Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cutest Kitten Ever

I've been told I need to post, so post I shall!

First off, something that's been on my mind that I'd like to get out of the way: I'm super glad that I don't wear bucket loads of make-up. I loathe it oh-so-much. Even just a little bit makes my face feel 5 pounds heavier and I feel sooo self conscious. It's ok on special occasions, but every day? No thanks.

Another thing I've been thinking a lot about is my friends. They mean so much more to me as of late than they will ever know. Something about being 18-almost-19 and trying to get a move on with my adulthood makes days spent with close friends that much more important and special.

I'm currently undergoing some EXTREME leg pain right now. It feels a lot like growing pains, so maybe I'm going to get a bit taller? That would be pretty awesome...

I just thought of a topic for my next blog post.

So I joined the band wagon a few years late and got myself a Tumblr. Tried it and failed at it. Apparently I'm getting too old for all this new age stuff. Speaking of which, who all uses or has heard of Google+?

And now, I will leave you with this super cute video of the world's most adorable kitten.

Oh my goodness. I seriously started crying over how freakin' adorable that kitten was. I just love his little waddle and tubby little legs and the ending!!! *dies*

Day 30: Your favorite song at this time last year

Since I decided not to post the same song 3 times(darn green day at their epicness!), I went with what I know for a fact was my current song obsession at this time last year.

Ryan and I had decided this was our relationship's theme song at the time. You know, full of confessions about hidden feelings, declarations of trust, first time couple-ness...*sighs* Time flies by so fast.

Anyways, I love Taylor. New CD please, Ms Swift?

Day 29: A song from your childhood

Let me just take a moment to to say that Mmmbop is where it was AT!

Back then, the youngest brother(Zac) was the cute one I had a crush on, Taylor looked like a girl, and Isaac was that oldest, creepier brother that I never really liked.

Basically, they were the Jonas Brothers of the 90s and I loved them. The biggest difference between JB and Hanson, though?

As Hanson got older, their talent and looks grew. Sorry Jo Bros, but it's true.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 28: A song that makes you feel guilty

I have a guilty confession to make...

I'm sort of kind of super really into this song at the moment.

Yes, it's a Lil Wayne song.

Help me.

Day 27: A song that you wish you could play

So who's tired of hearing of this song?

Seriously. I wish so badly that I could play this on the piano. It's beautiful and gives me butterflies of enjoyment.

Maybe one day Rhino will learn it for me? *bats eyelashes*

Day 26: A song that you can play on an instrument


Aaaand this song...

Aaaand the piano...

Day 25: A song that makes you laugh

This song makes me smile every time I give it a listen.

Also, I can never ever go through a drive-thru at night without thinking of this song.

"There's some idiot in a Volvo/With his brights on behind me/I lean out the window and scream,/"Hey what you tryin' to do, blind me?"

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 24: A song you want to play at your funeral

Such a grim thought, but ever since I first heard this song, I thought it would be a nice funeral song.

Gosh, I'm so morbid. . .Anyways!

This song is beautiful. Especially this piano cover version. It makes me want to cry and smile at the same time, which makes no sense. Would I do that at a funeral? I don't know, and I don't want to find out.

This is a depressing post. Forgive me and just enjoy the song.

Day 23: A song you want to play at your wedding

Is this not the best song on the planet?

Soothing, smooth, catchy, and it just screams slow dance.

This is also one of the few songs that I enjoy singing along to. ♥

Day 22: A song you listen to when you're sad

Refer to Day 20.

Day 21: A song you listen to when you're happy

This song makes me smile. ^_^

*dreamy sigh*

Day 20: A song you listen to when you're angry

Confession! I don't listen to music when I'm angry.

Seriously. That's one of the LAST things I want to do. Basically, I can't listen to music whenever I'm sick, angry, or upset. It just annoys me and makes things worse.

Strange? Maybe. But I mean, I just wouldn't be me if I weren't a little unique.

Advertisement for...myself.

Want to see my pictures? Go to my deviantART.

Want to see my videos? Go to my Youtube.

Want to ask me something? Go to my Formspring.

Those three sites(plus this blog) have been updated and personalized. Yes, I am shamelessly promoting myself. Oh, and before I forget. . . LOOK WHAT I MADE!

Nothing special, but I like it. Later!

When the moon hits your eyes...

Picture this.

It's 8 o' clock on a nice summer night. There's a full moon, 76° weather, and a light breeze. You're at the park, eating pizza that has some of your favorite toppings on it, then you get invited to go for a stroll in the park. You talk, you laugh, you love, and you wish time could stop for a bit so that you can live in this perfect moment for just a little while longer.

If that isn't amore, I don't know what is.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 19: A song from your favorite album

American Idiot is my current favorite album. This is probably my 2nd favorite song on that album, my first being(of course) Wake Me Up When September Ends. Seeing as I already posted WMUWSE though, I'll just post this.

Three cheers for epic Green Day songs!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The History of Rhino


No. . . not that Rhino. I mean THIS Rhino!

See? It was an easy mistake to make, I'm sure.

Some of you may be wondering why I call Ryan "Rhino". Funny story, actually. See, it went a little something like this. . .

I remember the first time I ever talked to Ryan in person. We were lucky enough to get on the same soccer team way back in 2006. He was super shy and VERY antisocial. I decided right away that I liked him though, and did my best to pretend I was a super outgoing person so I could get to know him better.

After some talking and waiting ever so impatiently for our first soccer practice together to start, our coach came. We talked, we listened, and then we got to play. It took a while to really notice anything funny about him, but eventually I realized that Ryan ran in a very unique way. Whereas most people were either floppy-armed, uncoordinated, or super straight, Ryan charged.

I'm not talking "Oh, he was really fast, watch out", either. I'm talking full on, head down, body straight, stiff back, full sprint CHARGING. So basically, if you had the ball and you were on the opposite team, he looked like this. . .

Or maybe this better conveys how he was. . .

Of course, you can't have someone run like that and NOT give them the super snazzy nickname of "Rhino". I can't recall when I first told him that he greatly resembled a charging rhinoceros, or how long it took for it to stick, but I'm rather glad the name has stuck with him for so long. I mean, it's fitting if you think about it.

Rhinos are strong, Ryan's strong.

Rhinos are tough, Ryan can be sort of tough.

Rhinos are big, Ryan is big(tall).

Rhinos have dry, gray skin, Ryan has. . .um, the exact opposite.

And there you have it! The history of Rhino. Hopefully this was mildly entertaining and maybe even a little bit insightful as to how silly we really are. Love you, Ryan! ;]

Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 18: A song you wish you heard on the radio

If I could just randomly hear this playing on the radio at some point in my life and it could become a HUGE hit, I would be the happiest listener alive.

Seriously. I love this song so much!

This song + the repeat button + 50 billion times a day = One very happy Puma

Day 17: A song you hear often on the radio.

. . . . See Day 16.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Some ranting

I am so freakin' tired of hypocrites.

I'm so tired of the fakers; Fake friends, fake tough guys, fake nice guys, fake Christians. . .all of them. I'm tired of people saying one thing, but then doing another. I'm tired of sitting back and watching all the fakers, too.

This Summer has changed me in so many ways. I feel so much more mature in many different ways, one of those ways being spiritual. I've grown so much closer to the Lord this Summer and my look on life has changed. I've recently changed how I view certain things of the world, and I personally think it's for the better.

For example, I can't stand celebrities now. It just dawned on me one day how absolutely pointless they really are. It made me sick to my stomach to think about how society has made us come to believe that there are people who are better than us; That someone can be of a higher "rank" than us, and be worth more to the world. I mean, really? I can't stand seeing how much people care about celebrities now! All I can think is, "Wow. They have all that fame and money. I wonder how they're using that to help others." And the sad thing is, they aren't. They are just regular people who have somehow been put on these invisible but sadly, very real social pedestals, all because we somehow believe they are "better" than normal.

I've decided to have more spine when it comes to dealing with my friends, too. I'm through with dealing with hypocrites; My youth group made a pact to change, and that's what we need to do. No more being two-faced, no more judging, no more lazing around. I want us to live how GOD intended us to and how we promised we'd live after SPLASH. We should be better examples to the world, and if we're sitting around being two-faced, how are we to share His love properly?

Of course, I'm not saying that I'm totally innocent in all of this, but I AM trying my best to change. I want to be a better example and role model to others. I also want to live more for Him and less for me, because He really does care and help in more ways than anyone can imagine. I'm just so ready to take it all to the extreme, and I pray that I stay feeling the way I do.

Maybe you, the dear reader, could keep my youth group and I in your prayers? Just pray that we stick with what we have now and pray that we can take it to the extreme and share it with everyone we come in contact with.


Day 16: A song that you used to love but now hate

Pardon my Internet lingo, but oh em gee. This song used to please my ears to the greatest extent.

Now every time I hear it, I want to ram two fluffy little bunnies into my ears and use them as earplugs. I absolutely cannot stand this song anymore.

Thanks a lot, 107.5. . .

Dates, and I don't mean fruit.

Let's get one thing straight:

I love going on dates.

Seriously! Though I've only ever been on proper dates with my marvelous boyfriend, I love them. El-oh-vee-ee them! It has come to my attention though that I am apparently confused as to what a "proper" date is.

As I was perusing, I came across this little article.

"Don't Take A Woman Here!"

Within that article was a list of places that men shouldn't take women on dates. On this list was sport themed places, theme parks, chain restaurants, paintball, and more. Am I missing something?

Did I miss the memo that females are supposed to get once they hit their dating years that tells them that going out and doing fun things with the guy they like is what counts as a "total dating disaster"?

This is truly something that REALLY gets on my nerves. I hate that so many people think that dates have to be pricey and super out-there in order to be any fun. I mean, come on!

Paintball with a boyfriend? Epic idea.

McDonald's for dinner? Totally ok with me.

Day spent at the soccer fields? Heck yeah!


Maybe I'm just very easily pleased, but I believe dates should be about spending quality one-on-one time with the one you love, not trying to impress anyone. Sure, there's nothing wrong with a little spoiling every great once in awhile, but I have to say, my top 3 favorite dates with Ryan(not including our first) would have to be these:

1. Going fishing together.

2. Going hiking at Long C Trails.

3. Playing Scrabble at the park, and then star gazing.

Call me simple, but those were some amazing times together.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 15: A song that describes yourself

I honestly have no idea what to put for this one.

After a long period of time in which my brain almost exploded from all the thinking, I came to this conclusion:

How about YA'LL tell me a song that you think describes me?

And no, I'm not just saying this because I'm lazy. ;P

Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 14: A song that no one would expect you to love

In all honesty, I surprised myself by falling in love with this song.

I mean, I'm not usually into all that dance/techno crap. But this song. . . It's very catchy. So catchy, that I dance every time I hear it on the radio. I'll be driving down the road, stony faced, and then this song will come on.

Needless to say, I turn into quite the party animal for the next 4 minutes.

Day 13: A song that is a guilty pleasure

Puh, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with loving some old school Nsync.

I mean, are you haters blind?! It's Justin and JT! Like, oh em gee!

*ahem* Seriously though. I was a big Nsync fangirl back in the day.

Day 12: A song from a band you hate

Hate Maroon 5.

Love this song.

Go figure.