Sunday, July 18, 2010


So last night, I was talking to one of my friends, and she told me about how she heard that some guys find it cute when a girl burps in front of them. It got me to thinking; Do guys think we find it cute when THEY burp in front of us? I'm here to set things straight(at least according to my own opinions.). Let's start with the obvious topic at hand.

BURPING: No, it is not cute when a guy burps in front of, around, at, or on you. You are simply expelling yourself in front of the opposite sex. Unless you are a baby or the girl just has really weird taste, it's not cute.

"THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID" JOKES: Although sometimes these jokes can be a bit amusing, constantly using them in stupid or gross ways is not funny. Why is it always "she", anyways? Why not "he"? Who decided that? Actually, Michael Scott did. But does he have a girlfriend? Actually, he does. Ok, forget Michael Scott! In real life, constant "That's what she said" jokes aren't funny.

CONCEITEDNESS: Everyone has their conceited moments, but some guys are all about them. Surely I don't have to explain this one anymore than I already have. Some(not all, but some) talk way too much about themselves, and not enough about anyone or anything else. Not attractive.

ACTING: No girl, absolutely NO GIRL, likes it when a guy acts differently around you when he's with his friends. Unless you want to majorly hurt the girl's feelings, treat the girl the same way, no matter who you're around. Of course, I'm not saying to diss your friends just so the girl is happy, but don't just talk to her only when it's just the two of you.

AGREEING WITH EVERYTHING: This one is exactly what it says. Maybe some girls like being agreed with on everything, but I hate it! If a guy agrees with everything you say, how can you ever be sure that he's not just shutting you up? You simply CAN'T agree with everything. If you did, you'd have to be a clone, which you aren't(probably).

There are more things, but these few are the main pet peeves that involve guys.

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