over. I have issues....


  1. They are just common fears. I can't help that I have a seizure every time I see a spider.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
