Thursday, April 29, 2010

Muh Day. Eat it.

Field Day was great!

I had an awesome and incredibly tiring day today.


I can't stop smiling at this one thought.... ;]

I am getting quite sore. It hurts.

I'm a lot stronger than I look, which would make for a good surprise were I to get attacked or challenged to a game of Arm Wrestling.

People in general are really fun to observe. I'm so glad that we're not all the same!

Little Debbie Rice Krispie treats? Wow. Amazing.

After kicking around the soccer ball with my brother and 2 of my friends, my unprotected legs had red welts all over them. It looked like I had gotten hit with a dodge ball. Owch.

I love ice cream. A lot.

I'm thinking I look weird when I laugh. That was just a random thought I had.

I'm going to sleep soooo well tonight. Zzz...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Now that we're men!"

Really and truly, I can't believe that I'm writing a blog based on a fan page from Facebook. What has the world come to?! Anyways, here's the scoop;

"20 Things A Guy Should Never Say To A Girl". So far, it has 643,869 fans, Yours Truly NOT being one of those. Why? I think the name of the page is rather dumb, because I can think of a LOT more things than just 20 that a guy shouldn't say to a girl. Am I going to list a few? You betcha!

THING NOT TO SAY NUMBER 137: "Why yes dear, that dress DOES make you look fat!"

THING NOT TO SAY NUMBER 21: "Good lord woman, will you just go make me a sandwich already?!"

THING NOT TO SAY NUMBER 319: "It's your birthday today?"

THING NOT TO SAY NUMBER 76: "Uh huh.....yeah....yep...mhmm...that's real sad hey honey, can you skootch just a little bit more that way? You're blocking the tv..."

THING NOT TO SAY NUMBER 65: "This is good, Sweetie! Almost as good as Mom's!"

These, along with many others, could become the downfall of the male species. You've been warned.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Good grief...

Attention all readers:

I can hardly write right now. My reason is perfectly understandable; If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. I'm afraid that if I start to write about what's ticking me off at the moment, I could cause more drama. I'll just sum it up in 4 words.

Get. A. New. Hobby.

Grow up, get a life, and move on. Stop being so dang immature. If you can't handle the situation any better than you are, then you're obviously still a child. That's it. I'm not saying anymore.

Last night was...interesting.


I had cornbread and pink lemonade before church!

I got to watch my friends sing.

I played half a game of Scrabble with Ryan.

I watched a movie that made me laugh.


Certain people's behavior.

It was rainy and windy.

I was mad.

I felt dumb.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fowl are foul.

Anyone who knows anything about me knows that I am quite scared of birds. Don't laugh, because it's true.

According to Merriam-Webster, a bird is any of a class (Aves) of warm-blooded vertebrates distinguished by having the body more or less completely covered with feathers and the forelimbs modified as wings.

According to me, a bird is a rat with wings, ready to strike me down at any moment. Ugh.

Seriously though! Birds are so twitchy and mean looking and sharp. They have all those natural weapons that look as though they're just waiting to be used on my skin. Don't get me wrong, because I do find some small birds quite cute, but ONLY from a distance. Owls always have the feeling about them that suggests that they hate your soul and wish to eat it. As for other, more large birds...well, they scare the bageebers out of me.


Good grief, I think that if I were to walk outside one day and see this...creature on the front lawn, I would be scared stiff. I'm betting that I wouldn't be able to turn back around and make it into the house, for fear of it flapping towards me all of a sudden and pecking my eyeballs out. And to be frank, I rather like my eyes and would prefer them to stay where they are.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Soccer this season: The ULTIMATE good mood killer.

You would think that I'd enjoy myself at soccer practice, but quite the contrary. Thank the Lord I have my brother and 2 of my best friends on my team. I'll not talk too much about that, though. Might say something I'll regret(if that's possible). ;P

I absolutely love running. Oh em jay. That is one of my favorite things now about soccer; running. That is, until I start to black out, then I just hate it.

I have discovered that I release a lot of aggravation and irritation by taking shots at the goal and running as fast as I possibly can while dribbling the ball. Turns out that I was so irked tonight that I ran myself to the point of exhaustion, my hands and legs shaking badly and my chest sore from lack of air. It felt good though, in a weird sort of way.

I'm betting that I'll need a hip replacement by the time I'm 60. Something to look forward to, right?

I think it would be totally awesome if we did a flash mob thing during a soccer game, where everyone suddenly paused and began to play a HUGE game of Ninja!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Very short. Very sweet. Very to the point.

As of right now, I feel like quite the creative soul.

I've had many requests that I take senior pictures for my friends and I'm currently planning 5 videos, one of which I just need to finish editing. Gah, I love this feeling. I feel as though I could photo shop the world into whatever I wanted! I feel like I could take pictures of shooting stars or record the most amazing random video ever! I feel like a modern day, high tech artist. I love it!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I really really REALLY wish I could find a mood ring...

Is it considered weird if I never post anything on any social website when I'm down or having a bad day? Not that I have those often, but still. It was just a thought I had.

I always figured that people have enough problems and drama in their lives without me adding to it. I know that I personally get tired of people posting how much they hate life, how bad a day they had, how such and such sucks, yada yada yada. Especially when they're happy one minute then 3 minutes later, they're posting about how much their day sucks. What is it Bella Swan says? "Your mood swings are kind of giving me whiplash." How true that is.

If I'm mad(which tends to happen more often than down-ness), I just vent to my mom and certain friends. I might even write something out on here, but I never post it. I write it, read it, then delete it, simple as that. No one feels obligated to ask me what's wrong, there's no unnecessary drama, and I feel tons better.

Now when I'm in a good mood(which is like, almost always), then I'll write to my heart's content, which you might have already noticed ;]

Lucy, I'm home!

So I'm sitting here, surfing the Internet, when I start to remember that 2 of my best friends are coming home tonight! YAY!

It's amazing how much you can miss someone in such a short period of time. After seeing them at least 4 times a week for the past 1 or 2 months, then not seeing them at all for a week, it's pretty drastic. It hasn't been as fun without them here. No one to laugh at my stupidity, no deep conversations, no awesome hugs, no side aching laugh attacks, no LIFE! Ok, so that last one was pretty dramatic, but you get the picture.

I plan on attacking them with hugs when they return. Unless they attack me first, which I can see Kirstin doing. Unless neither of them want a hug, in which case I will feel stupid and deflated, like a sad, sad little balloon.

Actually, I don't care if they haven't missed me as much as I've missed them. Ain't no thang butta chick-a-wang in my book. I just can't wait to see them!!! =D

Friday, April 16, 2010

Fictional Guys In Literature That I Have Wished Were Real At One Point Or Another

There isn't a girl on Earth who hasn't wished that a fictional guy was real(unless the girl is some kind of a weirdo). Though I haven't ever truly fantasized about the following, I have wished that I could meet them.

HARRY POTTER: The name alone should be "nuff said", but some of you may need an explanation. Enter me and my need to explain things. Harry Potter, a.k.a The Boy Who Lived, has always been one of great interest. He knows magic, he's considered heroic(though I just think of him as lucky), and he's got dark hair and green eyes. Mhmm! Not to mention he's polite, he can handle a sword, he has much to say, and he has some VERY oddly attractive friends. One of whom would be...

FRED WEASLEY: I find it odd that I never wished Harry were real in a fangirl crush way, but I did with Fred. Fred has all the charm that Harry has, plus one more thing; Humor. Stressed out? That's ok, Fred will have you splitting a side in no time! He's funny, sweet, magical, tall, and he's got a twin. Can you get any cooler? I'm thinking no.

EDWARD BLOOM: Edward Bloom is(or should be) every girl's dream guy. He has wonderful Southern manners, he has a backbone, he's polite, he fights for what he believes in, and he knows how a girl should be treated. Though he may be a bit moody at times, he's still a great guy. If you don't believe me, go read Big Fish or watch the movie of the same name. He'll be your favorite Edward in no time!

THEODORE LAURENCE: Laurie! He's adorable! He's soooo sweet to Jo and he loves everyone and he puts up with so much and SQUEE! He's super cute. Really.

THE PHANTOM/ERIK: He's dark, mysterious, he can sing, he's brilliant, and he loves unconditionally. THAT, my friends, is enough said.

You might be surprised to see that there's no Edward Cullen or Jacob Black on here. That's because I don't find either of them attractive in the books(the movies are a different story). Don't get me wrong, I really do enjoy Twilight, but neither of them are my type. Edward is simply too moody and perfect, and Jacob is too young and hot headed. Jasper is much more alluring than either of the other two, but that's just me. ;]

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Deep like a well. Or a canyon.

I found out yesterday that I have a lot more readers than I thought! Sure, I only have 6 followers, but I have a lot of readers that aren't on Blogger. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. ;] And so, with that in mind, I will continue on to my blog post!

I wonder if blogging a lot makes you be considered as an avid thinker or a chatterbox. I rather enjoy the thought of being thought of as an avid thinker. It makes me appear to be deep. Of course, maybe I am deep and I just don't realize it. Why? Because I'm too deep to notice the obvious. Duh.

If I weren't somewhat deep, I really don't think I'd write about the things I write about now. If I weren't deep, I'd be shallow, and that's one of the last things I want to be. Some people are so shallow, it's appalling. How can one care so little about things other than themselves? There's so many other things you could think about!

Take the future, for example. When I start to think abut where I'll be in 10 years, I literally get dizzy. I can't imagine what I'll be doing, where I'll be living, who I'll be with, or anything! Maybe that's a flaw of mine. I can imagine all sorts of other crazy things, but I can't imagine something so simple as my own future. Sometimes it bothers me, but most of the time, I don't mind so much. I'm all for surprises. =P

Monday, April 12, 2010

Um...confusion much?

Like really. I am so confused right now. It's insane. I'll not bore you with details though. Moving on!

Anyways, I've come to the realization(and yes, I have those come to me a lot) that I am getting much too old to be playing soccer. Either I'm going to need some adamantium bonded into my bones, or I need to stop playing. Or perhaps I should try playing in a suit made out of bubble wrap. Sure, a great play is worth a few bruises, but a bloodied toe? A sore hip? Constant leg cramps? Messed up ankles? It's all manageable now, but what about when I'm in my middle aged years? Heck, what about when I'm 23?! Not that I dislike soccer. Quite the opposite, really. I LOVE it. I'm going to miss it when I'm done. All the movement, socializing, and memories...Ok, so maybe it IS all worth the pain. So I've bled for soccer, so what? That just shows that I'm really into the sport, which is great.

Next topic: Sunglasses! If you are as blind as I am without my glasses, then you know that it's darn near impossible to wear sunglasses without your glasses. I tried doing that today on the way to soccer practice, and the whole time I was squinting around, trying to figure out what was what. I couldn't read the signs and I didn't see the person walking on the side of the road, but my eyes sure were protected! Moral of this story? Unless you have contacts or those totally dorky shades that are both prescription glasses AND sunglasses(the ones with the shades that flip down), you will have to do without.

I'm reading Interview With The Vampire by Anne Rice right now and so far, I've figured out these few things:

1. Lestat is a jerk.
2. Louis is a whiny baby.
3. The book is nothing like the movie.

I must admit though, it's way better than Twilight. No glittery "vampires" rushing off to save some mortal klutz who can't take a compliment. No, these are the real deal, top notch, grade A vamps. It's quite refreshing.

Is there anything else for me to say? Probably. Do I feel like staying up any later and typing it all out? Nope. L8r, peeps!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I am me, that much is for certain.

A random question to any of those who would like to answer: What do you think about me?

Odd question, I know. I couldn't help but think it though, after realizing something. In those weird little picture things on Facebook that you tag all your friends in, I always get "the creative one". Always. Not that I'm complaining, because that just means that people pay attention to what I do and that makes me feel proud of myself. But I just have to wonder, what else stands out about me?

So I ask you, the reader, to comment your answers. In your opinion, what else do you think defines me? Do I have any other characteristics that you feel stand out? Comment, and be totally honest! =]

"I'm just a dreamer/ I dream my life away"

They say that if you dream about someone, that person was thinking about you. I wonder if that's true or not.

Last night I dreamed that I was telling a friend good bye. I hugged the person, then the person wouldn't let go. They flipped me around into a REAL hug(not a side hug) and wouldn't let me go, though I wasn't really struggling to get away. I was just kind of surprised and standing there. The person was hugging me for so long, that my brother grumbled something like, "Hey now, that's my sister..." Guess what the person replied.

"Her skin is so soft!"*

Yep. Dreams are weird.

*I have a perfectly good reason for dreaming about my skin! A friend and I had been discussing smooth skin earlier that day. Just to clear that up. ;]

Friday, April 9, 2010

Me, 2.0

So here's the deal: My friend Elizabeth wanted me to list the basics about myself, but make it very in depth. So, that's what I shall do now. =]

My name shan't be mentioned on here but I was originally supposed to be named Lacy Raquel.

I don't have a least favorite because I think all colors look good on something, and my most favorite would be blue and yellow. They aren't really favorites though, because I love just about all colors out there. It's just that those 2 make me feel the best. ;]

I think that it would be amazing to be on SNL.

My 3 favorite foods are pizza, corn bread, and ice cream. Not together, of course.

I'm a very creative person with an over active imagination. I'm quite good at ab-libbing, and I can think up a video idea on the spot.

I'm also sort of a bossy person. This is why I'm usually the director, camera woman, props manager, director of photography, AND actress.

I now know that I have terrible taste in real life guys, but I'm just going to take it as a sign that I need to wait and let God bring me the right guy.

I'm truly horrible at talking on the phone. I have no idea why.

I've played soccer for about 7 1/2 years. I'm usually defense, and I was good at it until this season. I feel as though this season hasn't let me have a chance to show off my true potential. Plus it would help if I'd stop getting dizzy and pukey feeling every time I played.

My most favorite drinks are lemonade, sweet tea, and cherry coke. Yumm.

I love to travel, whether it be up the road or out of state. I would REALLY love to go out of the country one of these days. So many picture opportunities!

I almost never cry, and when I do, it's over something really weird or dumb.

Sometimes when I'm laying on the bed, I'll have a complete conversation in my head with someone that I was thinking about.

I love word games! Anytime anyone needs to know a word, they refer to me as "The Word Genius" or "Miss Dictionary" and ask me if I know it. I rather enjoy it. ;]

I think babies are the bee's knees. I love them all! If I see one laughing, I instantly start laughing too. They're adorable!

I'm addicted to my friends. I can't get enough of them!

I suck at driving. It's one of the many things I will NEVER be good at. I have absolutely no self confidence, I'm scared to death I will wreck and die, and I hate having my seat belt on the left side of my neck!

When I look at magazines, I hardly ever read the articles. I pay more attention to photo-shopping flaws and the cool ads.

I'm confused as to what I want to be in the future. Something in the medical profession would pay a lot and I'm interested in most of it, but I'd also really like to go into advertisement or something.

I pretty much adore hoodies and cool shoes. Converse, baby!

I have started keeping a notebook that is filled with video and photo shoot ideas. It's got Jack Sparrow on the front. =D

I could pick up animal excrement all day long, but make me pick up a wad of human hair, and I gag uncontrollably.

I love getting mail, even though I never get any anymore. =(

I used to feel tall around my friends. Now I always feel like the short one.

My eyes remind me of cat eyes for some reason.

My hair is strawberry blond, no matter what others tell you! It. Is. Blond.

One of my newest life goals is to see Phantom of the Opera on stage. I think it would make my life complete.

And I think I'm done!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

*dreamy sigh*

You know how when it's late at night, and you get in that state that's in between sleep and awake, and you start thinking all sorts of really random and crazy thoughts? Well, I was like that last night. Guess what I started thinking about. What makes me swoon.

Sounds somewhat lame, but it's what came to my mind as I lay there trying to fall asleep. It may have had something to do with watching a Hugh Grant movie earlier that day. Oh yes....Hugh is good. Yes yes yes. But anyways. Back to what I was saying.

There's a few things that guys can do(or wear) that make me turn into a complete and utter flustered mess of girly excitement and secretive squeals. Shall I list them? I think I shall.

1. Wearing a Tuxedo.
My oh my. This one gets to me like nothing else. I LOVE a guy in a tux. They I think it has something to do with the way it makes any guy look tall, dark, and handsome(you know, except for the short, light, and not so handsome guys). They just look so sleek and suave and debonair....Ok. I'm moving on now.

2. Accents!
Any accent is cool, but the really nice ones are British or Scottish. I could listen to a nice British voice all day long and not get sick of it. There's just something about the way they leave out letters when they speak that's super appealing. "'Ello love. How aw you today? My, that dress is a nice culuh on you. Blimey, you look gowgeous." ;]

3. Singing and Writing Songs
There aren't many things that get me teary eyed in life, but a guy singing a song that he wrote to the girl he loves in front of everyone? Get me a tissue, because I'm fixing to cry tears of joy. Doing that is one of the sweetest things EVER. I've seen it happen on a plethora of movies, but I wonder how often it happens in real life...

4. Receiving Flowers
I have never received flowers from a guy before, but I've been thinking recently how nice that would be. I honestly don't know how someone could not like flowers. They're gorgeous, they smell nice, they look happy, and they make people smile(or they make me smile, at least.). Yet another reason why I enjoy Spring.

Those are the 4 major things that I find make me feel all girly and giddy inside. Those aren't very unique things those, because how many other girls would love to have a British man in a tux sing a song to them, then present the girl with a bouquet of flowers? Try almost all of them.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

These aren't butterflies. These are more like eagles...


I have a confession to make. I'm nervous. Next confession. I don't get nervous. Ever. Well, that's excluding a handful of times(hanging out with certain boys i had liked, getting my permit, etc.), but it's true for the most part. This though...this is different. This is a test of my talents in front of EVERYONE at church. If I mess up, it will be amplified times a million(in my mind, at least), therefore causing me to get flustered, thus resulting in further mistakes. Yikes.

And to make matters worse, I will be wearing a skirt. I was informed today that I won't be facing towards the crowd, though. Positive thoughts on this: No one will see me looking sick or chewing on my lip. Negative thoughts: The back of my head will be visible to the public, and I will more than likely have a bad hair day. Oh joy.

Still not seeming to terrible? How about this; There will be people there staring. Recording. Taking pictures. All that isn't so bad to most people, but to people such as myself who prefer to be the photographer/camera girl and not the model/actress, it's torture. Slow, agonizing, painful torture.

And then I get told that last year's recital involved all the piano students eating a bunch of cake with black icing, then they had to take pictures. The end results resembled those of pirate mug shots. Goodness gracious, I'm doomed!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Q's & A's

I've decided to be original and make this blog post be my formspring. ;] Though of course, I don't actually think anyone will ask me anything...Why do people like to be asked things so much, then complain about nosy people?

Take Facebook for example. You change your status to something like, "Had a bad day. Can't stand much more of this.", knowing full well that someone is going to comment and ask what happened, and then you get upset because they asked. Um....hello!

Then there's formspring, the site where you can ask any question anonymously. Sounds fun, right? Well, it is until the person you're questioning demands to know who the asker is. Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of the site? If you have to know who asked the question, then you might as well just ask them in person. Just a thought.

But anyways, I got off track. If any of my readers would like(and I'm not sure how many I actually have), ask me any question at all and I shall answer. If you want to post anonymously, I will not demand to know your identity. Promise.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

I do not need a boyfriend to be happy.

If I were to have one, what would change? Absolutely nothing. I'd still make videos, I'd still take pictures, I'd still hang out with friends, I'd still play soccer, I'd still write...If nothing would change, what's the point in having one? So I can have un-needed drama? That's bogus.

Sure, I wouldn't mind having a boyfriend, but it's not on my Top 10 list of necessities. I have better things to worry about. Plus, I've decided that I REALLY need to work on my taste and get a bit more picky. So here's what I came up with:

LIST OF REQUIREMENTS(or things that would be great to have)

A Christian guy with a great attitude.
A super sense of humor.
He has to be able to have some fun.
Nice to little kids.
Doesn't mind having his picture taken.
Manners! Those are a must.
He needs to have some morals.
Intelligence is nice.
Goals for the future wouldn't be a bad thing, either.

To some, those may not seem like very hard things to come across, but trust me; THEY ARE. Now, how about a list of things I'd rather not have.

LIST OF THINGS I COULD DO WITHOUT(and i don't mean maybe)

Cussing! I will not date a guy who can't speak intelligently.
Players, or the more common term, "playuhs".
I don't want someone's left-overs. Sounds gross, but it's true.
Lying? Psht, forget it.
No respect for women.
Lack of follow-through. As in, "I'll call you tomorrow" and 3 days later, you still haven't received that phone call.

I think my lists are well thought out and I see no reason to re-adjust my requirements. But like I said: I wouldn't mind having a boyfriend now, but I'm not going to go searching. If it happens, great. If not, then I'll wait.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


In regards to the below blog post, I have no idea who the cutest and sweetest boy in my town is. I'm going through the list, and I'm drawing a blank. Hmm...

In other news, my mom bought me something that is TOTALLY AWESOME. So awesome, that I'm not going to post what it is on here, so that my friends that care have to wait and see, since I will bring it to my next social gathering. Here's a hint: It's super nerdy and I'm probably the only one who thinks it's as awesome as I do.

I now own a pair of Willy Wonka-like glasses. I rather love them.

Reese's peanut butter cups? Yeah, they're pretty darn amazing.

I feel as though I'm forgetting something, but I don't know what.

I'm really hyper right now. It may have something to do with all the tapioca pudding I ate this afternoon....

Good gravy, I love tapioca pudding.

I saw THAT GUY again today. It was epic. He looked at me. I smiled. He smiled back. He walked off. I sighed.

FOOD! It's what you eat.

Billie Joe Armstrong has some very soulful pipes. My goodness, how I love a guy that I can sing.

I really need to get a life and quit talking about guys. Good grief.

The Passion Play was AMAZING. I almost cried because it was so good! Eep!

Even though I would love to, I'll most likely never be in a play. I will be the one directing it, which is how I like it. I'm a "behind the scenes" sort of girl.

I'm typing really fast and correctly right now!

How odd is it that I can type the word "backspace", but I'm moving forward? Why does that strike me as odd? I haven't the foggiest.


I think this is my longest random blog post ever. I've set a record for myself. I should feel proud. Instead, I just feel lazy.

"Hi, my name's ______, and I sit on my butt all day writing weird and random blog posts!"

That was lame. I apologize for the lameness. I get lame when I'm hyper. Laaaame.

HAMMER TIME! *ner ner ner ner doo doo duh duh* Can't touch this!

I gots 2 walk za doggy.

Peace. Love. CORNBREAD!

Thursday, April 1, 2010



April Fools. ;P