Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Soccer practice tonight was ok(even though most of my team played poorly.). The hanging out before and after was great!

I actually talked on the phone tonight and ENJOYED it. Alert the media!

I just took a toy away from my kitty. I feel like such a bad mommy... =(

So I normally try not to base my happiness on any one person....but I just can't help it; I'm at my happiest when I'm with this one certain person. =]

Tomorrow: Possibly park, piano, and church!

Thusday: Nothingness.

Friday: PARTY!

Saturday: Soccer pre-tournament! Yay!

Today my glasses broke 10 minutes before I had to leave for soccer practice. Grrrrrrreeeeaaaat.

I've realized that I get way too annoyed at myself when I can't figure out a song on the piano.

"Run Joey, run, Joey run, Joey run, Joey RUUUUN!"

I currently have one sock on and one sock off. This shows how lazy I really am.

I finished Mockingjay earlier today! It was pretty much awesome.

I just pulled my hair down to see how long it is. It reached to my lower back. Good gravy. O_O

Have you ever really thought about how neat people's personalities are? It's amazing how different everyone is, and how everyone has their own little quirks to define them by!

If April showers bring May flowers, what does September rain bring?

"Close your eyes and I'll kiss you, tomorrow I'll miss you..." <-- Awesome song!

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