It's somewhere around late and super late o' clock, and I'm getting ready for bed. I've walked a dog, I've put Annie up, I've fed the guinea pigs one last time, and I've hugged my mother goodnight. I walk into my bedroom, and the feeling begins. The feeling that something strange is going to happen.
First, I walk around my bed(putting a good 2 feet between the bed and my feet) and turn off my computer. Then I keep my feet 2 feet away from my bed, and stretch over so I can grab up my stuffed animals. After I place them neatly into my office chair, I grab a hoodie and throw it over the stuffed animals and then turn the chair away from my bed, so that way I can't see them looking at me while I sleep. After I do that, I make sure I open back up my piano book so that it hides the faces of my sock monkey and Oscar the Grouch jack-in-box that are on top of my dresser directly in front of my bed. Once I feel sure that there are no more eyes looking at me, I literally jump into bed, so that my feet won't get anywhere near the bottom of the bed. Once I'm in bed, I sit there reading for awhile, before turning off the lights. If anything falls off of my bed and onto the floor in that time, it's just too bad. I never ever EVER reach down to get it until it's daylight again. You never know what could be down there.
Sometimes, when I can't fall to sleep fast enough and my imagination is running wild, I think I hear things moving around or I'll blink oddly and think I saw something move. This is why I normally like to take it easy before going to bed. I'll read a happy book, listen to slow, quiet songs, and just slowly slip into the Land of the Dreaming.
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