Monday, January 31, 2011
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel
I just couldn't do it; I just couldn't pick one single place that I'd love to travel to.
I'd really and truly love to go just about anywhere. I'm happy just going for a leisurely drive around town and the back roads. Going out of state would make me ecstatic. Going out of country would be AMAZING. I mean, there's so much out there to experience! I believe that if you're given the opportunity to get out there and explore, then you should take it!
I would love, and I mean LOVE, to go to Africa. All the animals and interesting people make me get adventurer photographer chills. If I could use photography as a form of helping people in different countries(or heck, even people just in different states), that would be one of the greatest things I could ever accomplish in my life. Maybe one day God will give me the chance to do so.
Here's hoping!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Day 19 - A picture and a letter
That letter was THE best letter I have ever received in my life. It was 3 pages long, it came with a drawing, it was SUPER interesting, it made me laugh out loud, and it was from one of my best friends whom I've never even met before. How awesome is that?!
I seriously LOVE handwritten letters. I actually talk about them quite a bit, but it's just because they're so gosh darn meaningful! I'm big on those meaningful, random acts of kindness type dealios.
I love writing letters to people. Their reactions are normally very enjoyable. As much as I like writing them though, I pretty much die whenever I get one myself. It's just so exciting! You don't know what's written within that folded piece of notebook paper, but since you know who it's from, you know to expect something good. Of course, I suppose you could always be unpleasantly surprised and receive bad news instead. In the words of Lemony Snicket,
It is much, much worse to receive bad news through the written word than by somebody simply telling you, and I'm sure you understand why. When somebody simply tells you the bad news, you hear it once, and that's the end of it. But when bad news is written down, whether in a letter or a newspaper or on your arm in felt tip pen, each time you read it, you feel as if you are receiving the news again and again. --The Miserable Mill
I've thankfully never had to get any bad letters, but I'm sure Mr. Snicket is quite right on the matter.
All this talking of writing letters has made me want to write one to somebody! Who to write to...
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity
I think my hair is my biggest insecurity just because it's so darn unpredictable. Some days it will look ok, and then others it will look like crap. It's so hard to fix, too! If I don't do it the right way, it ends up being huge and fluffy. I hate it when it's like that...
I also hate whenever I'm already self conscious about it, then someone says, "Oh, it's so fluffy! It's like a poodle! It's like a poof! It's an afro!" For some reason, people think those aren't mean things to say. And maybe they aren't; Maybe I'm just being overly sensitive, but I really don't like it when people say any of those things about my hair.
Another thing I'm not a big fan of is when people tell me that my hair is red. It is NOT red. It's strawberry blond, if anything. NEVER has it been red. If you're fixing to tell me that it's red, better think twice because I will knock your lights out. Kidding! But seriously...
I hate it whenever my friends decide to do "make overs" on me and totally screw up my hair. I don't think anyone truly realizes how careful you have to be with curly hair. Some of my friends, they just rake their fingers threw it, pin it up, fold it around, brush it, yada yada, and you can't do that! It screws up any nice curls that I might have had, and then I'm left with a freakin' blob of fuzz.
So yeah...this was reeeeeally ranty, wasn't it? O_O
"QUICK! First thing that comes to mind!" "Um....PICKLES!"
Yeah, you should click on the word "BANANAS!" and then follow the page it takes you to. I'll not say where it takes you. Why? Because I think people need a few good surprises every once in awhile. ;]
Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
Ok, so growing up isn't really THAT overrated....
I think the fact that I'm an official adult now has made quite the impact on me. I'm 18; No more childhood. I'm out looking for jobs, I've applied for CNA classes, I'm going to be graduating this year, I'm working on driving(yeah...don't judge), I'm registered to vote come next election, I could go to prison, buy cigarettes, get sued, and even grow wings! Wait...what's that? No wings? Darn...
Really though, it's not THAT bad. Of course, I say that now. I may be singing a different tune once my new life kicks into gear and I'm too busy to do anything that I normally do. Or maybe I won't. I'm confident that I'll enjoy working. All those new people AND money?! Awesome!
Though a bit dazing at times and certainly a bit scary, I have high hopes for my future. The cards are laid out; I just have to make sure I pick and choose the right ones to play. Sound sort of cryptic? Maybe because it, I just went all spooky on you. Eat it, noobs.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Noooo, I'm not eating a bowl of M&M's all by myself! >_>
I love it when on some movies, the guy will sing a silly but sweet song that he wrote himself that has super rhyming lyrics to the girl he loves. It's like, THE cutest thing ever.
Yeah, the above was me sounding super preppy, but I don't care; It's the truth. Need proof? Check out the below songs.
Don't Write Me Off - Hugh Grant
That song Toby(Zachary Levi) sang to his highschool crush on Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel
Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you
Some inspire me to become a better person, some inspire me with creative ideas, some inspire me to try new things. My friends are all so very different from each other and I love that about them. I love how we're all so unique and all each play a role(small or large) in each others lives.
Some of these people I've known almost my whole life, and some I didn't know up until a few years ago. To all of them though, I hope that I can do my best to be a good friend to you. You guys are what made my teen years a blast, and for that I will be forever grateful.
Love you guys!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die
Roller Derby is a women's sport where basically, two teams skate around the track to collect points, all while knocking into, ramming, pushing, and slamming each other. It's fast, it's fun, and it's furious. It's sort of like hockey without the puck, just in the way of how rough it is.
That's part of why I want to do it so badly; So I can prove that I AM a tough gal. I KNOW I could do it. I dream of doing it someday. I want to be on a team, even. I've got lots of things I want to do before I die, but roller derby is definitely at the top of the list.
Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without
I honestly cannot imagine my life with my first brother, Jesse. I'm not just saying that because I love him, either. I literally CAN'T remember what it was like to be an only child; I was only 2 when he was born...
Jesse(or jep, as he is also called by those who love him) is basically the best brother ever. He's funny, he's usually willing to help me with my crazy ideas, he laughs at my jokes(which aren't always funny), he doesn't mind being photographed(as long as his hair looks good), and he sticks up for me whenever something happens.
Jep and I have done some pretty crazy things together. We've created our own games(bumper body spin, anyone?), we've tried new things together, and we've surprised each other. I'm so lucky that I got a brother like Jep. Without him in the first part of my life, I don't think I would have turned out the way I have today(of course whether or not i'm good how i am now is debatable).
Even though we can both be pretty moody at times and we tend to argue over really dumb things, we both get along splendidly and always resolve any tension between us by cracking a few jokes.
I love you, Jeppy! Oh, and by the way...
IT'S A CUP OF DIRT! It's a cup...with dirt IN it! I call it, CUP OF DIRT!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist
The above is a picture of my boys. Mike, Tyson, Nick, and Chris; Together? The All-American Rejects!
AAR has been my favorite band for YEARS. I remember first hearing "Dirty Little Secret" being played on the radio continuously and thinking, "Wow, this song never gets old!". I think Move Along was the first ever real honest-to-goodness cd I ever bought. Mom and I listened to it all the way home from Bowling Green, loved it, then when I got home, I had that thing on repeat in my purple stereo for the next 3 hours.
I even remember Mom coming into my room, Top Of The World blaring, and me on the computer, humming along. Even then I didn't like to sing aloud, but my big mouthed brother told Mom that I had been singing along and knew every word to each and every song. So naturally, Mom wanted to see if that was true. At first, I was stubborn and didn't want to sing, but eventually I started back to humming, then worked my way up to full out belting.
I bought their first cd, The All-American Rejects, at a Walmart in Tennessee while on or way down to Florida for the first time. We popped it in the player and got about halfway through before everyone said it was annoying. Everyone, that is, except for me. I put that sucker in my portable cd player(ahh, days before my Sansa.), turned up the volume, and listened to that cd for 8 hours. Even after we got to the condo, I spent the nights laying on the bed, tuned out from the rest of the world.
I waited ever so impatiently for their 3rd cd to come out. Years, in fact. When it was finally, FINALLY released, I was pleasantly shocked to find that AAR had obtained a new sound. Gives You Hell is an anthem for the rebellious, Breakin' is super catchy and slightly melancholy, and Mona Lisa is the sweet song for all the pop rock romantics out there.
The All-American Rejects may not be as popular as some of the more played bands on the radio, but they're still one of the best. I think their lack of time in the spotlight is part of what makes me like them so much. If you haven't heard of them(and you'd have to have been living under a rock to have NOT), you need to go look them up ASAP.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Day 12 - A picture of something you love
What could this mass slab of yellow deliciousness be? Why, cornbread of course!
I love cornbread....a lot. It's one of my favorite foods, it's one of my favorite colors, and it's one of my favorite sides to go with chili! I looked at that picture and thought, "If I had to die young, I'd want it to be from overdosing on cornbread."
No matter if it's Mexican, skillet, sweet, or in the form of ho-cakes, cornbread is ALWAYS amazing. Just writing about it is making my mouth water immensely. I think I'm fixing to drown in my own saliva. Oh man, here I g--ARG OOO GUG!
Kidding, obviously. It's not like I really know how a drowning person sounds. I mean, that would just be sad. Maybe they don't make a sound? Maybe it's just silence. Hmm...
Ok, I'm getting way off of topic here. Bottom line? Go eat some dang cornbread!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate
This scares the crap out of me. Not literally of course, because that would be disgusting and I wouldn't be here writing this; I'd be in the bathroom, cleaning myself up. Ok, that was gross, but really...
So due to one certain critics opinion, I'm going to start writing more than just a single paragraph or so in these photo blog posts. What to say, what to say...shall I tell why it is that I hate birds, especially large ones such as this?
It all started when I was but a youngling around the age of 5 or 6. My grandmother and I went to my grandmother's friend's house for a visit. From what I can remember, this lady had a farm type dealio going on; She had animals EVERYWHERE. It was pretty neat, until towards the end of our visit...
My grandmother and her friend gave me a piece of bread and told me to go out and give it to the turkey. Easy enough, right? I remember very clearly walking off the porch and up to the turkey, intending to feed it that piece of bread. I never got to feed it though, because as I was walking up to it, that accursed fluttering fowl started chasing me and flapping it's wings! I remember screaming bloody murder, dropping the bread, and running back up to the porch, where my grandmother and her friend were laughing.
That's pretty much when I become a Ornithophobic. I still to this day loathe birds with a passion. I can't stand how twitchy and fluttery they are. Though some may be cute, I can't stand being close to them. I hate their talons, I hate their beaks, and I hate how their eyes look. I mean, how can eyes look so stupid and so evil, all at once? That isn't normal, my friends.
Basically, the point I'm trying to make here is, the only way I like my birds is on my plate and smothered in mustard. Replace the feathers with a crunchy fried batter, and we're good to go!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with
Say hello to the gang! These people are my very best friends, and we tend to do SUPER hilarious(if not somewhat stupid) things when we're together. We each play a roll in our little posse and together we are one complete mess of awesomeness! I wish we could think of a gang name...we need one. Maybe the RJAKT? The Really Jolly And Kindred Teens?
Eh, gang names...who needs 'em?! I love us and the great times we have! =D
Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most
I spent more time than I should have trying to think of someone who has ALWAYS been there for me. I had to think of someone that's loved me before I was even thought of, someone who cares more than words can describe, and someone who listens like no one else can. Who else has always gotten me through any rough patches than Lord God Himself.
It doesn't matter how bad a day I've had or how low I'm feeling; If I take the time to pray to Him, I always feel better. I take comfort in knowing that He cares so much. He gives me the strength I need to get over something. I'm blessed that I've not had any super large issues to deal with, but the few I've had, God has been there.
I'd say He makes a pretty great friend, wouldn't you agree?
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item
I have a few prized possessions, but my newest camera tops them all. The fine specimen you see in the above picture is my new Canon SX30 IS. HD video, 35x zoom, and a macro like you wouldn't believe. Not to be braggy or anything, but this camera is pretty Kick A.
Want to know more? Go read my other blog. =]
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day
So before you get all judgy and think, "Oh man, she's REALLY gone off the deep end now!", let me tell you that that's EXACTLY what I'm wanting to do! If I could be an angler fish, I could see so much in the deeper parts of the ocean that humans will probably never be able to see. Just one day, and I could enjoy life underwater, seeing what it's like to be feared and respected, all at once. Sure, I wouldn't mind if the angler fish were a bit more attractive, but looks matter not; If I had to trade places with someone(or in this case, something), I would want to be an angler fish.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory
I have SO many favorite memories, but right now, I feel like reminiscing about Florida.
This picture was taken back in 2008(as you can probably tell, i wasn't that great at taking pictures back then). That's the last time we were in that part of Florida, and I miss it so much! I'll never forget how it felt to see the ocean for the very first time. It was just amazing! So vast, so blue, so DEEP.
I miss being on vacations and eating a mixture of Merlin's Pizza, Taco Bell, and Krispy Kream doughnuts every day for a week. I miss drinking pink lemonade out of a can. I miss the smell of the salt in the air, the sometimes muggy breeze blowing my hair, the feel of the sun, the sights, the sounds...I miss everything about it.
That part of Florida is where I got my beloved hermit crab Kermit. It's where my family and I almost got attacked by an ill tempered lion(...seriously.). It's where I was able to have a close relationship with my cousin for a little while. I have so many fantastic memories about Florida. I simply can't wait until our next trip!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Day 04 - A picture of your night
I spent the first half of my night watching this movie. It was probably the most boring movie I've watched in a while. Topher Grace was good(as always), but this movie had a serious lack of storyline. But hey, the music in it was great!
Now to spend the rest of my night watching I Love Lucy and old black and white classic musicals! ;]
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show
Oh. Em. Jay. I love love LOVE The Office! Seriously, it's the best show EVER. Michael Scott is such a stupid genius. Dwight is a creepy nerd. Jim and Pam are adorable. Stanley is the man. Ryan is a cocky jerk. Kevin is a lovable dope. I miss Tobey to no end. Angela is a word I shouldn't say. Andy is the best. Creed is a weirdo pervert with no morals whatsoever.
It's such a great show! I can't believe that there's people out there who don't find this show humorous. I mean, it's amazing! I'm only on season 5, and it's GENIUS. Wit at it's finest. If you haven't watched this show, go watch it. Now. No, really. That's an order.
I'm a nerd. Deal.
Over the past few years, I've been collecting different phobias. Not mentally, of course, but on a list. Yes, that's my big nerdy secret: I keep a list of all the phobias I find out about. There's actually more to it than you'd think. For example, I don't just Google "phobias" and write down whichever ones pop up. No, I wait until I read about them in a book or I hear someone talk about it. If, after searching, it's a real phobia, I add it to my alphabetized list. Weird, right?
Since it's so weird, I thought I'd share a few of my most favorite phobias. I'm not going to post the whole list(i don't want to give away everything all at once), but I figured I could share a few of the best.
1. Barophobia: fear of gravity
2. Chromophobia: fear of colors
3. Genuphobia: fear of knees
4. Koinoniphobia: fear of rooms
5. Logophobia: fear of words
6. Papyrophobia: fear of paper
7. Phobophobia: fear of developing a phobia
8. Podophobia: fear of feet
9. Selenophobia: fear of the moon
10. Xylophobia: fear of forests or wooden objects
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest
I don't have a recent picture of me and my mother! This needs to change.
Mom and I? Yeah, we're tight. She's the one person who is ALWAYS there for me, always listens, is always up for a talk, and always has some advice to give. My mom goes out of her way to help me and to take care of me, and I appreciate it so much more than she knows.
I love that we're movie/shopping buddies, I love that we think alike, and I love that we have so much in common. I'm really lucky that I got such a great mom that I can get along with so well. I love her so much!
Love you, Momma! ♥
Day 01 - A picture of yourself with ten facts
1. I love to read. As I've gotten older though and the newer books being published lately have depleted in quality, I've gotten picky with my reading selections. I think Roald Dahl is a literal mad genius when it comes to writing children's books and JK Rowling is the only author who has a series I can read over and over again and STILL be shocked at the plot line. Stephanie Meyer is way overrated, Sword of the Rightful King is kick-butt, and French authors such as Gaston Leroux and Victor Hugo write like no one can nowadays.
2. I live in an A-Frame house! For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a house(usually small, but we got lucky and found a huge one) that's in the shape of a triangle. Our house is big on bottom and small up top. My bedroom is in the loft, and I have my own bathroom and skylight. I LOVE our house and would be perfectly content to never move again, except for the fact that I'm 18 and will probably need to move out eventually...sadness.
3. Mustard and sour cream are my favorite condiments. If I have chicken, then I MUST have honey mustard to dip it in. Tacos aren't complete without sour cream, nor is cheeseburger Hamburger Helper on white rice. I like to imagine myself living alone in my own place, sitting on the couch watching a great movie while eating away at my very own container of sour cream. Yeah, I think it's THAT good.
4. Tim Burton is my favorite director. He was the one who brought stop motion animation into a new light. He's insanely creative, has grim humor, and is big on using lots of color. That right there is my type of person. Not only that, but he also usually has my favorite actor in his films, Johnny Depp.
5. I have a texture fettish. I looooove soft things. I'm not talking "oh, that's a new pair of socks" soft. I'm talking "oh my goodness this takes my breath away and feels like a cloud" soft. I can't sleep without having at least one super soft blanket or pillow to cuddle with. They're just so warm and fuzzy and amazing! Sleeping with something so soft is what I imagine sleeping with a bunch of baby rabbits would feel like.
6. I like to write, in case you didn't notice. I never write anything of purpose or of major interest, but I still like trying. I have a journal that I write in almost every night. It's basically full of whatever feelings I'm having at the time, good or bad. I really enjoy writing in it, because it's fun to go back and see what was going on in my life at that time.
7. I really really REALLY love cool shirts. Ones with witty sayings and pictures? They're the best! I think I'm sort of known in my group of friends as The Girl With The Funny Shirts. You know, wearing those shirts really helps with being able to look in the mirror and laugh at yourself. Really though, I love having people notice them and laugh, especially complete strangers. It sort of makes my day.
8. I loathe excessive cursing. I strongly believe that the people who cuss after every other word are stupid. If you can't get your point across without spewing that filth, then you are stupid. Get a dictionary, fools.
9. I don't cry. If I cry, it's over really dumb things, like one very certain odd movie(Edward Scissorhands), fictional characters dying(Order of the Phoenix anybody?), I break something(darn fushigi ball...), or I see a friend crying. I hardly get sad enough to cry, and when I'm mad, I just get hot, loud, and shaky. I'll sometimes cry if I screwed up, said the wrong thing, and made someone close to me upset, but that's about it. I'm glad that I don't cry, because crying never helps anything, anyways. It just makes you wet, weak, and snotty.
10. I'm a super crazy light sleeper. I wake up over the slightest of sounds. Even though I wake up fast, I go back to sleep pretty quickly as well. Alarm clocks are super annoying unless they're set to the radio alarm, in which case I don't mind waking up. Waking up to voices is ok enough; Waking up to that ridiculous buzzing sound? Eh, not so much.
Yet another thing to do...
Day 01 - A picture of yourself with ten facts
Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest
Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show
Day 04 - A picture of your night
Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory
Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day
Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item
Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh
Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most
Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most ****** up things with
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate
Day 12 - A picture of something you love
Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist
Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die
Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you
Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity
Day 19 - A picture and a letter
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel
Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget
Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at
Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book
Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change
Day 25 - A picture of your day
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you
Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member
Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of
Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile
Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss
Friday, January 14, 2011
So after a very blunt request from my dear boyfriend, I'm going to write a blog all about him!
What you see to the side is a picture of one of the most amazing guys on the planet! Cute, right? Puh, looks aren't all he's got.
Ryan Marshall Tucker is one of the best friends I have ever had. We've known each other for about 4 years now, and I've loved every moment of being his friend. Even during our rough times, we were still best friends. We give each other advice, we lift each other up, we respect one another, and we love each other as friends and more. True friendship lasts through anything, and we are living proof of that.
As seen in the picture on the right, he's a bit of a dork. In all honesty, I prefer his dorky side, as opposed to his wanna-be suave side. There's just something about a nerd that's just so attractive! His nerdy pick up lines are the best. His best include...
"Your hair is so...frothy."
"You look a lot like my future girlfriend."
"Wait! I got it wrong! You look a lot like my future wife. Ooh, pwn."
Ok, so his best probably don't seem like much to everyone else, but when he says his pick up lines, they're hilarious and cute.
Speaking of boyfriend is pretty darn hilarious. Take a look at the proof.
Reason Number 2: Just the overall pose screams, "I'M A SLOTH!"
Reason Number 3: Did I mention it makes me laugh?
Besides being able to make me laugh, Ryan also has this amazing ability to be the most attractive person in a couple picture every single time. Don't believe me? Check these out!
Really, how can you look at those and not think, "Wow, that guy the nerd is with is HOT." ;]
Another amazing thing about good ol' Rhino is how sweet he can be. Not only does he give some
of the best hugs ever, but he's also pretty nice with those sweet little surprise kisses. I mean, really. Cuteness!
Overall, I have the best boyfriend that I gal could have. He's sweet, funny, kind, protective, caring, strong, loving, thoughtful, smart, creative, honest, and generally wonderful in every way.
I like to look back at my old "List Of Requirements", a list in which I named off a few things I would like any future boyfriend to have. Let's take a look at that and see how Ryan compares.
• A super sense of humor.
• He has to be able to have some fun.
• Nice to little kids.
• Doesn't mind having his picture taken.
• Manners! Those are a must.
• He needs to have some morals.
• Intelligence is nice.
• Goals for the future wouldn't be a bad thing, either.
I can't wait to see what all the future has in store for us, both as best friends and more. I love you, Ryan!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
I can't stand not going anywhere.
I need to go somewhere.
I miss my friends.
I just got done walking laps around my room, looking for something to do.
I'm getting bored more and more often.
If something prevents me from getting out on Friday, I WILL go completely crazy.
That is all.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Facebook, I Hate You
On whom, you may ask? Dear Reader, I'm fixing to commit murder on the most obnoxiously annoying of all websites: Facebook.
I've spent the past HOUR trying to upload a 6 minute video. Six minutes! That's it! It can't upload a weeny 6 minute video?! REALLY?!
Gah, I'm trying my best to contain any foul language I may have. The inside of my head is like that of R2D2.
I can't decide how best to do it. Butcher knife? Bazooka? Tank? Sumo wrestler/Chuck Norris combination? Either way I choose, I want it to be painful. SLOW and painful. Just like the agony that I'm going through right this very moment.
No website should hold this much power over my emotions. The freakin' site needs to upload the dang video all ready!*
*That's the extent of my cursing...for now.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Why Yes, I DO Have New Year's Resolutions
● Roller Derby: Um...yeah. Seriously. I've got the skates, I'm finally 18, and I KNOW I've got the mindset; Now to learn! I've never been more serious about learning something new as I am now. I want to at least go to a competition and watch. If I can happen to get myself on a team and maybe even participate, then huzzah! If not, at least I can say that I tried.
● Grow Closer to God: This one is probably so cliché among fellow Christians, but it's just so true. You can NEVER be too close to God. I know for a fact that I seriously need help with my focus when it comes to spending time with Him, and this year(and every year after), I will be more focused than the year before. I will listen better, I will pray harder, and I will be a better servant to Him.
● Dance More: On New Year's Eve, I went to my first ever dance, and it...was...HEAVENLY. It was amazing! Everyone danced a bunch of old timey dances, and it was I was on Cloud 9 basically the whole night. I would LOVE to dance like that more this year.
● Graduate: Heck yeah, baby! I want to be DONE with high school. I'm not going to lie; I've had some doubts on whether or not I was going to be able to make it to Graduation Day with my friends, but now I'm confident that I will be up there on stage with the rest of them, getting my diploma and working on starting a new chapter of my life.
● Get More Paying Photography Gigs: I've got the camera, I've got the lights, and I've apparently got the talent; I want to make more money doing what I love.
● Get A Job: Yeah...a job would be nice.
● Do Something Bigger and Better: This one is hard to explain. I want to do something bigger and better than anything I've done before. I want to make an important difference with someone or something, but for the better. I want to change the way things go. I want to be a better friend and a stronger person(physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally).