Monday, August 30, 2010

Photographer Chicken With A Knife Trying To Pick Me Up And Drop Me In Hair...

You know, sometimes I have to wonder if I have some sort of a condition(and no, it doesn't involve pwning noobs). I think I get too weirded out over too normal of things.

For example; I can't take a simple picture with someone. I'm extra stupid when it comes to that. I can't just sit there and smile, because it feels awkward. This is why I prefer candids. I dislike posed pictures, but I especially dislike pictures that I'm in. I pretty much ruin every picture, mainly because I'm weird about them. How dumb is that?!

I have closeness issues. You have to be pretty darn special for me to let you sit super close or even hug me without me freaking out on the inside. You have to be even MORE special for me to WANT you to do either of those things. I really don't like hugs from people I don't trust or don't know. It makes me feel funny. There's only a very small handful of people that I don't mind being close to.

I hate getting picked up and/or carried. I like the idea of being carried(in some situations), but the actual being carried freaks me out. I have a pretty big fear that whoever is supposed to be carrying me will drop me or I'll be too heavy or they'll hurt themselves. I absolutely cannot do those trust games where you fall back and put your full trust in someone else that they'll catch you. I just can't. I'd rather just not fall at all.

I don't like having anything stare at me while I'm trying to sleep. All things with eyes in my room are covered or hid(unless it's posters. those don't bother me) before I get in the bed at night.

I can't stand loose hair, especially if it's wet. Oh my goodness. It's DISGUSTING. It's one of the very few things that can actually make me gag. I freak out if it's on any of my stuff or if other people try to put it on me or if I have to touch it. I hate cleaning the bathroom because of all the hair. I can't stand it! Ugh...I seriously feel sick now. Yuck.

I absolutely 100% loathe knives and blades. When watching a movie, if someone so much as grabs the knife off the counter, I freak out. I hate how they look, and I for sure hate how they cut. I can't watch people getting cut. I refuse. It makes me feel so icky and freaked out just hearing it. I hate the sound. Even if someone just accidentally cuts their palm or leg or whatever, I hate it. It's the most painful looking thing I've ever seen, no matter what size the wound is. I don't even like watching people deal with knives or blades in real life. It's too easy to slip up and slit something. Skin is too easy to cut. Ick.

I'm not even going to get started in on birds...

If all of those don't equal up to "absolutely insane", I don't know what does. I personally don't think I should let that sort of stuff bother me so greatly. Those just seem like unnatural things to get worked up over. I have issues....

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Jump Then Fall

I like the way you sound in the morning
We're on the phone and without a warning
I realize your laugh is the best sound
I have ever heard

I like the way I can't keep my focus
I watch you talk, you didn't notice
I hear the words but all I can think is
We should be together
Every time you smile, I smile
And every time you shine, I'll shine for you

Whoa oh, I'm feeling you baby
Don't be afraid to
Jump then fall
Jump then fall into me
Be there, never gonna leave you
Say that you wanna be with me too
So I'm a stay through it all
So jump then fall

I like the way your hair falls in your face
You got the keys to me
I love each freckle on your face, oh
I've never been so wrapped up, honey
I like the way you're everything I ever wanted

I had time to think it oh, over
And all I can say is come closer
Take a deep breath then jump then fall into me
Cause Every time you smile, I smile
And every time you shine, I'll shine for you

Whoa oh, I'm feeling you baby
Don't be afraid to
Jump then fall
Jump then fall into me
Be there, never gonna leave you
Say that you wanna be with me too
So I'm a stay through it all
So jump then fall

The bottom's gonna drop out from under our feet
I'll catch you, I'll catch you
And people say things that bring you to your knees
I'll catch you
The time is gonna come when you're so mad you could cry
But I'll hold you through the night until you smile

Whoa oh, I need you baby
Don't be afraid, please
Jump then fall
Jump then fall into me
Be there, never gonna leave you
Say that you wanna be with me too
So I'm a stay through it all
So jump then fall
Jump then fall baby
Jump then fall into me, into me

Every time you smile, I smile
And every time you shine, I shine
And every time you're here
Baby I'll show you, I'll show you
You can Jump then fall, jump then fall
Jump then fall into me, into me, yeah

A very special person introduced me to this song. Now I can't stop listening to it. =]

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Heart Warming Reunion

Once upon a time, my cat Percy stole and hid my very first and one of my absolute favorite Sillybandz. He hid it so well, that I went days without seeing it. I mourned the loss of my rubbery friend, and after a month and a half of not seeing it, I was forced to move on.

Today, my brother decided he wanted to play the Play Station 2, which just so happened to be in my room. The tv has a guinea pig cage in front of it(the cage in which Percy sleeps. Don't think us cruel; that cage is like a kitty condo. It's HUGE.), so my mom told my brother to move it to the other side of the room for the time being. My brother makes it halfway, before he drops the cage and spills Percy's used litter box all over MY bedroom floor. Since I had already cleaned up way more poop and puke then I wanted to that day, I made my brother clean up what he had spilled.

After he had swept up all he could and I took a picture of him cleaning up the mess, my mom started to vacuum my room. I was on the computer when my mom suddenly said my name. I turned around to face her, and there, being held between her thumb and pointer finger was my most cherished Sillyband that Percy had stolen so long ago! Sure, it was hairy and a bit dusty, but I cared not; I wiped the ick off and put it on my wrist, happy to be reunited with my rubber band once more. My mom is my hero of the day!

Funny how things work out, isn't it? =]

I need more lemonheads...

It's only 2 weeks into August, and already it's been the best month this year. =]

I'm cold. Darn the vent and it's icy chill!

I want to watch The Last Airbender before it becomes any older.


Have you prayed today? You should, if you haven't.

I am currently reading a book called The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus by L. Frank Baum. It's actually pretty good.

In 4 months, I'm going to be 18. World Of Warcraft(aka, WOW!).

I just got an idea...

My dad thought up a totally awesome stop-motion video idea today that I'm definitely going to try!

This blog is sort of like a more fun, easier-to-keep-track-of journal.

I just got my soccer jersey. Turquoise! =D

I've only got 5 Lemonhead candies left. This makes me sad.

I just typed this sentence out with my chopsticks because I'm a dork and I find it amusing.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Promises = Truth

Something that means a lot to me: Promises.

Maybe I'm just old fashioned for thinking that one word actually means something quite important, but oh well. To me, promises are a big deal. That's the one word that can guarantee to me that you mean what you say. "I promise" is a lot like the signature on an important contract. Once you say it, you are making a commitment to keep your word. I never use the word carelessly. If I don't think I can follow through with or fully mean what I said, I won't say it. It's just that simple.

That's why it bothers me so much whenever people say they promise something, then completely throw that away. They act like it's nothing! And maybe it IS nothing. Maybe I'm taking it too seriously. I really don't think I am though.

I'd rather hear the promiser say that they can't or won't do or say something. That's better than trusting them, then them going around doing the complete OPPOSITE of what they promised. It really, really bites.

Monday, August 9, 2010

I'm Very Smiley...

Tonight was one of the best nights ever. That's all. ;D

Thursday, August 5, 2010

This year at the fair, I...

Got to ride 4 rides with some of my friends.

Danced and sang openly while waiting in line.

Screamed, "I AM A BANANA!" at the top of my lungs with Tuna.

Got 2 free bags of peanuts and a free popsicle. Yum.

Watched my brothers participate in the pedal pull.

Was reminded yet again how much I dislike the fair booth people and their big mouths.

Got the sickest I've ever gotten on a ride.

Was able to hold a sweet little pug puppy!

Saw my first ever baby peacocks.

Was sad because there was no Ferris wheel.

Laughed until it hurt whenever Kirstin screamed, "And it's NOT fluffy!" while on the most painful ride EVER.

Got to smell a dead animal with my friends for about 3 minutes.

Danced in front of a funky mirror that made me look like a dwarf.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Q's without A's


According to my friends, what's one of the best things about me?

Do I get annoying when I'm hyper?

Why do people find it entertaining to write on themselves?

On a nerdy scale of 1-10, what do I rank?

Why do pop tarts have to be so darn good?

Why did I not listen to Michelle by Paul McCartney earlier in life?

Will I place at all in the youth photography at the fair?

Who decided that Chuck Norris was the IT guy?

Do bugs ever scream before they get squished?

Why am I typing all of this?

Will anyone answer me?!

I get by with a little help from my friends...

Today is Sunday, and on Sunday nights, the Youth have a separate study downstairs with a youth leader(or in this case, our church music director). Our teacher on Sundays is pretty much awesome. He's funny, he's always up for a good debate, and he really knows his stuff when it comes to the Bible. But as much as I enjoy our teacher, that's not what I wanted to talk about.

What I wanted to talk about was something that our teacher was telling us. We're currently reading a book about how to reach your full potential for God, and it's been a great book so far. I've really learned a lot. One of the things our teacher talked about was relationships, and how everyone we come in contact with is for one of two main purposes: Either that person was meant to support and help you, or that person needs you to minister to them.

The more I think about it, the more it makes pretty good sense. I mean, isn't that basically what we need to do? Don't we need to help and be helped? To me, it just seemed like a really interesting thing to think about.