Saturday, December 26, 2009


Photography is my passion. For real. Whenever I get to take pictures of something that I haven't before, and they all turn out marvelous, I get super hyper. It's sort of like a toddler who's been chowing down on the chocolate cake and Sunny-D. I get this huge adrenaline rush and I get very hyper and jumpy and chatty. I'm like that right now, actually. I just got done taking pictures of my brothers and a few of our pets in silhouette form. It was really quite awesome.

I'll write more about my love for photography another time. I'm still too hyper to take the time to write anything.

The Promised Picture

Judge me if you must, but know this: Snuggies are epic.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's The Blanket With Sleeves!

The transformation is complete. I am now 100% nerd.

Today I got a Snuggie from my grandparent's. I'm wearing it right now and oh em jay. Is it ever cozy! And I'm not going to lie, I look pretty awesome in it. The huge sleeves and floor length robe make for some great Jedi imitations. Trust me, my fellow Jedis; You will be seeing pictures very, very soon in a galaxy not so far away.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Unhearted is one of the best songs ever. The lyrics seem like just a jumble of words at first, but now that I've listened to it for the three billionth time, the lyrics make some weird sort of sense to me.

"I wear this angel's crown, to cover up my devil's frown."
"And all the things that seem out of place, like my head in outer space..."
"And I breathe 'cause it's necessary, and I sigh when I see the moon. I dream to make sleep less boring, until there was you."

Those are some of the lyrics. They make complete sense to me, and I find that last phrase particularly meaningful, but I'm not 100% why.

Don't worry, this was just yet another random post.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


To all those girls out there who think it's not possible...

I have a guy who is a really good, even best, friend and WE'RE NOT DATING NOR DO WE LIKE EACH OTHER LIKE THAT!

I believe that would be called a "burn". Later.


"In sleep he sang to me. In dreams he came."

Best. Lyrics. Ever.