Wednesday, April 7, 2010

These aren't butterflies. These are more like eagles...


I have a confession to make. I'm nervous. Next confession. I don't get nervous. Ever. Well, that's excluding a handful of times(hanging out with certain boys i had liked, getting my permit, etc.), but it's true for the most part. This though...this is different. This is a test of my talents in front of EVERYONE at church. If I mess up, it will be amplified times a million(in my mind, at least), therefore causing me to get flustered, thus resulting in further mistakes. Yikes.

And to make matters worse, I will be wearing a skirt. I was informed today that I won't be facing towards the crowd, though. Positive thoughts on this: No one will see me looking sick or chewing on my lip. Negative thoughts: The back of my head will be visible to the public, and I will more than likely have a bad hair day. Oh joy.

Still not seeming to terrible? How about this; There will be people there staring. Recording. Taking pictures. All that isn't so bad to most people, but to people such as myself who prefer to be the photographer/camera girl and not the model/actress, it's torture. Slow, agonizing, painful torture.

And then I get told that last year's recital involved all the piano students eating a bunch of cake with black icing, then they had to take pictures. The end results resembled those of pirate mug shots. Goodness gracious, I'm doomed!

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