Sunday, April 11, 2010

I am me, that much is for certain.

A random question to any of those who would like to answer: What do you think about me?

Odd question, I know. I couldn't help but think it though, after realizing something. In those weird little picture things on Facebook that you tag all your friends in, I always get "the creative one". Always. Not that I'm complaining, because that just means that people pay attention to what I do and that makes me feel proud of myself. But I just have to wonder, what else stands out about me?

So I ask you, the reader, to comment your answers. In your opinion, what else do you think defines me? Do I have any other characteristics that you feel stand out? Comment, and be totally honest! =]


  1. Well, you seem like a VERY loyal person and an outstanding friend to have! :] Your sense of humor is different and that makes you stand out alll the more! xD
    Your Twilight obsession creeps me out... just........does. ;p
    Annnnnnnnnnd you where glasses which are the bees knees ^_^ and actually pull the look off. You are the photography-master! =D

  2. You're honest! And have a wicked sense of humor like Reagan said which is fantastic! Also, you have a good taste in men ;) Yeah girl, definitely a good quality. Hahaha!

  3. Thanks, girls! Ya'll are too sweet. =D
