Friday, January 29, 2010

This is actually quite dangerous to even think...

Ok, I'm going to say this on my blog and not on Facebook where all my friends will most likely read it...

I didn't like A Walk To Remember or The Notebook. There, I said it. I thought the first was filled with terrible acting and the second was terribly over-rated. I didn't cry during either of them. So go ahead and call me insensitive.

I'll be awaiting the angry mob and their pitchforks.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Peak Inside

Ok, so this blog is just going to be a mess of unorganized thoughts and facts.

Long fingernails are sooo not worth the trouble. They effect your typing, piano playing, eating, scratching, cleaning, EVERYTHING. The only thing they're good for is making your fingers appear to be longer, but really, when you have fingers like mine, that's the last thing you want.

I can play Polovetzian Dance No. 17 on piano! Well, the right hand part, anyways. It's quite a sad tune, really. It's kind of slow and mysterious sounding.

When your nose is stopped up, you can't breathe. Just saying.

Typing out the word "breathe" reminded me of the wonderful Taylor Swift song by the same name. It's amazing, though the piano version of Forever and Always is better(if that's even possible).

I just coughed. I hate coughing. At least it's almost gone.

I miss my friends!

I absolutely positively cannot WAIT for soccer to start back up!

And there you are. I've wrote some of what's on my mind, and now you are no doubt drooling with boredom. Sorry!

Friday, January 22, 2010

.....Fine. I'm sick.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


The best way to not be sick? Stay in denial, even though you have all the symptoms of sickness.

My head hurts somewhat, I keep coughing, yesterday I couldn't hardly swallow, and my mom says I sound stopped up. But I'm not sick! I feel totally fine today except for this headache, so therefore I am NOT sick. Go me! =D

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So. I just watched the preview for the latest episode of Vampire Diaries.

Um, yeah. I might have maybe started drooling at the sight of Damon's wonderfully jerky smirk.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Random things that I love

Mechanical pencils

Anything Harry Potter

Peanut butter


My stuffed animal chicken

Natural things such as animal bones, shells, weird plants, etc.


Hermit crabs

Writing pointless blogs such as this

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I'm A Grinning Fool...

"Yup, he's cute." The words that have been running through my mind for 2 days now.

"He" shall be referred to as "Cookie". Don't ask why, because I don't know. Anyways, Cookie is amazing, and I don't say that often about guys that actually live in my small town. He REALLY is though. Like, REALLY. I mean it! Ok, so how will I best get my point across....Oh, I know! I'll make a list of pros!

  • He's got a GREAT sense of humor.
  • His eyes! Oh. Em. Jay.
  • He gets along with like, everyone. He's very outgoing and chatty and wow.
  • He's super athletic. Soccer AND parkour. Beat that.
  • He's not afraid to try new things and he's a great sport about it.
  • Tall, Dark, and Handsome. *swoon*
  • He thinks I'm funny! Woot!
  • He plays Guitar Hero. Can anyone say, "Winner!"?
Yep. He's amazing all right.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I hate when people misspell "weird"!

You've probably already noticed this, but I'm going to go ahead and state the obvious for those of you who are slower.

I am totally weird. Like, really. I think that's why I spend all day in my room, nibbling on whatever candy I can find and writing blogs. Makes me feel sort of hermit-y. Hmm.

I used to have a pet hermit crab, you know. His full name was Mr. Kermit Krabs, but he was better known as Kermit. I got him in a tourist shop in Destin, Florida(which also happens to the best vacation spot EVER, but more on that in another blog), and he rode with the family in the van for about 8 1/2 hours.

Anyways, moving forward in time, I had that crab for about 3 years! Way longer than I thought he was going to live. He was a pretty cute little guy, too. Even made for some cool pictures!

Look at that face! Makes me want to pinch his cheeks, if I knew where they were!

Ah, he was a good chap, very quiet, except at night. I used to could hear him moving around in his shell. It was really quiet cool. He used to do it every night, until THE night...

I was on my computer when I noticed that Kermit was out of water. I got a water bottle, opened up his tank, and poured the water in. I put the bottle back up and then reached back into the tank so that I could pet him(yes people, I really did used to pet my hermit crab.). I picked him up and noticed that he was way too light, and what do you know: He was dead! Poor little guy was stiff as a board and pale as a ghost. Still is, as a matter of fact....
Told you I'm weird. =P

Monday, January 11, 2010

"In the jungle, the wild jungle, the lion sleeps tonight"

"I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts! *deedel lee dee* All there standing in a row! Big ones, small ones, some the size of your head..."

I want to watch Lion King now. I need me some Mufasa!

(and yes, I just had a sudden image of that one scene where the hyenas keep saying Mufasa's name)

Monday, January 4, 2010


For some reason, I have a weird habit of writing two blog posts, one right after the other. I guess it's because I have a lot on my mind. Anyways...

I've had a bunch of people tell me lately that I'm lonely and need a boyfriend. What a bunch of poppycock! Do I appear lonely to you?! (asks the girl who writes blogs all day...)

I'll have you know, I don't NEED a boyfriend, because I already have one. His name is Damon Salvatore.
There is no law against someone having a fictional boyfriend(ok, so I don't know this for fact, but come on!). As we all know, fictional males are usually 70% better than actual males(again, I don't know this for fact. I'm just saying how it appears to me). This is especially true when you live in a smaller town and the number of decent boys are limited(this I KNOW is a fact!). So really, what other choice do we females have? Like the icky guys of the real world? No, thank you.


I need a job! Instead of sitting around on my butt all day, I could be working and getting paid and meeting all sorts of new people. My friend Tonya has the right idea. She's had a job for almost a year now and she's loaded, has her own car, and isn't ever wrapped up in any stupid drama. That's pretty awesome, I think! Oh, how I love money and working. I really do enjoy working. I love the feeling of accomplishment! It makes me feel like I've done something worth while. This sounds kind of greedy for a kid who wants a job really bad BUT....I wish I could get a job taking pictures for someone. Maybe for a newspaper or helping someone with their advertisement. Maybe I could get a job taking pictures for people once I get my own car and license, but in order to get a car, I have to have a job. It's not like I haven't tried to get a job, because I have! I've applied to quite a few places, actually. It's just that no one is hiring or they pick the adults over the kids. Bah, I just need to try harder, I suppose.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

I wonder what it is I intend to write

I have pretty much no emotion right now because I'm super bored and I choose to wallow in self pity instead of fixing the problem. =P None of my friends are online or texting me, I have no job to go to, I have no car, and the Internet is uneventful(proof that the rest of the world is bored too, perhaps?). What am I supposed to do when I'm so bored all I want to do is go back to sleep? UGH. I really need to get a life and quit depending on others to amuse me. It's not like I'm a little kid, for goodness sakes! Ok, I'm done moping. I'm just going to go find something to do.

P.S. I don't blame you in the least if you didn't read all that. I was just venting. ;]


No friends, no job, no car, no boyfriend, no money, no church tonight.....I'm bored to tears.

Friday, January 1, 2010


  • I will probably dare someone to eat something gross (e.i. a worm, piece of grass)
  • I will probably get a miniature horse when I grow up.
  • I will probably spit on at least 30 people unintentionally before I die.
  • I will probably swim with my kids some day.
  • I will probably always like chicken more than turkey.
  • I will probably go rock climbing in the future.
  • I will probably never give up the dream of becoming either a vampire, pirate, wizard, or ninja.


  • I will never dare any one to drink something vile or possibly harmful (e.i. vinegar)
  • I will never, I repeat, NEVER have a pet bird. Ever.
  • I will never spit on someone intentionally. That is absolutely disgusting.
  • I will never swim with sharks.
  • I will never purposely eat meat that comes from an animal other than the usual.
  • I will never sky dive.
  • I will never never become a vampire, pirate, wizard, or ninja.


Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy New Year's, and for whatever else I missed....I wish you a joyful one of those too! ;]