Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 11 - A picture of something you hate

This scares the crap out of me. Not literally of course, because that would be disgusting and I wouldn't be here writing this; I'd be in the bathroom, cleaning myself up. Ok, that was gross, but really...

So due to one certain critics opinion, I'm going to start writing more than just a single paragraph or so in these photo blog posts. What to say, what to say...shall I tell why it is that I hate birds, especially large ones such as this?

It all started when I was but a youngling around the age of 5 or 6. My grandmother and I went to my grandmother's friend's house for a visit. From what I can remember, this lady had a farm type dealio going on; She had animals EVERYWHERE. It was pretty neat, until towards the end of our visit...

My grandmother and her friend gave me a piece of bread and told me to go out and give it to the turkey. Easy enough, right? I remember very clearly walking off the porch and up to the turkey, intending to feed it that piece of bread. I never got to feed it though, because as I was walking up to it, that accursed fluttering fowl started chasing me and flapping it's wings! I remember screaming bloody murder, dropping the bread, and running back up to the porch, where my grandmother and her friend were laughing.

That's pretty much when I become a Ornithophobic. I still to this day loathe birds with a passion. I can't stand how twitchy and fluttery they are. Though some may be cute, I can't stand being close to them. I hate their talons, I hate their beaks, and I hate how their eyes look. I mean, how can eyes look so stupid and so evil, all at once? That isn't normal, my friends.

Basically, the point I'm trying to make here is, the only way I like my birds is on my plate and smothered in mustard. Replace the feathers with a crunchy fried batter, and we're good to go!

1 comment:

  1. Don't come to Tech then...our mascot (Awesome Eagle) hates blond haired girls with a passion.

