Thursday, May 19, 2011

It's coming. . .

Graduation is tomorrow.

Wait, was that clear enough for everyone? Did it fully sink in? Let me repeat it once more: Graduation, the day of celebrating no more high school EVER, is TOMORROW.

I feel old.

Not like my normal complain-about-aching-joints-I'm-almost-19 old, either. This is an entirely new feeling; A feeling of adulthood.

Sure, I've got the job, the car, the serious boyfriend, etc. but this is different. This is basically ending my childhood for good. It's a turn of the page, a throw of the dice, a step into the Great Unknown.

Is it exciting? Heck yes! But it's also really, really scary. It's scary because I'm afraid I'll get out of there, then dillydally my time away, forgetting to work towards my bigger goal. Of course, as long as I have loved ones helping to keep me focused, I should stay right on track. But still. . . it's intimidating.

I'm interested to see where my fellow seniors end up in life. Just the first year will be interesting enough. Who will go to college? Who will get a new job? Who will change first? Who will be the one who stays the same? Who will stay in touch? Who will slowly become Old What-their-face?

I feel like I'm about to lose my train of thought. Guess being up this late does that to a person. Farewell, my friends. This will probably be the last post I write as a teen in high school. Wow.

1 comment:

  1. It will be scary to see who 'out grows' their high school friends and forgets them once they make some friends in college...
