Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Stupidman/Fatman Vs The Bestest Heroes

There's nothing quite like a superhero with a sense of humor. Really, it confuses me as to why people would even consider thinking Superman and Batman are so great when you have funny guys like Spiderman and Ironman(which, by the way, what's up with their totally obvious and terribly un-unique names?). If we were to put them in a battle against each other, I could guarantee SM and IM would win. Don't believe me? I'll prove it.


Though these two heroes have much in common(secret identities, they're huge nerds, both in love with girls who don't notice them until they decide to save the girls, etc.), compared to Spiderman, Superman is super lame. I mean really, let's be logical here. Superman has x ray vision, which I'm sure comes in handy almost never. He has a cape, which is so old school. He's much too nice for his own good, and don't even get me started on that stupid trademark curl of his. Spiderman has got so much more going for him than Superman does! He's much more realistic, proven by his normal human desires towards the dark Spiderman suit. Peter Parker is a much more lovable nerd than Clark Kent ever was. His spidey sense are basically amazing, and the guy's jumpsuit is a lot more practical, plus it doesn't look as though he's wearing underwear over top of his tights.


This is such a no-brainer. It's Ironman, people! Whereas Batman is moody and dramatic beyond belief, Ironman is witty and totally carefree. While Batman sits in his cave, thinking every little thing through, Ironman is out on the crime scene, making things up as he goes along. Some may call that impulsive, but I call it resourceful. Even though they're both loaded with cash, Bruce Wayne tends to spend his money on dark and gloomy things, further proving his emo-ness to the world. Tony Starks, on the other hand, seems to buy things according to his needs at the moment. And what does he usually need? Fun! We'll not even discuss their choice of costumes, though let me say this: Bat ears? Really?
Case closed.

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